CIA mind control. *Graphic Content*

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by StpLSD25, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I'm too scared to watch that video...Kind of trying to ignore that kind of thing.
  2. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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  3. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    From the link,
    There's that "dumbed down murica" thing again.

    "minds of mush", I think that's mostly mental abuse / domestic violence issues .. but the link has a terror - horror - gore explanation,


    So what are people watching on TV these days, anyway? Do people still like horror movies and horror shows?
  4. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Horror movies are not really my scene,but can be strangely cathartic if you happen to catch one at the right time.I like spooky,mysterious,old school spy stuff.
  5. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    Look, the people of this country are purposely dumbed-down
    and desensitized through television, and other outside influences pushed unto us by government and the status quo.
  6. RandomVegan

    RandomVegan Member

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    news to me! everyone I know uses it to reduce inhibitions
  7. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    "It's too late for you! You already in the hole!" - Craig "This is the end"
  8. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Yes, they need to consume more youtube and Ron Paul speeches... and buy more guns-- then everyone would be smart and sensitive!
  9. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    ? I think you just made the other guy's point a slam dunk?
  10. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Isn't it true though that each individual has a responsibility to educate themselves? People CAN choose.

    I'm always astounded at view counts for Harvard's YouTube channels. "stupid" videos get millions of views while Harvard's often have only a few hundred, sometimes a few thousand.

    That tells me what people are CHOOSING. There's plenty out there, they just have to look, seek, search (research), study, learn ..

    Oh, and I'm not speaking to you personally but I'm responding to the point of your message.
  11. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    I mean that it restricts peoples actions. I know what you're saying, because people do drink so they're more socially active, however, in reality you're basically suffocating your braincells. alcohol impairs your motor skills, cognitive functioning and, tampers with your ambitions and morality.

    In that way, it makes sense why government trying to control their populace, would legalize that, before Marijuana or LSD, which is less toxic than alcohol, and I believe they give you greater control of your body and mind, than alcohol.

    That is where I was getting to with regards to alcohol. Sorry if I offended you, I just don't see alcohol as really benefitting those who drink it; On top of what I've already mentioned, it is horrible for your liver.
  12. odonII

    odonII O

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    All of it or some of it?

    What did you find out about:

    '...CIA was putting children through sexual and other type of abuses, as means of controlling their mind.' (Cathy does not mention that, she says that they used her sexual abuse not inflicted sexual abuse. )

    '...over a hundred Nazi scientist, to start experimenting on Mind Control techniques, for the CIA.'

    What is the source of this No.?
    Is it based on the assumption : 'well, it must have been over 100' ?"]CIA / MK-ULTRA Hearings - Survivor Testimony 1996 - YouTube
    Dr Green(e) (doesn't sound German)

    Why would the elite allow testimony?
    The logic here makes my head spin.

    Come testify? Officially?
    As far as I am aware, 'mind control' doesn't work.
    At his retirement in 1972, Gottlieb dismissed his entire effort for the CIA's MKUltra program as "useless."

    They (obviously not the part of the government that is part of the elite etc etc, obviously) tried to investigate who, what and when - but records were destroyed.
    Plus, I would imagine, many are dead.
    So (as they say): 'Good luck with that'.

    citation needed

    So, you don't know if it did or did not?
    I thought all of this was fact?
    What agenda?

    This is just outright wrong.

    Some people say the liberalisation of TV - in part by shows such as 'Roseanne' - are 'satanic'/pushing sexual perversion etc etc etc.
    Some people say that LGBT issues portrayed on TV is to depopulate the world (well, America - I don't think they show 'Roseanne' in Saudi Arabia)
    Some peopl...well, you get the idea."]Roseanne Barr talks about MK ULTRA mind control in Hollywood - YouTube"]Ritual Abuse, MKUltra & Gangstalking (Full Length) - YouTube

    Bad taste, bro. Bad taste.
  13. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    actually she does. She indicates members of the Cia, as well as government officials. (In her book, and other interviews)Cathy has not gotten the chance to testify in court, as they claim it would violate "National security." That's just the governments way of covering their crimes.

    "Dr. Green" is a code name. I don't believe that is his real last name.

    two reasons-
    They probably got someone who wouldn't disclose the abuse

    and secondly, when people find out about government corruption, 30-40 years down the line, the people believe it's too late for justice, despite the fact, that the newer elitest do the same things as the old ones did.

    That was probably a modest number, just look up "operation paperclip."

    No, neither. Their proof is probably tied up in red tape anyway

    Being that thought is comprised of electronic signals, I tend to believe that everything from pain to emotions could theoretically be altered through electronic impulses.

    actually, the names are out there, and many are not dead. Most are retired. But Cathy indicated some people largly involved in politics, even today. Not just some random Cia scumbags- and, I think more information will come out about governmental and political abuse on citizens, including women and, children, as time goes on. Because these politicians truly believe they're above the laws.

    There's even stories of Homosexual abuse going on in Bohemian Grove, (where many wealthy politicians go.)

    I believe that people don't want to believe this stuff, because they don't want to believe we live in a society that lets the wealthy get away with this type or dehumanizing actions, but we do.

    "For the love of money, is the root of all evil"

    Oswald was on the payroll of both: The FBI and the Cia. It is a widely known and accepted fact, at this point. It is also believed, he was a double agent in Russia for a while.
    You're twisting my words (as always.) Part of their agenda, was controlling the mind with a remote control. I was saying IF they accomplished mind control. I personally believe they did, and I also believe they are purposely behind many of the events that have shaped our history, without any knowledge or reprecussions from the Public.

    No, it's not!! This is one of those things, I'm really sick of hearing from Liberals.

    "I've brushed with fluoride my whole life.. so, I don't believe that."

    I've drank and brushed with fluoride too, but it has now been proven, and government has undoubtibly known for a long time, that it lowers the IQ, and impairs neurological development..

    No, I don't. I think you're the one using sensationalism, by suggesting that it is my intention to somehow limit free speech or something, because I don't like the government occupying Hollywood with their Mind Control victims. Meanwhile, it's two entirely different things.

    This is another thing that makes me laugh about leftists; they use these mass shootings to Declare anyone who believes in the second amendment, is exactly like adam lanza or Nancy Lanza.

    But, when someone suggests that the government could've played a part in it, they're called "unpatriotic." Meanwhile, the government is the only one with any real motive, in these cases, to make citizen look radical, so they can wage war on "Domestic terror." You just don't see it cause you're not looking, and you don't want to see it.
  14. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    I was mostly pointing out the irony of STP talking about people being dumbed down, as if he didn't have the same problem in a different way.
  15. odonII

    odonII O

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    Actually, you are right.


    The first 'hearings' were in 1977.
    I can't say I have listened/read every word, but I would imagine that would have come out - if true.
    Who are 'they' and why would 'they' have 'hearings' in the first place (that being the point).

    I did.
    It does not mention how many were part of OMKU.
    That is why I asked.
    Elsewhere it mentions what agencies/companies (etc) took part, but I could not find a specific No. of 'Nazis'.

    Hey next time you can say 9,000"]9,000 Nazis Conduct MKULTRA - YouTube

    Altered is not the same as control.

    Speculation. Idle, speculation.

    Agh, I was presuming you were trying to imply Oswald was part of this 'mind control' - that kind of 'working for the CIA'.

    How am I?
    I started off asking if all of this was true (you ignored that question).
    You end your post saying 'If'.
    That makes me wonder what is and isn't factual but an opinion.

    You said: 'Fluoride in our drinking water (lowers the IQ, and makes people apathetic)

    I had a feeling that is the 'evidence' you would use (It tends to be used a LOT around here).
    Evidence based on heavy doses in CHINA does not mean anything with regards to YOUR drinking water.
    I have said elsewhere fluoride is a toxin in LARGE doses (much like water itself).
    Even one of your articles states: 'high fluoride concentrations in drinking water'

    If fluoride naturally occurs in water, have we all been made thick for millions of years?

    This does not make any sense.

    My point was: Somebody is more than likely sitting in front of their computers starting a forum post (that is, like, totally 100% true) that 'TV' is doing all of the things I mentioned.
    Does it make it true? Er, NO.

    A. Leftist? lol. Me? Lol.
    B. Please don't put words into my mouth or associate me with the feelings of others.
    Thank You.

    I said it was bad taste because the flippant way you said it.

    As it happens, I did stumble upon this today:

  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You think the Rothchilds are leftist? How about the Kocks? Leftist also? the Dems may be complicit in some of this stuff, but what you're saying about leftists perfectly fits those with the most control/money, which are right wingers.
  17. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Not to interrupt...but y'all made me think....some of these research chems seem to be readily available, big gob dirt cheap and cause really delusional/paranoid states. "Dope street" usually doesn't hawk bad dope? Even if not for direct mind control but rather indirect effects of destruction for various purposes and to test mass effects? Not trying to noid it up, but since people who want to sell dope usually try to sell successful dope....I don't know. Made me kinda wonder....also, how often do you get enough of anything to whack albuquerque just dirt cheap? Just a thought your disc gave me ~
  18. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    What you're saying is a common lie that Leftists tell themselves to avert any blame to the Republicans.

    When in reality, both Clintons and Obama go to Bilderberg (an international forum for the elite bankers and politicians, to "discuss world events and policy." and, they don't allow active media, (which is a violation of the Logan act)

    Gore, as I pointed out, acts as though his #1 objective is "Global Warming," yet, he uses 20X more electricity than your average citizen.

    Ted Turner, (self-declared Liberal,) believes that the Government should implement population control,(limiting families to 1 child,) despite the fact that he is the number one land owner in this country, and he himself has 5 children.
    Oh, and I almost forgot to mention; he controls nearly half of all media we see.. CNN etc.

    Many of the anti-gun Democrats involved in politics, own guns personally, and have secret service, with guns. Yet, they act like the average citizen doesn't deserve guns. The same goes for Rosie O Donnel, and other TV heads.

    I used to be a liberal, because I was also stuck on the fabricated idea, that the government can make life "fair."

    But, I've came to the good side in realizing that force is wrong, and therefore nearly everything the government does is wrong. and it's true..

    Whenever they expand, waste money, start wars etc. The people always do the dirty work, while the government and corporations sit and collect.

    Plus, the corporations get what they want from government through bribes, and the Republicans and Democrats are controlled by the same people. There is virtually no difference. and, sorry, scratcho, but, I really believe there is no lesser evil.. I think that is merely a facade to keep people content, by voting for the "other guy."

    Then we find out, (much like with Obama,) this puppet is just as bad as the last one....
  19. odonII

    odonII O

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    Have you the text where he says this?

    I think you take way too many things out of context, and are too willing to believe the interpretations of others that have been twisted and turned over the years.

    You have to think: Is the worlds (or because you are entirely focused on/with America: America) population decreasing? NO.
    Is it likely Ted Turner has enough clout to alter the policies of the entire planet? NO.

    So all you end up doing is rattling off points that don't mean an awful lot.

    You and Ted might share the same type of personality."]Ted Turner Depopulation Plan Exposed (Agenda 21 Openly Admitted!) - YouTube
  20. StpLSD25

    StpLSD25 Senior Member

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    Me and "Ted" may. That is besides the point that we disagree politically. and yes, I've heard Ted Turner say he believes in one child families. It was not taken out of context.

    and btw, he probably has enough money and influence to change some policies in his favor. It doesn't matter, cause my only point was that mainstream Democrats/Liberals, are just as bad, fake and, hypocritical as the mainstream republicans.

    Merely "believing" they're different, doesn't change the fact that their policies are the same. In that, the spending never shrinks, the government never shrinks and, the people pick up the tab, for a government which lives above their means, and spies on citizens and targets them.

    I have some hope people will wake up, when you suddenly can't say what I say about government.

    Btw, that all ties in with mind control. I believe members of the two major parties are being deceived to believe there's a difference, while the government works against the true interests of the people. Government force isn't peace, and it never will be. Occupation is not victory.

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