Flawed Libertarianism

Discussion in 'Libertarian' started by Balbus, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Balbus

    Balbus Senior Member

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    I understand - for a certain measure of understanding
  2. hillbillyhippy

    hillbillyhippy Member

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    Here is my libertarianism. No corrupt government. No political power to use to sweep treason under the rug. Treason shall be punished by either exile depending on the persons connections death by firing squad. (Hey the government still does that today if the person knows too much such as missile codes.). Taxes, screw taxes. When people see that we need services and roads they will do so out of necessity because there isn't a government to make a road. Any body who impedes on another persons constitutional rights shall be punished. I keep my guns and own whatever the hell guns I want and if you dont like it piss off in the other direction because its my constitutional right. Of course we may need some "politicians" but none of them will be paid. The minute we don't like you we throw you out of office and pick a new guy. This is my property you won't tell me what to do with it screw your home owners association, and if things get too out of control well that's what our guns are for. You dont have to have a gun that's your choice but don't take mine away. Corporations will not be allowed to lobby and give kickbacks to politicians this avoids corrupt corruption. If a corporation gets out of hands deal with it so that it is no longer a problem. Honestly I just want to be left alone and in peace why is that so hard?

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