
Discussion in 'Fascism' started by River 1509, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. River 1509

    River 1509 Member

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    After WWII term "fascism" became something horrible and modern fascists may not call yourself a fascist.
    Patrick4935 likes this.
  2. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    No, it was horrible before WWII, too.
    1 person likes this.
  3. S&L

    S&L Member

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    Two blind people talking about the view!!
    Give it a rest, you two know nothing!
  4. andrew45

    andrew45 Member

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    fascism was made by Italians . the country that everyone in world like and adore . even the muslim peoples . not all italian were fascist , the north italy the base of fascist are today fascist and racist .
  5. Summerhill

    Summerhill Member

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    Thats because it is horrible and a vile stain on human history. We must never forget the millions of lives-and not least American lives-that fighting fascism cost.
  6. HolyMoses

    HolyMoses Banned

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    The difference between Fascism and Communism is that Fascism does not bear a red star on its flag.
  7. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Wonderfully intelligent thread.
  8. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Here is an interesting article someone sent to me.....
    I am not fascist nor anarchist....i believe in a happy balance somewhere, and nothing is perfect, and things could be alot worse. i want some protection with my food and water products , for example......I am not growing my own things here yet, or pumping my own water from someplace.......there are lots of reasons i want some protection...and although, a police state can feel evasive at times.......I have nothing I am doing of any interest to anyone really, so i do not worry about it that much....although there are some days, I want to scream, as I feel there are eyes watching me from somewhere......and it is invasive feeling, as i said before......but anyway....hoping the article copy and pastes....some interesting quotes in this article, anyway....


    Sixty million people died in World War II, but fascism won. It didn’t win on the battlefield. It didn’t win right away. It won because the same fears, the same greed, the same hatred that fueled its growth in the first part of the twentieth century never went away. The symbols of fascism became anathema, but the causes … went deep. And gradually, slowly, one step at a time, all those vices became first tolerated, then treated as virtues, and then as the only acceptable view.
    Godwin’s Law—the contention that any argument will eventually come round to warnings about Hitler—is twenty-five years old, but for much longer than that, we’ve been taught that the use of that... f-word, is not to be taken seriously. Sure, every government program, new or old, is open to accusations of communism and warnings of a slippery slope toward some failed dictatorship. That’s expected. But to even acknowledge our long, stumbling lurch to the right; the building force of corporate power; the relentless need for war; a police whose power of enforcement is divorced from law; a preening nationalism that rewards the full rights of citizenship only to those who fit an ever-narrower mold… You can’t call it fascism. People will only laugh.
    It was French poet Charles Baudelaire who said “the finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist." The finest trick of the modern fascist? The same. Nothing is ever fascist. It’s just “very conservative.” And this week’s very conservative, is next weeks middle of the road.
    After all, what politician could be taken seriously who didn’t accept the completely middle of the road position that we should value the safety of the populace over the preservation of rights? Forget that oath. The top job of the president is to keep the American public safe, no matter what that takes.

    It looks like the American people are waking up. They know that electing a Commander-in-Chief to keep America safe, so that we remain free, is what the 2016 election is all about.

    Even when doing that job means abandoning families left destitute by war.

    “Republicans and Democrats came together in a veto-proof majority to respond to the will of the American people and do our primary job to keep them safe,” said Representative Richard Hudson of North Carolina, a Republican, who co-sponsored the bill with Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul of Texas.

    That drive for safety über alles means that we must surrender our privacy to the state censors who read everything we write, listen to everything we say, view every transaction we make, without a warrant and keep doing it even when they say they’re not. It means that we have a police that makes use of tanks and other military gear to invade the homes of ordinary citizens, and where police take more property than criminals without convictions, or even charges.
    Now we’ve come to an election year in which the promise of surveillance of those who follow the wrong religion, internment camps, torture and racism, racism, racism is not just a strategy, but a winning strategy.
    This is who we are ...

    Which part doesn’t apply?
    There are a thousand definitions for fascism, most of them concocted simply to show that what you’re doing isn’t a step in the direction of fascism, but what that other guy proposes certainly would be. But I’m not saying we’re moving toward fascism. I’m saying we started that drift a long time ago, and now we’re well across the line. We started by labeling minorities in our own cities as "welfare queens" and constructed a mythology that drove a wedge through our nation. We started by equating democratic action with sure failure, and elevating capitalism into a cause. We started … and we kept going.
    We went there when we we turned greed—the kind of sick, envious greed that makes people value the rich over the poor and corporations over individuals—into not only a virtue, but a cornerstone of our nation cemented in place by repeated Supreme Court rulings that certify the preeminent position of wealth and corporate power.
    We went there when we turned nationalism—blind prejudice against those who don’t conform to the image of “us”—into a flag-waving patriotism that’s expressed in calls to enforce state religion and turn even those born here into “other” if they don’t have the right skin tone. We went there when we used that nationalism to fuel unwarranted invasions that destabilized huge portions of the world and directly drove the terrorism that we’re now using to fuel yet more nationalism and more attacks and more terrorism and more nationalism in an insane, self-reinforcing loop.
    We went there when we turned fear—quivering, knock-kneed jittery cowardice—into the illusion of “being tough” by throwing our freedoms away in double handfuls. It was that fear (and keen lobbying from defense contractors) that caused us, with no justification whatsoever, to begin funneling military equipment into our police forces, and to replace "protect and serve" with "dominate and control."
    This is a year in which not only the leading candidate for the GOP nomination, but all major candidates have favored building a "permanent border wall" separating America from neighboring nations and justifying this wall on the basis of racist caricature of immigrants. A year where the idea of internment camps isn't restricted to the GOP. It’s a year in which protests have been met by tanks. In which reason is decried as weakness. In which we’ve taken all our worst instincts, and held them up proudly.

    This is who we are.

    This is who we are.

    This is who we are.

    This is who we are.

    This is who we are.
    Sinclair Lewis never actually said “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross, ” but he should have. And he should have mentioned that no one would dare speak its name.

    "Our American values are not luxuries but necessities—not the salt in our bread, but the bread itself. Our common vision of a free and just society is our greatest source of cohesion at home and strength abroad—greater than the bounty of our material blessings." — Jimmy Carter

    Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. — Ronald Reagan

    “In terms of accomplishments, my biggest accomplishment is that I kept the country safe amidst a real danger.” — George W. Bush
    2 people like this.
  10. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I think it's important for the sake of rational discourse to preserve conceptual clarity. By using the term "fascism" for virtually any limitation of personal liberty or over-reach by government, we rob discourse of important distinctions that cloud clarity of thought. Fascism was introduced by Benito Mussolini and perfected by Hitler to describe their, at the time unique, political systems based on six elements:populism+Nativism+Nationalism+Scapegoating+leadership Principle+Statism=Fascism. Fascism is populist in gearing its messaging to the little guy who feels left out of the distribution of wealth, status and power in society. It is nativist in being against foreign influence and immigration, It is nationalist in stressing national glory and superiority (for Mussolini, restoring the glory of the Roman Empire; for Hitler, fulfilling the destiny of the Aryan Master Race embodied in the Third Reich). It scapegoats out groups (for Mussolini, socialists and communists, who were beaten up by his blackshirts; for Hitler, Jews, gypsies and homosexuals, who were beaten up by his brownshirts). as the source of society's evils It puts it's faith primarily in a Leader instead of policies or institutions (IL Duce, for Mussolini's followers; Der Furher, for Hitler's). And it advocates Statism, in which the government is given totalitarian control over people's lives. In sum, Fascism is demagoguery at its most extreme form.

    I agree there are danger signs of fascist tendencies in the 2016 election campaign. The closest we've come to Fascism in U.S. history is the Trump movement. He is populist in appealing to the white non-college educated males' sense of being left out of the American dream. He is nativist in his emphasis on building a wall against illegal Mexican immigration, rounding them up, and kicking them out, and in "extreme vetting" of Middle Eastern immigrants. He is nationalist in the call to "Make America Great Again. He scapegoats Mexicans and Muslims. And he put himself forward as the only hope for getting our country out of its alleged failed condition. The only thing missing is Statism, which Trump has only hinted at. We may see that happen after January. Already Trump is talking about doing things to "terrorists" which are unconstitutional, and is confident the military won't say No to him. The beginnings of a police state are implicit in policies of rounding up and deporting millions of undocumented aliens, "extreme vetting" of immigrants from threatening countries, and surveillance of mosques. You can't do those things without massive police involvement, and the predictable resistance will only escalate that. Just give him time! At this writing, I'm awaiting momentarily Donald Trump's "Law and Order" speech, to be given in Milwaukee hot on the heels of rioting over the killing of an African-American by police. He might surprise me by trying to calm the waters and showing some even-handedness. Frankly, I doubt it. Trump is a world class demagogue. Nixon used "law and order" as a dogwhistle for suppress the African-Americans. Mussolini and Hitler couldn't have timed it better. As Hitler said: "We need law and order. Yes, without law and order our nation cannot survive. Elect us and we shall restore law and order."
  11. blazefortwenty

    blazefortwenty Members

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    We live in the day and age of thought police, fascism, and religious simpletons infringing upon the rights of the human man.
  12. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Could you give some examples? What doyou consider Fascism to be?

    Could you give some examples. What do you consider Fascism to be?
    Scarecrow13 likes this.
  13. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    The fashion industry?
  14. Cliff Unicorn

    Cliff Unicorn Members

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    Atleast it used to be, but could it be still today idk...?!

  15. blazefortwenty

    blazefortwenty Members

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    Facebook is the epitome of fascism. It is Nazis are fascist, Jews are fascist, Muslims are fascist, Christians are fascist, Liberals are fascist, Conservatives are fascist, LGBT's are fascist, almost everyone is fascist. The lack of truly free-spirits are very few.

    "FaceBook is a reflection of modern, so called western, society.
    Shallow, gossipy, image building, interesting in networking, in repeating popular sentiments, artistic tastes, fashions.
    Facebook exemplifies peer pressured auto-censoring, and how political correctness is applied to silence dissenting minds, and to group them into insulting categories, so as to then ostracize and ignore them.
    Its hive mind, group think, on full display.
    Mind farting held as the epitome of our deserved 15 minutes of fame.
    It is popularity raised to a qualitative discernment.

    Other than its utility as an easy method of contacting people from across the world it is a worthless piece of technology - a gadget."
  16. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Then why do you waste your time on hip? On the internet?
  17. blazefortwenty

    blazefortwenty Members

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    Humans need to feel a sense of social connection. Facebook regulates and corrupts this social connection, instead causing the medicine to become a poison.
  18. Surroundedbyfools

    Surroundedbyfools Members

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    Just to let you all know, this forum is actually ran by Fascists...I have been nothing but nice here but these people have an Agenda...they ban anyone who speaks out against circumcision or anyone who is against the global state of tyranny and fascism, their goal is to ban and censor free-thought or anyone who wants to save humankind...This forum is "controlled opposition" and actually ran by Republicans. It exists to "keep you down" and prevent minorities from talking.
  19. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Really? Is that in the past tense..Ran? Or present tense, as in, this forum is run?

    I think if i was banned from a forum i didn't like, and i didn't like the way it is run! I wouldn't bother making multiple accounts! I'd just get the message, then probably think they didn't deserve me! And go find another forum!
    But some people just like to annoy people, so in doing that, they feel some how in control, which they are not, of course!
  20. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    just to let you all know we can see your ip and we will ban you when use 2 accounts in the same thread

    we generally just ban the goofs and troublemakers..

    stop being a goof :)
    1 person likes this.

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