Wish You Could Go Back and Do School All Over Again?

Discussion in 'Higher Ed' started by Amethyst87F, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    I'd practice restraint. I'd seduce a woman and then get married as soon as possible. Vietnam would look confusing, but the Americans would then to me would not be right for justice and liberty. I'd understand what illegal is from unjust war.
  2. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    I wouldn't want to go back as it was, I'd go back with my own pickings of what to learn. A lot of what I did learn was a waste of time.
    Funny I did miss it at one point and for a good few years I was totally horny for more education so I took many things I wanted to learn, some at home and some through the university here. It paid off too. Got me where I am now and I still want to take a few courses but I doubt I will because I know I don't really need them. Had I known what I really wanted to do with my life I would have done this years ago but I can't say I regret doing any of the work I did.
    A lot of what I'd like to learn now has to do with moving from what I do now into some other related positions but I really don't want to leave what I am doing now so best I stick with what I have and leave that learning for another life I might come back to, haha.
    School wasn't bad tho but I still say lots was a waste of my time and theirs. Sometimes I think it's just a place to plant kids for 12 years so parents get a break.
  3. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I wish I could go back to the point where I decided not to go to the college of my dreams even though I was accepted. I can't really remember now why I decided not to go but I would like to kick my younger self for making that decision.

    It isn't really about education though, just life experience. The school was in a really cool city and I think I would have really enjoyed living there for a few years
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    wish i could take any class i want, at any college or university i feel like it, and have access to their science and engineering libraries and be able to check things out form them, for free, for ever.

    but i wouldn't want to relive any part of my life i was a legal ward/dependent of anybody. i'd rather relive times i lived by myself out in the woods then any time i've ever had to live with anybody.

    nothing against my current company. they're probably the best people i ever have lived with. i've just always felt happier and safer alone.

    but there well never be an end to all the things more i would love to take classes in and learn.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Nah I learned everything I needed to, got out of uni with a sports medicine degree, put in the effort.
  6. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    Nope, I had a great experience. Although I'm only half finished paying for it.
  7. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Yeah sometimes I wish I could. I had a blast in college. When I was in high school, I thought I wanted to go into building hot rods and restore classic cars and go to tech school for that. I apprenticed for who ran his own auto restoration shop; I learned lots just working with him. But he fell into all sorts of financial and legal problems with his significant other. He became an alcoholic out of depression of all the situations he was being put into. Every day I had to run to the liquor store and pick him up a handle of very cheap vodka, otherwise he wouldn't work. But if he got too drunk, he became unproductive. He told me how much he hated his life and wished he'd have taken it a different direction. This convinced me not to follow this dream. Instead I got a liberal arts degree, and later a product design degree, a field with not a lot of opportunities. After graduating from both institutions, I worked a shitty mindless job before I finally found a client who'd take me seriously enough to hire me for freelance work. College was a blast, I would totally go back again and study car customization and mechanics, and do something I'm more passionate about. I guess I could go into that without a college degree though, but it would have made the process much easier. I'm very fickle about my career path, and I keep bouncing back and forth.

    I would totally re-live college all over again. I'm still dwelling on a girlfriend I met in college who was the one that got away. I would relive those events again if it meant having a second chance with her.
  8. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

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    I have to update in order to keep doing what I do so I actually have always had to stay current and never totally stopped my "education". I love learning so that has not been an issue. I honestly can not imagine not taking classes or reviewing material.
  9. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    I pretty much couldn't wait to get out of "school". :)
  10. the_doors_of_perception

    the_doors_of_perception Member

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    I graduated college this May and would go back now if I could. Best four years of my entire life...the funny thing is, almost every amazing thing happened during the last semester of my senior year. xD
  11. the_doors_of_perception

    the_doors_of_perception Member

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    I guess it would be more accurate to say the last two years of college were the best. First two weren't all that special. But I enjoyed them all a lot nonetheless. I love being in school...love my teachers, love learning (definitely doesn't have to be in school though). I like learning through travel. :book:
  12. Shakti_Om

    Shakti_Om Local Pixie

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    I hated school so much. Repeat school..no way! I'd certainly consider changing a few things or perhaps standing up to the odd bully I cried away from. But then maybe those experiences shaped who I am today and to be honest I'm comfortable and happy with where I am right now.
    I just think...'I had regrets, but then again too few to mention.' :)

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  13. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Yeah, I'd love to .. all the way from Kindergarten straight through high school. I'd do it all over if I could. I was selected for advanced classes in third grade but turned down the opportunity for social reasons. I was already bullied and knew that those "special" classes would earn me more suffering. But academically, the opportunity could have changed my future. I didn't benefit much from junior high because of family problems and personal suffering (distracted me terribly so I went from a straight A student to C's, at best). High school, forget it. I spent most of my time in detentions and suspension, for tardiness and absenteeism, when I had a diagnosed sleep disorder that kept me being a functional student. My sleep disorder, and personal sufferings (foster kid), literally cost me my high school diploma.

    Yes, I would love to do it all over again .. but only if all the circumstances were better.
  14. storch

    storch banned

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    I hated school because I was always hungry and didn't have the energy to focus for very long. School convinced me that I was stupid. I remember being threatened by teachers who would tell me that I would fail if I didn't buckle down. My only question about that was whether or not it would hurt. They had no idea about the shit I had to put up with at home, and they never once asked. Not that it was their job . . . I guess. Later in life I ran into a lot of real stupidity, which showed me that I really wasn't stupid at all; I was just really angry. Sometimes anger looks a lot like stupidity.

    So, like Gina, the only way that I would want to do it all over again is if circumstances were more accomodating.
  15. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Actually, I found the opposite to be true. The kids in advanced classes are competitive mentally, not physically. Big difference. You end up socializing with "smarter" kids rather than roughneck bullies (who later become rednecks and cops!) Sorry to hear your educational path didn't go so well. Usually the staff will try to help kids out in your situation, but you have to ASK for help.
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  16. -Yggdrasil-

    -Yggdrasil- Einherjar

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    I'd go back to school at the snap of a finger. Not to learn or study or to further my advances in the future, nope. I just wanna have fun again ya know. Maybe smack a couple peeps in the head for once, shit I should have done while I had the chance.
  17. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    No... just no.

    Alright.... For the sake of accuracy. No fucking way in hell.
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  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    maybe in a big school. i went to a small school, and our advanced program (which also started in third grade, so it was likely the same one or something similar) basically consisted of taking the 6 or so advanced kids out of the regular classroom for an hour twice a week to do some special activities, then sending us back into the regular classroom with everyone else.

    of course, being in the advanced group basically made you the "cool kids" at that point. it wasn't until about fifth grade that it started to become stigmatized.
  19. shygurl170

    shygurl170 Members

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    I would get involved in more activities if I were back in high school. I would have studied a foreign language and traveled for a semester in college.

    Not too late, just something I would have done differently.
  20. leeds85

    leeds85 Member

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    sounds like a good new year's resolution, travel more and learn a language. Just do it or else you'll be saying the same thing in 10yrs time, 'i wish i was 30 again...........etc

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