I'm Having A Problem I Think May Be Related To Dmt Use Whats Your Opinion?

Discussion in 'DMT' started by Hipstudent, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    I last smoked dmt about 2 weeks ago.. it was probably my 20th time, but it was different. From what I remember it was a big black space after I stared into it awhile I noticed it wasn't really black it was half black half white but I hadn't noticed it until I noticed. Next the white space was really the back of a womans hair who rolled over and was laying with me. What I was taking out of this was relationships though the black was where there really nothing just temporary thoughts that truly don't matter but the white was love, which felt like the only emotion in the universe that's actually real. Next I remember I just noticed a darker sort of evil looking male figure who I just noticed was on the other side of her and I wanted him to leave, but when I tried to move him it was really my own hand I was just seeing with my eyes closed and he faded away. Next I seriously had a rush of knowledge come to me. I don't remember the visuals on this part but basically I just realized a lot of things about relationships and basically how to control the way people subconsciously think of you which of course changes the way they consciously think and treat you too. Ive been using this ever since even though it seemed like sort of forbidden knowledge. For an analogy for someone who doesn't understand dmt thought, it was maybe comparable to the different between a good white witches magic and this sort of knowledge was more like dark magic, or blood magic, basically just evil and not forbidden but like you should be careful with it.

    But since then I havnt slept in 2 weeks for over 4 hours. 4 hours is my maximum sometimes even 2. Im not tired or anything throughout the day or night, Its just like my body doesn't need as much rest anymore, I can be up for 20 hours and go to bed fine, but wake up completely rested and mind fucked 2 hours later.

    Im not saying this is because of dmt it could very well be coincidence, im just looking for possible reasons I may have stopped sleeping.

    Also im not saying anything said above is true, im just open and realize it very well may be as it very well may not.
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  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't think the chemical DMT has affected your sleep patterns. The body produces it on it's own so I doubt exposure to it would mess anything up, the body should be used to it.
  3. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    DMT is fairly similar to melatonin structurally which is a hormone that has a role in sleep patterns, so perhaps it's possible that a flood of exogenous DMT disrupts melatonin production/secretion in some way. That's speculative though and I don't have any studies to back it up.
  4. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Do you trust the source? Any possibility of chemical contamination?

    Is it unpleasant? You don't feel tired, or like you have insomnia? Can you sleep if you try?

    Have you recently changed marijuana or other drug habits? Sounds like the rebound period after discontinuing heavy pot or sedative use.

    If it goes on for too long you might consider trying to sleep more for your health's sake - you want to make sure you're getting your dream sleep, but even aside from that, time asleep is important.

    If it's the DMT, I would guess that for whatever reason, you are getting your REM sleep faster, which makes you feel rested - but your body may not have time to repair damage and take proper care of your brain, even if you feel awake.

    I slept 5 hours last night because of poor time management, when I would have liked 10 hours, and do the same many nights - so take whatever I say about health and sleep with a grain of salt I guess.
  5. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    I hope this isn't still going on but if it is I hope you've gone and seen a doctor. Your brain needs 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Insomnia is a very serious medical condition which results in many further diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular problems. Also mental illness will be magnified. These are just basic medical facts, you might "feel fine" after 2 hours of sleep but I guarrantee your physical body doesn't. There are basic needs that are only met from many hours of deep sleep, it's a kind of food.
  6. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    i used to have major sleeping problems because i was used to going out and partying all night, and i work from home so i dont have to get up in the morning. it was really bad just like u described i could go for 2 days without sleep and then i would sleep for like 10-16 hours. this went on for years until my body just got used to not sleeping at night, and usually when i did sleep it would be during the day which sucked because then i lost a day of work.

    so i recently found a miracle cure. it literally worked over night! no exaggeration, i had mad insomnia then i did this one little trick one day and it just stopped. what i started doing was working out early in the morning, like around 7 am. what i found is that my body would naturally get tired at night and i could easily fall asleep.

    obviously you have to have some discipline for this to work consistently.
  7. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Sorry I took so long to reply, I don't get on here much. Incase your curious which I doubt, mainly I just want to ramble on some ideas and possibly get other peoples opinions on them.
    I havnt used dmt since before that post, however my sleeping hasn't changed much, if I go to sleep extremely stoned I can sometimes get a couple hours more, but its different than my sober sleep. Ive started having these really wild dreams. I don't think its lucid dreaming, in the sense that when you lucid dream arnt you aware that your dreaming and can influence it with your conscious thoughts?
    My dreams now are almost like I know im dreaming, I know it isn't real, but I also know it effects me consciously as well, though Im still completely unaware of this reality as well, like when I dream every reality is equally unreal.
    Some examples(skip if you don't care about hearing about my dreams im getting off subject)
    I have even started dreaming within my dreams, and being so confused as to pull out my cellphone. I feel so consciously aware in these dreams like I can literally phone a friend and ask them if this shit is real or not, if they're real, if im real, but then deciding I was scared incase in a layer of dream I was talking on the phone to a person in a different reality who would think I was crazy trying to speak from the one I was in lol
    Ive been inside dreams within dreams where im rewatching parts of other peoples lives as an invisible ghost watching events that didnt really happen (at least i assume they didn't)
    I even remember one dream so vididly of me, 2 random people, and a shaman sitting on the side of a highway with cars driving by talking about my dreams lately, in this dream the 2 random people were my "best friends" and when I told them they weren't real they got sad kind of. But I felt emotional as well, as if you were telling your two best friends in this life they weren't real and you were serious, so I came to the conclusion in this dream that it doesn't matter though, because obviously having an emotional effect even in a dream is still having a real effect on you, making it real. After I told them even though they weren't real they have just as much importance as my best friends in any other reality, the shaman put a slow tempo on his drum and the entire reality of that place started vibrating and shifting to something new and I felt as if I had passed some level on a game called life.

    And many more every night, however I cant really talk about this with anyone, this is not like dreaming, its something different, its more intense, its vivid, its more memorable. Im not saying I have a problem with it, Im just a little confused as to if this can be normal for some people, if something spiritual or cosmic is happening no one can really explain at this time, or if im just going crazy with some mental "illness" causing this.
  8. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Also since this started I started meditating, I try to get at least 20 minutes a day.
    After about 5 minutes of meditation, my experience usually turns extremely psychedelic.
    Im not talking swirly lights and geometric patterns flying around, Im just talking about different emotions flooding me, and feelings inside my body of energy, some slight closed eye visuals that are more like waves and swirls than geometry.

    Is this normal for everyone too? I don't really know if everyone experiences this in meditation because I just started.
  9. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    It's official: you're bonkers.

    You need sleep, but exercise and meditation and pot all sound like better ideas than any hypnotic or anything you might get, if you go to a doctor don't let them turn you into a zombie.
  10. Hipstudent

    Hipstudent Member

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    Is it possible that some people can just change to require less sleep? As long as this has been going on I feel totally fine and rested.
    Im obviously not going to the doctor or anything because after a story like that, most would probably think im nut, but even if they took me seriously I don't want a generic "heres a script for ambien take 1 a night before bed" which I would refuse to take.

    I remember a book I read about a monk, Its common they get used to about 4 or 5 hours a sleep per night, although they meditate so many hours a day it may be sort of like rest for their bodies who knows?
  11. the23

    the23 Members

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    One of my buddies who one would consider to be "enlightened" said that when he was in the stream of god consciousness (feeling vibrations, knowing knowledge that he didn't learn, and eating less) he would only get 2-4 hours of sleep and still be perfectly fine.

    Chances are you just stumbled upon something spiritual and your body just needs less energy to refuel itself.

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