Do you know who you "truly" are?

Discussion in 'Existentialism' started by ginalee14, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    I am inigo montoya
  2. Dejavu

    Dejavu Until the great unbanning

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    Page 21, post #204

    I am the who be the we are all to gather, or... man, ask thedope, or try to work out, peaceably if possible, if you or BBAD is the doppelganger.
  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I am orson bean
  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Brian: We are all individuals!

    Crowd: YES! We are all individuals!!

    One guy in crowd: I'm not.
  6. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    LMAO. I'll have to remember that one! That is a great existential joke.
  7. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    Once again the importance of this problem is made evident----here is something I wrote yesterday:


    We the people, living within Modern American culture (which is in effect Post-Modern global culture) have become so trapped in objectivist reality, that we no longer even understand what it means to be a person. Case in point, is today’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of family run corporations not having to cover contraceptives for female workers based on religious grounds. In other words, the Supreme Court is continuing to allow a corporation to execute the rights of a person, even if doing so infringes upon the rights of real people.

    This is touted as religious freedom, which it is as long as we consider it only in terms of the historically traditional popular American definition of freedom of religion: one is free to worship the religion he or she chooses as long as that religion is a form of Christianity. (No wonder it was illegal for Native Americans to practice their own traditional beliefs until the mid 1970’s.)

    How can there be religious freedom, when a family run corporation is able to impose its own religious beliefs and values onto its workers? What about the religious beliefs and values of all those workers who are, in fact, real people? The religious right in this country fails to see the real implications. But they very quickly would, for example, if a Muslim family owned corporation used this law to require all women to don burqas while at work. Or what if a Hindu family owned corporation used the law to require all workers to practice daily meditation using a Sanskrit mantra?

    The problem is a corporation, even a family owned one, does not go to church. It does not consciously hold a religious, or any other kind of belief, in fact, it is not even conscious, let alone, conscious of moral, ethical, religious, or spiritual values. To argue that such an entity can be religious due to a corporate culture, is to deny the subjective value of individuals. A corporation may have a corporate culture, but it is nothing more than an abstract representation of someone’s or a group of someone’s conscious beliefs and values. It does not, and cannot, compare to an individual’s subjective experience of having beliefs and values.

    In short, a corporation, or any company for that matter, is not a person. It is a collection of people who come together for a specific purpose. Therefore it is an objective reality. Only people experience life in a subjective existential manner.

    The modern world does not, of course, consider that ‘corporations’ experience life in a subjective manner as much as it denies subjectivity and operates on the false assumption that all life is objective. We are all so deeply alienated from our true selves, that we have fallen onto a dysfunctional objective concept of the individual. This is made even worse by the fact that Modern Man, each individually, understands such objectivist reality of all others each from his or her own selfish subjective perception. We live by the maxim that what is good and correct for me, is good and correct for all others. Hence all the terribly sexist remarks made by so many male congressmen, senators, and presidential candidates of the GOP. They are not women, and by objectively determining what a woman is based solely on their own self-centered male understanding of women, they see no problem at all with their remarks and attempts to regulate women’s lives. This understanding of life is so simplistically false that it is the same as someone who enjoys the experience of mustard gas so much, that they force everyone to experience mustard gas (because, they decide, that no matter how much others protest, they must actually like it), whether it has fatal results or not.

    It is long past the time that we must rediscover what life is, and what it means to be an individual. It was in consideration of this very same problem that such schools of philosophy as phenomenalism and existentialism developed well over a century ago. And yet the problem has only become more aggravated since philosophy began questioning the growing objectivism of science and its shape on our daily lives.

    At the very least, corporations, even those owned by a family, should not be given the rights reserved for individual living people. A corporation does not go to church, it cannot be put in jail when it breaks the law, and it does not experience infringement upon its own rights in the same manner that an individual experiences them. Any time a corporation exercises the rights that should be reserved for authentic living individuals, it infringes upon the rights of others—others that are in fact authentic living people.
  8. Dejavu

    Dejavu Until the great unbanning

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    2"]He's Not The Messiah - Monty Python's Life of Brian - YouTube
  9. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    Oh! Life of Brian----I should have known! It has been so any years since I've seen that...
  10. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Yes, I am the man who voted and altered my existential responsibility to accountable political responsibility of the citizen; but they won't arrest me for it.

    I don't know who truly I am. Couldn't existing be that way of the denial of that self? Then there should be the missing Self. Yes, I must write by and for the missing 'self'. As I only read of the fully primitive Self.
  11. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    Of course---I like Asmodean's version better----he left out the line about everyone being different. Way to go Asmodean!

    ...Wait a minute... it is all clear now-------I have finally seen the light! Hey everyone! Asmodean is the messiah!!!!!!!

    Praise be to Asmodean! Come on everyone, let's form a mob and follow Asmodean!
  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  13. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    So we are lying about the essence of who we, each one of us, are anyway. I wanted the view that there was something for the view being: at that meaningful being of oneself we don't succeed. This view of the nature about the transcendental world bringing us to our senses has to discover the sense of non-doing. I do therefore I am is existential. But who judges the value for anything Done? Nature exists for It from a created essence higher than mere peoples'.


  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    who you truly are, is a book that contains only what you alone draw and write in it.

    anyone else might see that book, but they see only its cover or whatever page it happens to be open to at the moment they look.
    if they even notice or see it at all.

    there are other things though that matter, because how you act affects everything else, including what everyone else experiences.
    but no one but yourself can even know your true self.
    Driftrue likes this.

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