To live past death

Discussion in 'Cults' started by War John, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. War John

    War John Member

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    No one that lives can ever die. Lets assume this to be the case which I trust is so the case. What's stopping you from meeting your other lifetime past the one you have now? Is it the fear of the unknown?

    To live past a death is the ultimate happening.


    You get the oppurtunity to make good with another lifetime to kill. You get to live a good life in a kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, according to Matthew 25.

    If you honor yourself you will get out of this corroded/corrupt lifetime that is a dishonor to you at any cost to go live the other good life prepared for you.

    Life is too everlasting to waste time here in this world becuase of some petty fear to leave this lifetime. Don't let this lifetime keep you in bondage psychologically.

    With here you know that summer is nigh. So you know that summer is so when you choose it to be.

    So as long as your life is in your hand, you can take it to another side freely.
  2. Lodog

    Lodog ¿

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    I like this life.

    I doubt I could get a good bologna sandwich in the other life.
  3. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Faith is cute. Reality is elusive.
  4. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    Succinctly put.

    There's just WAY too much that we have no hope of knowing. For instance, achieving everlasting peace and eliminating all suffering seem to be such wonderful ideals but it's during the most difficult and troubled times that we grow the most... like during wars and times of great trouble. From what I've seen in people (including myself) is that most of us are only resourceful when we have to be... we don't learn to feed ourselves as long as we are being fed... survival instincts are honed out of necessity.
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Everlasting life really isn't a fantasy.. But, even if your were able to live forever. You can not rule out fatal death. For instance, the life form needs a body and brain. Once those are damaged. And sure you could possible avoid getting hit by a bus for 100yrs. The life form will eventually suffer something fatal. And you couldn't rule out other life forms working in tandem to eradicate you. As you couldn't live thru an atomic explosion, or a zombie killing bullet to the skull.
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    (To post 4)Yes and we've had it extremely easy in that regard. Sure-911-Katrina and other catastrophies occur,but we're ,in the main , able to be well fed,relativly safe and haven't had to endure the horrors of places like Somalia,Congo,Iraq and Mexico for that matter. However, it's not so good that a VERY high percentage of us now rely on others to house,clothe and feed us. Does not bode well for us that the complete control of our food supply is out of our hands. Along with the compassion to address what you mentioned. Not a bible thumper but I believe somewhere in there it says-"all is given". I believe that and I think it means the answers to the lack of peace, the elimination of suffering,the cures for our diseases,proper care of the earth and it's inhabitants are obvious and available to humankind. The worry about an afterlife does not help us--it's not ours to know. The theories concerning how to achieve anything close to how and why life could be more equitable and enjoyable for all on earth are and have been extant for ages. The answers are ours to implement.
    We may/will be due to have ourselves tested regarding our survival instincts one day,but the results will not be good,I fear,for "they" have co-opted our abilities and our very lives.
    Be here now.
  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Seems this isn't the first thread War John has started wondering why everybody else hasn't committed suicide..... Yet he's still here.

    Hmmmm... He also rarely comes back to comment on threads he has started.
  8. loveincarnate

    loveincarnate Member

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    Pinging War John !

    Why dont you stay around to answer questions ?
  9. storch

    storch banned

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    If there were no death, life would quickly choke itself out. Can't have one without the other; that's the nature of the duality.

    The way I see it, we're all born with a terminal disease called life. As soon as you're born, the death process begins; like, as soon as you start living, you start dying. So, the living process is actually the dying process, and life is just death in a clever disguise.

    So, is this that we are experiencing really life or death? I guess it's like asking if the glass is half-full or half-empty. Being the eternal smartass that I am, I'd have to say that the answer to that really depends on what's in the glass, now doesn't it?
  10. jahina

    jahina Guest

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    Only the bit that encases you dies. You are not your body. The rest goes on.
  11. Ivory62

    Ivory62 Senior Member

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    Let's assume I'm doing Megan Fox. Or Penny from Big Bang Theory. Assumptions are there because reality isn't.

    Your trust is not mine.

    This makes no sense. Am I supposed to meet my other selves? How? Where?

    I fear no unknown. That doesn't mean the impossible is accomplishable.

    I'd have thought the ultimate happening couldn't happen, because there would be nothing to follow it.

    Why what?

    Ah, the Biblical impramatur for life after death. I don't share any faith in a book written by men, for men, about men. And I'm a man.

    How dare you assert that my life is corrupt.

    Wait, I thought rebirth happened when life ended? If not, how can life be everlasting?

    Errr, the solstices and equinoxes ignore my wishes. I'm not happy about that, but there you are...

    OK, so by in my hand you mean ignoring everything else? Wouldn't that include the Bible?
  12. bosnian420

    bosnian420 Member

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    i seen some weird shit man
  13. andallthatstocome

    andallthatstocome not a squid

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    a mathematician would say they're equivalent. an engineer would tell you that the glass is 100% full; half air, half liquid. A physicist will tell you that the materials in the glass are already 99% vacuum, so not only is the glass almost totally empty, it also very nearly doesn't exist.

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