Toe Spreaders, A Good Idea?

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by barefootrunner, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    Hi, i've got a question about toe spreaders,

    As being in shoes for most of my life, my feet aren't as wide as they supposed to be.
    Being alot barefoot for almost 2 years now, my feet (toes) are spreading a bit more at a slowly pace.
    I've recently seen silicon toe spreaders on the market and bought a set ( actually 2 sets :D)
    Now i'm planning to wear them at night so my toes can adjust more quickly and become nice and wide.

    But is this useful? As for i'm needing to wear shoes on some occasions.. Am i still be able to fit in my shoes, if the spreading works :S ?
  2. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I use these things whenever I have to wear work boots or athletic shoes. I have 2 toes that actually hurt when allowed to push against each other. Maybe it's age, I don't know. But the silicone spreader works very well. You have to get used to holding it in with a sock and curling your toes as you put the shoe on to get it to stay in position. Don't try adhesives, they suck. Once the shoe is on I don't even notice the spacer/spreader is there. Except that I no longer have any pain when I step.

    I would advise against sleeping with this sort of thing in place. If the orientation shifts you could wake up with feet that hurt so bad it's difficult to walk.
  3. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Is this for real?
  4. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    This is some helpful information, George!
    Can you also tell me if your toes have adapted permanently? Since that would be my goal.
  5. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    So i tried the spreaders this night and there are very comfortable! Still after a couple of hours i felt a cramp-like senstation and decided it was enough for now.
    I'm curious if it will help spread my toes eventually and get a more barefooter shape of feet. :)
    The spread of toes looks nice doesn't it?

  6. hotasphaltblisteredsoles


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    I just use mini spools of thread found in the smaller pocket-sized sewing kits. Larger spool between the big toe and the second toe, smaller spools between the rest of the toes. Some throbbing does occur when the toes are relaxed, but spreading the toes to reduce pressure of the spools of thread helps build up that extra toe spread over time. I usually don't do this for more than 10 minutes at a time and I never stand up while doing the toe spreading using the spools of thread.
  7. hotasphaltblisteredsoles


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    Sewing kit spool of thread toe spreaders. Sit down or lay on a bed while spreading the toes. Point and flex the toes. Flexing will cause some additional spreading. Avoid too much scrunching of the foot when pointing the toes but the spools of thread will cause some normal resistance anyway. Great exercise for the feet, for as long as the spools of thread don't cause too much soreness. The amount of tolerable soreness before in between the toes feels bruised will vary from barefooter to barefooter.

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  8. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    That's a good alternate solution. Can you tell me, if the feet become wider and the change is permanent? Do you also got a picture of your feet without, for reference?
  9. hotasphaltblisteredsoles


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    Sorry, I don't have any photos to compare before and after. What I do notice is how much wider I can spread the toes when I push out using the muscles of the balls of the feet to spread the toes apart—at least half of the distance the spools of thread force the toes to spread out, slightly more if I do the toe spreading more frequently such as every other day. That part appears permanent as long as I don't wear closed shoes that would compress the spread of the toes. Closed shoes compress that spread the toes wider ability much more quickly than I want them to.
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  10. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    Ok, check, some excercises along the way then, let's see how far they can spread :)
    (at the moment, almost zero to nothing..)
  11. hotasphaltblisteredsoles


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    Taken while laying down with a black background. Slightly out of focus, but it will do.

    Toes in relaxed position:


    Toes spread after pushing out with the muscles of the balls of the feet, and I had to hold this position when taking the photo:


    Big toe spread doesn't change all that much, but the spread of the other toes is significant. Stronger toes can also clench down with harder force when needed.
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  12. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    Ah! that gives a good view of how much you can spread them with practice.
    Something to work to!
    Also nice form of foot, especially the last photo ofcourse!
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Curious what is the proper width of a foot?
  14. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    i mean I was taught twelve inches
  15. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    I have no idea what the proper width of a foot is, or that it even exists.
    What i do know is that feet, not corrected by shoes, are wider at the toes. The toes are more spread out.
    So the function of the foot, making a proper platform for the rest of our body, is working correct. (something to do with the arch of the foot as well.. long story)
  16. hotasphaltblisteredsoles


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    12 inches is a lot of width! I just took a tape measure to the widest part of the foot below the shin and just in front of the ankle: 4 and a half inches wide.
  17. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    That would depend on what type of shoes you wear. It's best to let children go bare foot at least at home as much as possible. Then, don't try to cram feet into pizza shaped, pointy toed shoes. I think wearing those things bewteen your toes all night would be a bad thing, not good. You are pushing on muscles and tendons when they should be relaxed while you are resting. Unless you have bunions you are trying to correct, I cannot see any good from wearing these.You're kinda doing to your feet what you claimed shoes have done. lol

    Just keep walking barefoot and let your feet rest at night.
  18. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    Most shoes have more or less a pointy front. Except certain health shoes, for example vibrams. I own a couple of those health shoes btw and they have a wide front for extra space for the toes. (and no elevated heel for that matter)
    About using toe spreaders for correcting a foot wich has been cramped in shoes for too long... you're making a point.
    I was wondering if it was possible at all.
    And you are probably right when saying not to wear those all night, because muscles need to rest to.

    Leaves the purpose of 'excercise' as described by hotasphalt. I think excercises, with or without the toe spreaders, can be a very usefull thing. And actually enhances the muscles.

    All in moderation ofcourse.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  19. barefootrunner

    barefootrunner Members

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    Now these are some nice spread toes! :)

  20. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Fun I decided to see how far I could spread mine! I do not use toe spreaders though. IMG_20150808_24587.jpg IMG_20150808_43379.jpg
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