Looking For A Spiritual Guru

Discussion in 'Gurus' started by dixie_pixy, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    dixy_pixie - even with a guru you should always be alert to your own discrimination - i have been fortunate to have good gurus and bad - i have learned from both - in their own way bad gurus have liberated me maybe more than good. there's something called the 'upaguru' which is the 'above guru' and this is none other than yourself. a good hindu guru archetype is the guru dattatreya who inspired the 'avaduti gita' which is about all things being guru - when i say 'guru datta' i do not mean any specific person, especially those who have take the name for themselves

    there are so many gurus, so many systems and so much outright bullshit, shady dealings, cults and selfish others who just want to benefit from your ardour.

    if i may make a suggestion it is to consider dzogchen buddhism - yes there are personality cults within dzogchen buddhism - especially dzogchen buddhistm because it is very mystical - but the level of nondual realization is pretty much very empowering, and you do not need to run off to a cave - if you live in part of the country where there's a dudjom or drikung center then give it a shot - i have never been preached at or asked to join a society and they have sponsored teachers from other tibetan buddhist lineages

    all that said, you are the seeker, and the answers must resound for yourself, you therefore are the ultimate guru in your life - respect yourself - it is harder to respect yourself than another because within yourself there are no props to hide behind - while within objects of adoration they do hide and so you do not see everything

    in dzogchen one meditates with eyes open and learns to see to the very bottom of the mind - first step is to live with your eyes open

    a guru can occlude
  2. swedishippie

    swedishippie Members

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    i am the guru you all are looking for!

    earth is a living organism she is alive , she has her own consioussness like u and i and we are apart of that in a way,acting like her braincells. ask yourself, are you a virus breaking down the life and ecosystems, and poisoning the waters and the atmosfere and even poisioning your own bodies and also your emotions with hate and fear. or are you a part of the planets immunsystem? i can see that rasta is a part of the immunsystem of earth, rastas are the peacemakers of humanity and we try to live in harmony with the nature and the animals around us, thats why i dont use chemicals or murder animals to keep my stomach filled because i see that god have given us so many edible plants, we are one, one family of light and race doesnt have anything to do with being a rasta. rasta is for the spirits and the souls that seek righteousness and equality and justice. bob said it!: until the colour of a mans skin is of no more significans then the colour of his eyes. one love, peace and unity. bring the people in bring everyone in you know. Therefore rasta is the future. This is how we evolve to the next stage. this is how we remove the negativity, and remove the mental slavery and remove all the corruptive systems that doesent do any good for us or the planet. we cant really separate humanity by race and stuff, the earth is round and i dont really see any walls, lines or barriers. of course races have history in diffrent part of the planet but i dont think that should decide how we live our future, what if a meteor hit asia should we not let them come here, we can go anywhere we want. the earth and the lands is always moving and changing. we are on this flying ball TOGETHER.

    i belive that god is everything, everything thats exist is god, every atom every human every planet and every galaxy in all dimensions is god, nothing exists ouside of god. i see our planet as one little cell in gods body, so lets not make this cell become a cancer, we must heal it and make it functioning as it was ment to be. we are a little piece in the big whole. one is all and all is one. right now earth is infected by evil, we can see stinking smoking cities all around the globe full of sickness and stress. but now the immunesystem has arrived, the rastas are waking up and soon this planet will be healthy and 100% love. right now we are seeing the the fall of babylon they are bringing as many as they can with them creating the lasts wars and tribulations. the earth is now shifting to heart cant you see it?

    crystals, human are like crystals on earth, and exactly like a crystal we also send out a vibration in the air and to everything around us depending off what we feel. and all the people together is like one crystal or one consiousness, the planet, the earth, gaia are sensing that overall energy and the collective consioussness of humanity. what vibration will that be? a high vibrational frequency energy of love and joy? or will it be a low frequency of hate and fear`? this is actually how the war on good and evil is functioning, thats why there is programming and manipulating in media, this is why the news are negative and full of fear, this is why especially music are controlled and this is the number one reasons why i think artists like bob marley were shoot at and possible killed later, sickness is a great waepon. music is so powerfull that it can change the frequency of the whole planet. thats why i think albert einstein said that if he was not a physicican and did not what he did he would work with music and sound. when bob marley for example sing live, about thruth, love, peace and unity. people liked it, and imagine the energy frequency the people send out when thousands are listening to him, that feeling of love, joy and unity spread over the globe via the collective counsioussnes, whe are affecting eachother even if we dont know it, we are one. N.A.S.A can record vibrations and sounds from planets, you can actually hear the earth, and the sound can tell if a planet is happy or not, the sound can tell if the life on it are positive or negative. and humanity are a big part of that song if you wanna call it that, we are actually singing together all the time even if we dont know it. what song shall we sing? is happiness a good one? thats why it is so important to be nice and friendly to people. do you know one thing that can change the whole planet or universe even? something called a SMILE and a helping hand!
    Everythinhg is realy vibration frequency and energy. everything around us is build up by atoms. and a atom is really 99.9999% empty space. a atom is really 99.9999% empty space,. that means everything around us is 99.9999% empty space. and i believe our reality is like a radio signal, a low frequency streaming through everything and everyone, and thats whats makes our world, our dimension so hard that it is, thats why we cant go through walls. i wonder what will happen if we turn up the frequensy of our reality, and we can do that with love. because love is high frequency and hate is love frequency. maybe nature spirits exists, maybe thats how somepeople see ghosts. there is actually life ewerywhere in the univere. there is beings out there and even planets that we cant just not see them with our human eyes becouse we dont match their frequensy. thats actually whats happening on our planet and our consioussness right now when we are moving into christconsioussness , we are turning up the volume of the frequency of our reality right now. Babylon can not survive it, they are falling right now, the evil are freaking out, thats why there is so much wars and terrorist attaks and fear propaganda in media right now, moore than ever. soon it will be over love will win and has aldready won.
  3. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    cheap version of guru dattatreya
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  4. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    That is usually where the chimichanga ends up as well. :D
  5. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor


    To add to that; Matter is 99.999999.........% emptiness: we are made up of trillions of Atoms which make up matter: so in turn, that 99.9999999......% emptiness also pertains to us. Swirl that around in your head for a bit; we are 99.99999....% emptiness

    We are the explosion in the 'big bang'; that bang was internal not external: everything comes from within. We receive universal information and intern we also emit that knowledge. That requires an understanding that we all receive this information from one another; sharing all our experiences and knowledge. The key is to be aware enough to pick up that fact and utilize it.

    After the awareness of information sharing becomes apparent, patterns become prevalent. These patterns manifest regularly which gives insight not only for yourself but to all around you. To become aware of actions you undertake; have the ability to see your own patterns; then respond accordingly, changes your total outlook on why 'we are here'.
  6. Mr Smith

    Mr Smith Newbie

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    Being a Guru is a very difficult and stressful task, but I'm up for the challenge, ask any question about life and religion and I will answer it sincerely honestly and possibly profoundly.
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    What is the meaning of life?
  8. Mr Smith

    Mr Smith Newbie

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    Your purpose in life is to realise "who you are," you must strip away all the false identities that you have to do this.
  9. Mr Smith

    Mr Smith Newbie

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    A superficial life will have no meaning whatsoever, if you learn to live sincerely, honestly and intensely, challenging and transforming your deepest fears, this will bring meaning to your life.
    1 person likes this.
  10. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    That's not answering the question. That's just saying how to bring meaning to ones life, not what the meaning of life is.
  11. Mr Smith

    Mr Smith Newbie

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    The important questions in life cannot be answered through words, I have explain to you how to find meaning, it is the same as the question who am I, that cannot be answered through words, but the answer can be realised, and that realisation will bring great wisdom.
  12. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    you are mr guru - you speak platitudes and one liners
    you are self realized!
  13. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    let me try - not that i am wanting to be a guru - i prefer musician
    the highest greatest yogis from the deepest caves in tibet say

    the basic space of existence is all good
  14. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Full stop.
    1 person likes this.
  15. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Miss you, Ranger.
    2 people like this.
  16. xenxan

    xenxan Visitor

    Part 1: Define the correlating Esoteric symbology link between ancient Egypt; The Mayans and Aztecs pertaining to the Star system Sirius?

    Part 2: Describe the course undertaken to link the three over vast Geographical distances?
  17. Mr Smith

    Mr Smith Newbie

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    You need an intellectually educated person to answer such questions. I'm playing guru, gurus answer questions on life and religion
  18. Yogamat

    Yogamat Members

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    Looking for a Guru?Look at the mirror!
    1 person likes this.
  19. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    A true enlightened master is bound to become famous if he is keen to teach. Adyashanti , Eckhart Tolle, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Byron Katie, Mata Amritanandamayi, Mooji, are those whom I believe are enlightened and holds retreats . Meditating in their presence can definitely help boost your own progress . However I believe that after a span of time, you have to be on your own to attain enlightenment and no master can help you in that stage. A classic example is Buddha himself.
  20. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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