How effective is writing as activism?

Discussion in 'Activism' started by pdcrofts, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. pdcrofts

    pdcrofts Member

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    John Lydon said, 'Words are my weapons. Violence is something I'm not very good at.'

    I thought about this when deciding how to make my own contribution to activism. I decided to write a novel. What are people's thoughts on this form of non-direct action? How effective is it? Do you think it's worthwhile?
  2. wa bluska wica

    wa bluska wica Pedestrian

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    nobody reads anymore

    and even those who do read, can only read what actually gets published

    [good luck]
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    it gets the job done here. If you like to LOL.. :D
  4. clever-name

    clever-name Member

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    It's hard to might not have the intended consequences. People say The Jungle changed the food industry so much, which it did, but he was really trying to help the workers. People working in slaughter houses and similar food processing jobs still have it pretty hard. At least it still had a positive impact...but you never know I guess.
  5. CrazyLinuxGeek

    CrazyLinuxGeek Member

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    Writing books is becoming obsolete to things such as the internet.. however, I do believe forums, blogs, and social networking sites can lead to change.. to technically, writing is still valid. :)
  6. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You have to be a good writer, skilled enough that you draw the reader in and motivate them. you have to be able to capture your audience.
  7. Pure eVol

    Pure eVol Guest

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    Ask Jean-Paul Sartre's followers.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I disagree with everyone that says books are becoming obsolete. There will always be a demand for books because there will always be people who have a pure love of reading.

    A book can certainly be a powerful medium for activism. Several books come to mind that have shaped the mindset of the collective consciousness. Someone already mentioned the Jungle. Uncle Tom's cabin shaped the North's point of view concerning slavery. The Grapes of Wrath created a character that has been fighting for the rights of the downtrodden since the book was penned. 1984 made many aware of the danger of too much government presence. This book isn't as popular as the other I've listed, but the Poisonwood Bible really helped shape my own perspective regarding American foreign policy.

    You must have a real passion and talent for writing if you want to write something powerful enough to change the world, but I think it can certainly be done.
  9. Argiope aurantia

    Argiope aurantia Member

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    Erm... I still read...
  10. InvisibleLantern

    InvisibleLantern Member

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    Have you ever read anything that changed your mind or introduced you to an issue?

    There ya go. :)
  11. willedwill

    willedwill Member

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    The Manhattan Project introduced the theoretical study about it's subject about Nuclear Fission by the enjoyment of ballroom dancing. They wondered about how nice it would be to dance like they did in the nineteenth century.:mickey:
  12. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    Much depends on writing skill- and whether then author can successfully express him/herself within the popular range of comprehension without sounding condescending. The flaw with a lot of activist writing lies in the inability or unwillingness of the writer to offer a measure of dignity in opposing viewpoints- creating deep divisions that make the activism self defeating... while the goal is to cultivate anger- all to often that is directed at the message and its authors rather than the intended subject..
  13. willedwill

    willedwill Member

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    We should write a novel about the freedom movement in America, and it's ambition to simplify the modern life. These people, for the optimism of the new age, and for the life of future prosperity and everyone's equally qualified knowledge for justice, are ignored everywhere as unrealizable to anything Good like that.

    So these people must go out to challenge the views of the status quo government. And....:2thumbsup:
  14. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    It has struck me that one big cultural sticking point is the overload of scandal and outrage now- to where any new message is already cheapened because of the information overload... people don't get it in large part because they don't want to. They're sick of hearing about the scandal but instead of using that to motivate activism, their angst is taken out on the message. Too many distractions, choices whose entertainment value will invariably supplant any budding sense of urgency about holding the government responsible for the criminal organization that it has become. The common apathy is a large part of why they have so VERY much power... it has been willingly handed over by us.

    I'm afraid that it will take FAR more than skilled activist prose to motivate the masses- at least here in the US. Bang the drum of discontent loudly enough and most will get just annoyed enough to change the channel. people are not going to let go of the toxic media distractions willingly- the economic conditions that would forcibly separate them is exactly what most will have wanted to avoid- and their terminally short sighted perspective and "it's someone elses job" mind set would have them militantly seeking someone to wholly blame the situation on instead of accepting their own role and cooperating with neighbors to try taking back a reasonable standard of living.

    Meanwhile, the revolution has been pre-empted by new episodes of Survivor Island.
  15. willedwill

    willedwill Member

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    So the alternative progressive idea is family values. They had that at the turn of the century in Cincinnati (the Zapatista Coalition and it's alternative inter-racial concerns), and now the family values are begun with the peace of mind with the home security motive. There was the lack of concerned unified motivation for the reduction of convenience and self-gratification change for the real human-social values.

    Now the oil companies are claiming to make possible the justice at this type of 'Zapatista movement.
  16. bowl_of_raspberries

    bowl_of_raspberries Member

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    For those who are saying some still read, yes it's true but (in my experience) they tend to be fellow activist types. Especially if it's fiction. Sad, yes, but I disagree with those who say people only pay attention to stuff if it's conventionally published. A clever blog, linked to other sites, YouTube videos forums, public Facebook groups, and communities in a webring, properly publicized can make quote a difference. Birds of a feather will still flock together, but the greater size of audience means a greater chance. Remember, the more media outlets you cover the better. Public clubs and demonstrations still count for something! (Now I feel like a hypocrite cause I haven't put in nearly that much work...)

    Still, there is never too much that you can do if you're serious about changing the world. Don't limit yourself to writing a novel which is less likely to make a difference than a well made documentary anyway, though if you enjoy writing for personal reasons by all means do isn't the same if you're a creative person and don't have an artistic outlet...I'm the same way (though I'm usually too lazy to write my stories down:p).
  17. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    You can inspire someone to give there life for a cause or bore them to sleep.

    We are justified by our words but we are honest when our words and actions become the same.
  18. ElleJay

    ElleJay Guest

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    I have to agree that novels don't have the impact they may have had fifty years ago. But if you feel strongly about an issue, writing a novel about it is a good idea. Just don't think that's the end of your mission. If you really want to make your feelings known, learn internet marketing. You can market your book, your website, your issue... and then there are more traditional methods of publicity. Marketing is the key. Novel writing is a good strategy but work it into a much larger agenda.
  19. FinShaggy

    FinShaggy Banned

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    It is a VERY crucial part of activism.


    And post your words on forums like this, or on paper to hand out :)
  20. GuerrillaLorax

    GuerrillaLorax along the peripheries of civilization

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    There are already many writing very important pieces for the movement. The more that take to direct action the better. And the more direct the action, the better..

    I recommend Derrick Jensen. He is an incredible author and explains everything very well. I have currently read 4 of his books. And highly recommend: A Language Older than Words and endgame.
    Film making seems to be hepling quite a bit due to the current freedom of the internet. This is also a good alternative for those who are unable to take direct action against those destroying the planet. But overall we should just be doing every single thing we can for the ENTIRE movement.

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