Carl Sagan On Astrology

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by Motion, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    118"]YouTube - Carl Sagan on Astrology
  2. Enlil6

    Enlil6 Member

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    So what's your point? To troll?

    Sagan, like most skeptics and astronomers don't know astrology at all. They think they do. They don't understand the most basic concept that the signs and constellations aren't the same thing. They haven't been for as long as there have been signs.
  3. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    Nobody is a troll just because they question the legitimacy of astrology. Have you ever had your horoscope done by two or more different astrologers and compared the results?
  4. Enlil6

    Enlil6 Member

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    Yes and I'm an astrologer.
  5. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Yes, this is exactly why I have no respect whatsoever for Carl Sagan.

    Like a typical scientist, if he can't literally SEE IT and MEASURE IT, it cannot exist.

    Of course only NOW does science even begin to admit there is much out there that it cannot see or measure. Like dark matter, dark energy, which only make up HALF OF REALITY (the half scientists have no clue about).

    Who knows what the properties of dark matter and dark energy are? They can only speculate, just like primitive people afraid of the dark.

    And that's how I see Western scientists. Completely ignorant of anything beyond their own scope of knowledge. They also IGNORE science that does not come from any source other than currently approved sources.

    So the THOUSANDS OF YEARS of precise measurements and observations of Astronomic phenomena, aligned with precise observations of human behavior under various configurations of astral phenomena, are just worthless to modern scientists cause they didn't occur under their watch, right?

    Such fucking HUGE EGOS like Carl Sagan, need a reality check.

    I look at Modern Scientists the way modern scientists look at Astrologers. Complete ignoramuses of anything they can't understand or put under a microscope. And Carl Sagan is the epitome of it.

    If you ever read his explanations (or watch them) of Astrology, he only reveals his complete ignorance of the subject, which you would think wouldn't happen to a REAL SCIENTIST who actually does research on the subject before opening his big mouth.

    BTW, if it wasn't for the ancient Astrologers there would be no Astronomy today. But I guess Carl Sagan never even knew that factoid.
  6. Motion

    Motion Senior Member

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    What's wrong with that view of things? People who view things that way I think are less likely to get ripped off,taking advantage of and manipulated compared to those who don't need any proof of any claims being made.
  7. Enlil6

    Enlil6 Member

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    There's no correlation with being a materialist and not being naive.

    The problem is I and many other astrologers regularly do what we are told by scientists is impossible. For instance, my specialty is horary astrology, which is a chart drawn up for a question. Since the entire chart is focused on one thing, it's possible to get very detailed.

    Astrologers are accused of guessing, using cold reading techniques, and other tricks. I can tell you, at least for myself, I don't do any tricks. I also don't guess. Yet somehow I am able to make concrete predictions day in day out. I'm not the only one doing this, and certainly not even close to being the most well-known.

    So typically when scientists talk about astrology, it's in the most cartoonishly simplistic terms. They don't study the thing they are criticizing. I understand why, because they feel so sure of themselves they don't see the point. However I can tell you the things they say only reflect newspaper horoscopes, not actual astrological practice. Notice my first reply here: they don't know that the signs and constellations aren't the same in astrology. There's ample material still available about this going back about 2000 years, yet they spout the same assumptions over and over again. They simply don't know what they are talking about. One of the results of this ignorance is that Ophiucus nonsense a week or so back. Then again it also highlighted how many astrologers didn't know what they were talking about too.
  8. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Actually, I believe it was a naive reporter who came up with that story, not an astrologer.
  9. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    The funny thing is, Scientists COULD prove Astrology to be a valid science, but for reasons unknown they refuse to do so, and issue nonsense like Sagan did.

    How can they prove Astrology valid? Simply by measuring the ACTUAL influence of the planets on the Earth itself. We all acknowledge the Sun and the Moon influence the earth in many ways, and even SCIENTISTS will admit the lunar phases affect women's time of the month, no? And that affects their emotions too, right? So right there you already have science backing astrology which states that our emotions are guided by the moon.

    But no, they avoid doing the necessary research to discover whether or not the other celestial bodies in our solar system have any influence on earth or its inhabitants.

    It's very simple. Either these planets influence our planet and the people on it, or they don't. Should be simple to prove either way. I guess the 3,000+ years of study by astrologers in the past mean nothing, right?

    Well come on scientists, lets see you get cracking and prove the validity of Astrology.

    Or are you AFRAID to do that?
  10. Enlil6

    Enlil6 Member

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    Yeah I wasn't clear there. Didn't mean to say it was an astrologer. I blame my fever.
  11. Baby Blue

    Baby Blue Member

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    There's nothing wrong with belive only in we can literally see and measure, we have the power of choise, belive in something that can't be scientifically proved or not.

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