Keeping up to date on Kratom (US)

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by Mad Nok, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Mad Nok

    Mad Nok Member

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    Hello everyone! I have made this thread with a simple question: How does everyone stay up to date on the legality of kratom in their state/country? I live in one of the southern most states in the US and recently learned that last year my county tried to ban kratom when we had a wave potpourri "incense" in headshops. Thank god, It did not pass.

    I am merely a little concerned (At least in my state lol) that one day im going to put in an order for a load of Maeng Da and learn that it has been made illegal. Over all, If I am going to continue my Kratom use (And I shall!) I want to know how everyone else in the US stays up to date on the legality of kratom.

    So. Does everyone just use google? Or is there some sort of kratom legality website that is updated every day?

    I appreciate any and all input, thanks guys!
  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    You can check Kratom on erowid, there is a law section for it that has fairly extensive information on where it has been made illegal and pending legislation. It's not updated daily, but will likely be updated when or if new laws both state and federally pass effecting It's legal status.

    Kratom got removed from sites out in the open such as Amazon without it being scheduled, so based on intuition and what I've seen with other psychoactive herbs, there likely will not be a plan to make it illegal soon. However, it seems to be more used with potential for addiction compared to many of those other psychoactive herbs, which may lead to more negative incidents.
  3. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I have actually never even tried it. But I do know that if I ever, in the future, find myself or a family member, in a situation with one or both of us needing suboxone again.... (happened three times least so yea...), I will be trying kratom first-although I know it's not as strong.... I think I'd rather tough it out w the assistance of kratom (from what I've heard of it, which is a good bit recently), then deal with having to stop suboxone again, as that is an ordeal and a half in itself. (I think it's legal in my state... I have heard people, not that long ago here, talking about getting it in headshops but hell, for all I know it's not.)
  4. Colimon

    Colimon Cheesus Christo

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    It would be extremely beneficial to society as an anti-opiate. It also doesn't cut down on motivation or energy, which can allow someone to function in society while controlling the urges to do opiates. I personally didn't find this herb too addictive or consuming, but some opiate users who experienced it with me adored it way more and used it alot once its discovery. I guess the addictive factor depends on the person.
  5. Johnny Decker

    Johnny Decker Members

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    Good information: "You can check Kratom on erowid, there is a law section for it that has fairly extensive information on where it has been made illegal and pending legislation." I am researching and writing some articles on Kratom and the alkaloids that give it its strenght. I did find some infomation on this site, but it's just a blog. Does anyone have any good sites they can recommend for information about Kratom's potency?

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