Tongue getting sores after using MDMA

Discussion in 'MDMA - X' started by intongues, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    The last batch of MDMA i've gotten has given some different after-affects than alot i've done before. Not so much the rush or the high, I think it's great and seems very clean and fairly pure!

    ..but afterwards if i take a decent amount, my tongue gets kind of burned feeling, and has little white kinda blisters on it along the sides and near the back. I know the clenching jaw happens as well, but is that what's causing my tongue to get sore or is it maybe something about the M?

    It's happened before the odd time i'd do it, but over the course of years. With this batch it happens alot more than ever before. I also notice it messed up my neck more than usual. I'm used to getting sore back or whatever for a bit after but this one attacks the upper neck above the shoulders, to a point where I just got to lay down and it's all tense.

    I don't do unsafe amounts of it, but just noticed the occasional time i do it with this batch it happen more often and i'm wondering if there's something maybe cut with it that's causing this more than usual or is it just the fact that i'm clencing and the stuff messes me up pretty well!
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    get a binky, or a mouthpeice if ur not a candy kid. i think thats from pressing ur tongue against the roof of your mouth and/or teeth. u don't realize that your doing it until u fuck up ur mouth or afterward

    it also makes u tense ur neck and shit and make weird movements with ur neck so thats why ur neck is sore, and not drinking enough water would make ur muscles hurt even worse. u don't realize ur doing this stuff but to anyone sober you would probably look super cracked out lol
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  3. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    Oh I notice it and i expect it to a point.. but seems like this batch gives worse affects. The tongue thing rarely happend before, maybe a sore jaw but it looks and feels like a chemical burn on my tongue but none even touched it!

    It must be just the tenseness of my tongue in my mouth, as much as i notice it i can't help it really it's just automatic.

    It goes away after a day or so, but just noticed it alot more lately.
  4. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    did that batch of MDMA feel different when you were rolling, other than the physical things you mentioned?
  5. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    most batches i get give a different feel to it - since i only grab once a year or so, I guess where i spread it out so much, by the time i go back to get another bit it's prob a new batch all together from a new connect or something..

    This stuff gave a great high, was nice and crystally, looked quite pure. I done enough of it to get a real good feel for it, I don't believe it was better or worse than any mdma before. My living situation is a bit different from then, so it's a newer setting and i expected to have a different type of time with it.. but the price was worrying me.

    I still grabbed it and am quite happy after we worked it out. But the tongue burning never happened this often before and i've taken higher doeses many times and keep it relatively low now.
  6. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    i don't think really think it necessarily means anything on its own. justt know that its not the chemical that does this, its what you do with your tongue inside your mouth while your rolling that does this its from the friction of rubbing your tongue against the roof of ur mouth then it gets sore and difficult to not notice ur doing it after that but you really cant help it.
  7. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    It could be some leftover chemical from the synthesis. Something that even in short exposure swallowing would burn but I would think you would notice that quicker then the next day.
  8. mozeshigh

    mozeshigh Members

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    It's called "geographical tongue" and unfortunately it's the direct effect of mdma on your stomach and guts. You can have the same after speed usage (actually speed is even worse).
    I had the same. Not all the users have this cause there could be some other additional causes. You better check the ph level in your stomach, overall stomach health and make a blood test for any parasites. And you need to know - it's not only sores on tongue but it's a symptom of bad condition of your internals. Take care and stay healthy.
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