Would You Get An R.f.i.d. Chip?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by thefutureawaits, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    It's such a cliched response. OK maybe I have been trolled.

    Rev J
  2. thefutureawaits

    thefutureawaits Members

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    And your ok with your government lying to you? Explain building 7, explain the war on terrorism, people are dying over lies and deception and the American populace questions nothing. Your brain in numbed to the murders that are committed everyday based on lies and you are cool with it. Right on, your a blinded mind and you realize nothing. Sad, that your only refute is insults. Good luck with that.
  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  4. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    I have no explanation for building 7. The "War on Terrorism" is the same thing as any war that we have fought has been about $ pure and simple.

    But what does any of the shit you have mentioned have to do with RFID chips and how feasible it is to chip everyone?

    From a logical and logistical perspective it is impossible.

    You have answered none of my questions. You accuse me of not questioning or using critical thinking then use the same lack yourself.

    Rev J
  5. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    Not necessarily because I think it is such a bad idea on its own, but because I do not trust and have no control over who could at any point possibly access it and for what purpose.
  6. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    The thing is as both VG and I have both pointed out in different ways is that it isn't feasible, and I honestly don't even think possible to do so.

    The problem to me with most conspiracy theories is that they are based on fear. History has told us that fear is a powerful tool of control whether it is used by the government or a cult leader or a conspiracy theorist. Never trust anyone that can't give you a direct answer.

    Rev J
  7. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Are we talking about literal "RFID" chips here or any type of arbitrary device funtioning as an identification chip?

    My posts here so far have been under the assumption of the latter thinking the OP probably doesnt know the difference.

    What difference does it make? Well, a few, and the differences dictate what usage patterns would be feasible or not. RFID is widely used, but what makes them good for the current uses are not things that would make them much more efective at tracking people than current methods.
  8. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Fuck that garbage!!
  9. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I know this one. Power comes from the scanning device.

    Next identity theft scheme; cut the chip out of someone's back with a pocket knife.
  10. Metal Groomp

    Metal Groomp Members

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    Hell no. I don't want a chip in my arm that knows everything about me and sent somewhere. Scary shit.
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  11. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    First I think you just came out blasting for no reason and from any post I have read, no one says anything about chipping 7 billion people, it was a simple would you get one.

    Second, here are your answers you so demandingly want and they probably will not satisfy you and that is perfectly ok.

    1) Power the chip: Your own body. the body would give off enough electrical impulses to power a tiny chip.


    2) Tabs on 7 billion people: No one, that is why 7 billion won't be chipped only the most important 1 billion and then the NSA lol

    3) Why? Control of course. To differ is blind, why else would anyone be chipped? So we don't need to carry a wallet around? Well I like my wallet.

    So there are the responses you wanted. Feel free to attack, we eagerly await.
  12. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Hellllz no
  13. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    I think you are right in that at the present time it would probably be almost impossible to do with any success.

    In the future, who knows. My concern would be that it would be implemented on babies under the guise of safety and all. Not a conspiracy freak but if I were going to implement it that would be the ideal target base.
  14. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    Every version I've heard of this is "They want to chip all of us so they can keep tabs on everybody". I keep asking "Who are 'They'?" and get some vague response.

    Ask how it will be powered and "It will be wired into your bodies electrical system." I ask have they invented anything yet that runs off your body for a charge? Not yet.

    Then the other questions are:

    "How are they going to fund this?"

    Research and development is quite expensive. Then you have to keep manufacturing costs down, build factories, train individuals to make them, train others to program the chips, train still others to implant them, and train others read them. On top of that what are you going to do when the technology becomes obsolete.

    "What are they going to gain from this on a monetary level?"

    It is an awful large investment to do all of that manufacturing, and training to not get any of that investment back.

    "What is going to prevent your body from rejecting it?"

    You have an immune system that is there to destroy what it deems as a threat. This is why they have to give immune suppressors to organ transplant patients. Even during intercourse a females immune system produces antibodies to fight off the invading sperm cells.

    The whole concept of chipping the population seems so far fetched that if you sit and look at it as critically as you look at what the government is or isn't doing you will realize how unfeasible it is. I just went through some basic things that doesn't even figure in human error. There are so many variables that prevent it from being possible that the fact we are having is ludicrous.

    It is like arguing the existence of the monster under your bed.

    Even in the future it probably would be almost impossible.

    Here is a fact. If you live in a city you are already on camera at least 70 times a day. When you go to the store you are on camera before you even enter the store. Every time you pull up to a traffic light you are on camera. When you go to the bank, or to the ATM you are on camera.

    Another question:

    After they put all of your info on a chip what will happen if you move? Or get a name change? Or have to get the part where the chip is amputated?

    The whole thing is something out a a sci fi movie.

    If you are gong to be skeptical even be skeptical of your skepticism.

    Rev J
  15. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Seriously, they don't need a power supply inside your body. Chip power comes from whatever device is doing the scanning. RF Micro Devices in Greensboro, NC pioneered this technology, currently used widely in the retail industry. Just about every product has an RFID chip in it already. Wal-Mart requires this from every vendor. As soon as a box moves from a truck to the loading dock, Wal-Mart's computer knows what's in it, and how many items. Every car has one too. When the car enters a dealership garage, they know which car it is, and they can pull up on the database everything they know about it and its owner. No employee has to enter or look up anything.

    It only needs a unique ID number to identify you. Everything else can be stored in an online database.

    Not a problem with dogs. Anybody can get a chip implanted in their dog. It's been going on for years. Why would it be much different for humans?
  16. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    The thing is that a chip in a dog is powered for the lifetime of a dog which is tremendously shorter than a humans. On top of that. We have been having this debate in various forms for about 50 years and it is almost like discussing whether humans are going to get parts of their brains taken out in order to get hard drives put in so we can directly interact with our computers.

    There are too many variables to to the whole rfid chip thing to make it feasible. It is to the point to me where the whole discussion is a ridiculous cliche. It is the shit that non conspiracy theorists roll their eyes at going "If you wear a tinfoil hat it will bock the chip."

    Rev J
  17. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    It does not contain a power source.
  18. Reverand JC

    Reverand JC Willy Fuckin' Wonka

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    The whole thing is so implausible it is to the point of farce. I've heard this whole argument and various permutations for years.

    The people who latch on to the whole "We're all going to be chipped" thing and actually most conspiracies remind me of cult members. If you ask them questions about the logic of the conspiracy and use facts to dispute it then they will look at you and say,"You're just brainwashed and following the status quo." Then don't really offer anything substantial to back up what they have told you or refer you to some 5 hour documentary.

    Incidentally one of the oldest cult brainwashing techniques is to get someone high and repeat your message for hours. Most of the people I know who do the conspiracy theory thing have this weird ritual where they get stoned and watch documentaries on conspiracy theories for hours on end. It worked for the Hash Eaters, it worked for Manson.

    I understand the status quo. We are so bombarded with advertising messages every day telling us how unhappy we are and trying to sell us the answer, that it is no wonder people are unhappy. I question what I'm being told from the media. But I also question the conspiracy theorists who are trying to sell me an answer. I question the bible thumpers who tell me it is Satan. I question the government who tell me it is the guys over there.

    Most conspiracies have holes in them. Find the holes.

    Rev J
  19. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Tracking cell phones, cars, and credit card purchases will be good enough for most government and business purposes.

    Some paranoid people seem to consider themselves more interesting to others than they really are.
  20. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    yep, there's really nothing that I can think of that would make this much more effective (if at all) than current methods of tracking people.
  21. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It's all he does on here. He assumes a role he's not and then makes another thread about some 'profound' cliché :p

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