Any Chai Recipes?

Discussion in 'Beverages' started by earthfriend, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. earthfriend

    earthfriend Member

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    Hey, anyone know of any good chai recipes? I love the stuff, but am always having to pay 3 bucks for it at some cafe. I know there's gotta be some recipes out there somewhere...
  2. cousinit

    cousinit Member

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    just look up chia tea on yahoo, lotsa sites with recipes. but hear is what i do. i go to a grocery store, look in the tea/coffee section, by a tin of it

    sigh... it just aint right I tell ya, a big burly guy lie me sippin tea on his breaks at work. my british co-workers are bad influence on me.

  3. BobbinBecca

    BobbinBecca Member

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    You can do it cheap, that's how the natives do it, this is what I do--
    Buy any cheap even nasty black tea (I do decaf :) )
    Brew it double strength. Youch, see this is how chai came about in the first place tea is nasty when it's strong and burly you gotta doctor it up.
    Add to taste: nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, alspice, clove, honey and/or black pepper.
    Heat up milk fast and hard, yeah baby, whisking it to make it all frothy.
    combine and enjoy!
  4. august_moon

    august_moon Member

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    Chai Tea

    2 tbls tea leaves
    12 cloves
    12 cardamon pods crushed up a bit (or 1 tsp of cardoman seeds)
    1 cinnamon stick (or cinnamon bark, even better)
    1 star anniseed (liquorice flavour seed thingy which is optional)
    Fresh Ginger

    Put all of this into a medium saucepan full of water, bring to boil, simmer 5 minutes then strain into mugs and top with soy milk. You could use cow milk I suppose but I don't know what it tastes like. But with soy milk it's extra yummy. If you buy all the ingredients above you will have enough to make many teas, so it is a worthwhile investment! There are probably more simple ways to make it but this way is the best I promise.


    August x
  5. stormcloud

    stormcloud Member

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    also try lookin up spice tea cause chi tea is spice tea lol
  6. vimmeroony

    vimmeroony Member

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    basically tea leaves, with spices to suit your taste

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