What of Islamic democracy for the Sports:

Discussion in 'Islam' started by Anaximenes, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    QUOTE from Al-jazeera concerning the follies of the civil war and the past on uprisings of Egypt and Syria:
    "Saudi Arabia is a staunch ally of the US and Israel in this opposition to the uprisings. As a retrograde monarchy with no democratic institutions ever allowed disrupting its tribal rule, it is naturally opposed to any mass revolution that ipso facto exposes its political obscurantism. Iran is a strange bedfellow with Saudi Arabia in this endeavour. Having swallowed a vastly cosmopolitan political culture, and eliminating all its ideological rivals in the aftermath of the Iranian revolution of 1977-1979, the custodians of the Islamic Republic are not happy with a tsunami of revolutions that returns to the global stage what they are doing their best to repress. Initially they branded these revolutions as “Islamic Awakening”, and when Egyptians revolted against the Muslim Brotherhood, they learned their lesson and let a moderate like Hassan Rouhani become president and began negotiating a better deal for their future with “the Great Satan”."

    We can take all of this status-quo conscience for democratic sports throughout the regions of economic enlightenment and freedom to do business as hopeful for the cause of self-control and trust in the successfully opportunely rich. Ar muslims true to their hearts at sports. Being "ally" can mean "awakening" to acceptance of custodians diverted from protectors.

    So who are the Iranians interested in? The Saudi custodians or the Israeli and U.S. protectors?
  2. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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  3. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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