Identifiable Images Formed On Their Own

Discussion in 'Psychic' started by zipzone, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    well, yes and no. it's different looking at yourself, that's why self diagnosis is so strongly discouraged in psychology.
  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    There is a way to interact on a conscious level by realizing the unconscious inclinations. You say you do not create the images but the images are formed in your mind not on the substrate you are looking at. I see a circle drawn on an amalgamated surface when looking at the picture for what it is.
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    There's no way you can achieve a Master's in psychology and not be able to diagnose yourself of a basic and obvious thing like delusional thoughts/grandeur/persecution, unless, ironically, you are too delusional lol
  4. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Unless your emergence of symptoms is post script. Also there is a matter of mature emotional growth and the effects on it of trauma. You can be bright on one level and hysterical on another. A doctor with a personal life in shambles. I have suffered great anxiety in my life stemming from delusional thinking. Much of this thinking it turns out is programmed by cultural artifice or vain conceptions of the human condition. A mind free from such anxiety is kind or sane in perspective. The very definition of a degree of insanity lies in the inability to make accurate distinctions. Your are the one with the diagnosis. I see some overly introverted conceivably grandiose perceptions, maybe from a lack of substantial concerns as in having a lot of free time. Just needs to be reminded what day it is and coaxed to the fore with a friendly voice. That is my hypothesis for capturing attention. Capitalizing on our inherent suggestibility with which you are familiar.

    We shut down or circle the wagons in the face of antagonism when feeling insecure. There is an emotional element to the request for communication regarding his interest. Satisfy the emotional angst, yours as well as his, with a sympathetic ear to allow the sane mind space to be considerate. Unconditional positive regard. There is no way to transcend the boundaries you set for yourself and those you create as you bind others to your convictions about them. If a person wants to present themselves in a certain way, why not, having found and finding ourselves vain in many instances. The only remedy and safety for insanity are the non threatening/threatened, sane.
  5. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    Unless its an american college.........
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  6. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    whatever, in this case is is very appropriate.

    Whenever I do use the term, I use it correctly and do so with an understanding of what the disease is, unlike the OP.
    sorry if that makes you a little uncomfortable, but facts is facts.

    so IronJohn, why don't you tell us,
    is the OP delusional, possibly schizophrenic
    is he an amazing psychic in possession of astounding power and the rest of us just don't "get it"?
  7. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What propriety do you imagine? You suggested someone see a doctor based on very little regard for the complexity of the human condition. Your response has suggested you pop off on the impressionistic sense that your intelligence had been offended by someone who knows little about you. How much do you know about him/her having just begun posting here?
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    considering that, as you state, all we have to go on is what they have communicated here, I don't think I'm too far off base. ;)
  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    I told him what the phenomenon was in my first post, he briefly considered it and then went right back to his "I'm psychic" attitude. That doesn't make him schizophrenic... Just a little bit out of touch, and possibly quite young...

    Doesn't really matter, he hasn't come back.
  10. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    If you are off base at all you are off base. You are right that considering information the way you do that you posit illness based on your irritation and satisfaction with your own verdicts. A young developing ego sometimes fascinated with imagined potential and full of bravado and desire to be taken seriously can account admirably for this exchange both ways. There was a diagnosis used in a pejorative sense as iron john said, in context to this conversation, to dismiss and belittle what has been claimed if not the claimant himself. Accounting for the broadest definition mental imagery is psychic phenomena. It's fine that you can identify a grilled cheese sandwich from across the room but from that vantage you have no idea the variety of cheese. I don't think you as reliable a diagnostic as a good character in the cheap drama of measuring others on the basis of a self superior grasp of the issues or rather I don't know what else to applaud you for in this instance. Just because you suspect you are right doesn't make it good form in the considerate sense of someone you just met. However I am not complaining about style points but question efficacy. I think moonglow right to ask the question is it helpful. Considering information gleaned from relating to you far more extensively than you to zipzone, that kind of shit can get you banned.
  11. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Out of respect for the fact that i know noxiousgas as essentially well meaning perhaps he went to the doctor. for the sake of devious hilariousness perhaps he is on a psychotic break.
    I hope him absent because I answered his question.
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  12. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    You just attacked him for using a word totally right, and then attacked him for using it a way that he did not.

    Maybe if he calls "psychics" schizophrenic, you should consider why - maybe he's not the one with the problem. his being able to see a problem clearly and point it out doesn't make him appear to be the one with the problem. "No you, dumbhead" is not much of a defense.
  13. andallthatstocome

    andallthatstocome not a squid

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    Okay. You wanted someone respected in the psychic forum to chime in? Get thee some thorazine.
  14. Dave_the_stoner

    Dave_the_stoner Member

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    Dude, I have noticed a very similar phenomenon. You should see some of the photographic/video anomalies that I have collected that either people dismiss before seeing and don't but glance at then immediately discredit, or freak out scared over.
    I had a sit down conversation with a demon named Lilith once where she let me take 4 blurry pictures. The anomalies in the printed copies change many times through the course of a day. They either prove or disprove a temporal paradox theory or2, or 3. They're digital, message me if you'd like copies....
  15. Lovlyne

    Lovlyne Members

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    Interesting topic I hope its not too late to pitch in?
    As many many many generations of humans, life forms, etc who have been on Earth before us. Our ancestors are part of the trees, grass, rocks, everything that makes this Earth is filled with the remains souls and energies left behind. Whenever we have the honor to see a person, animal or scene within our environment, I believe it is the Ancestors speaking to us, telling us their stories.
  16. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Very nice . Ancestors are tall as I see them from now . Expect to be skyscraperish - you - what's
    your story ? But I spose you are gone .
  17. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Our minds are hardwired to find patterns where they don’t exist naturally.

    Every year hundreds of people claim to see images of Mary or Christ in everything from burnt toast to a stain on a pair of men shorts

    ………………………………then later sell it on ebay for cash
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    a virgin mary cum stain seems kind of ironic to me.
  19. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Ironic, sacrilegious... Meh.
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    personally i think too many things look like faces of humans and i'd rather see faces of cats. or other kinds of non-humans, or other kinds of things entirely.

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