I Hate Middle Class "Liberals" and "Socialists" (and here's why)

Discussion in 'Socialism' started by Quig, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. TheMadcapSyd

    TheMadcapSyd Titanic's captain, yo!

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    Actually we might come close to universal health care. For those that didn't watch they debate to the very end, Obama ended by basically saying Republicans can either get on bored and work with them, or


    the nuclear options folk.

    He didn't specifically say that but something along the lines of "procedurally this can be done very quickly...." and because on of the last Republicans brought up opinion polls something like "we can use elections to determine the final reaction of the public to this"

    Basically, I woke up in a universe where the Democrats finally have balls.
  2. worldsofdarkblue

    worldsofdarkblue Banned

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    That shit wouldn't work if the citizenry was better educated. The devolution of the education system and its lowered expectations and ill-advised social engineering has produced too few people capable of critical analysis. An overly large segment of dumbed down citizens can be riled up too easily by anyone who talks loudly (Limbaughs, O'Reillys) or parrots simple-minded talking points (Bush, Palin, the right wing in general).

    The education system was once the engine that gave hope for a better future through progress. The one that has existed since the mid-seventies has lost the ability to educate meaningfully and those who have run it during the past 30 years and those running it now simply no longer know any better. They only know the talk but are incapable of making the system walk.

    Pain will now be the great educator.
  3. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    I take it you'd prefer that too?

    You sound very pessimistic.
  4. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    I can't get cable, but I watched excerpts on PBS and the evening news, the real news, not Faux News.

    It's funny that the Republicans are yelling so much about "RECONCILIATION," which was their tactic when they were in the majority.

    The Democrats are growing balls because that's the only way they will keep their majority.
  5. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    I agree. If we had a good educational system Limbaugh and O'Reilly would be installing tail pipes on Chevys at the GM plant.
  6. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    I get my health care from the VA system. The only complaints I have are, 1) I have to drive too far, 2) only Veterans are covered.

    The government does a very good job of providing health care to Vets., seniors and the very poor at a reasonable cost. My doctor and I make all of the decisions. I get much better care for than my friends who have to rely on insurance companies, who make the decisions on who lives and who dies.

    I'm not very optimistic about the future of my country. The religious right is driving it and their history is, well, we all know what that is.
  7. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    Hey Quig, be grateful for the latte quaffing, tweed coat sporting know-nothing-beyond-their-cubicle hipster dufuses and dufette's, the shit is getting near time to hit the fan and I hear these Hipsters taste just like Chicken if ya' cook em' right. Fffp Fffp Fffp Fffp, stock up on Chiante and fava beans and you're good to go. Who say's emergency preparedness is only for those in rural areas. No need to stockpile food when it stockpiles itself so nicely :cheers2:
  8. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    More people should teach their kids manners.

    This is an adult conversation, go back to the playground.

    Worldsofdarkblue, this is an example of the poor education you speak of.
  9. odon

    odon Slightly Popular

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    Thanks JF for your response.
    I feel I'm going to start disagreeing with you so I think I'm going quit while I can.
  10. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    Too funny.
  11. explorerofsomewhere

    explorerofsomewhere Member

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    my boys from fishtown, heard some good stories. i totally agree they just come in and ruin all the local flavor and just mold communities into their "visions". even worse is when one man with tons of money comes in to a relatively small town puts up a resort and turns a small beautiful town into a tourist attraction with golfing and people dig it because "he's creating jobs"
  12. TheMadcapSyd

    TheMadcapSyd Titanic's captain, yo!

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    Well, generally people like knowing they can have a job
  13. Number6

    Number6 Member

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    Gentrification never happens in a vacuum and the process begins long before the hipsters show up. See what happened to your neighborhood is most of the kids who grew up there left, leaving behind an aging population. As this aging population starts to get sick and die, there is no youth to take their place. Population goes down, local economy begins to lag, businesses close and the area starts declining. As a result rent and property taxes start to drop.

    Attracted by low rent and property taxes, new people start arrive, at first they they tend to be artists and gays (ie hipsters) moving away from middle America where they are judged and repressed. These new people start businesses, fix up the streets, remodel houses and eventually it becomes a nice place to live again, which attracts more people and new businesses, rent and property taxes go up, the whole process starts over.
  14. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    I think you hit the nail on the flat end. I'm watching this exact process play out in small towns around West Georgia. The kids grew up and moved to the city, mom and dad died and they had no use for the house. The good thing is that the kids who did stick around now have good jobs.

  15. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    That sounds like a radical right wing Conservative point of view. The modern (progressive?) view of freedom is that people like knowing that their needs will be provided. Jobs are the old fashioned view of how that was supposed to be accomplished.
  16. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    Either the neo-conservatives have you buffaloed, or this is a flippant remark, hard to tell which.

  17. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Just telling it like it is.
  18. JackFlash

    JackFlash Senior Member

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    You're not "telling it like it is," you're spreading propaganda.

  19. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    As a result of several generations of left wing education, we are now experiencing a country greatly divided, and this creates an atmosphere where nearly all speech is claimed to be propaganda by the opposing side.
    In the previous post you seemed to think I had been influenced by what you called the "neo-conservatives", far from it as I have held my political views since the days of FDR, so it would be more likely that the "neo-conservatives" have acquired my views.

    From one of your earlier posts I found "Obama is pretty much a centrist...", Center what? extreme left?

    "Although I'm very liberal, I think the country should be more to the center.", where would you define the center to be?

    "I long for the good ol' days when god left our politics alone."
    I agree with that, but would also add "I long for the good very old days when the politicians left US alone."

    "The liberals believe in social programs for the poor while the conservatives believe they should get a job."
    Essentially you support keeping the poor, poor? What's wrong with helping them get a job and helping them become productive, responsible citizens? Less likely to support Democrat politicians if they become providers instead of receivers in the many socialist programs that have been created?

    "The liberals believe government spending stimulates the economy while the conservatives believe that we should make the rich richer and the wealth will "trickle down" to the poor."
    Obviously spending is what stimulates the economy, but the government has no money to spend. Government spending doesn't make the rich poorer. Have you found any welfare programs that have made a poor person wealthy? Okay, so maybe an occasional one lucks up buying lottery tickets instead of buying food for their kids.

    "The liberals believe government solves problems while the conservatives believe that government causes problems."
    Yes, Ronald Reagan hit the nail on the head with that. Obviously life is not fair, there will always be winners and losers, but it should be the responsibility of the individual in determining if they will be a winner or a loser, NOT the government who can only achieve it's goals by punishing the innocent. Remember we are a Nation of laws? Can you present a case backed by factual evidence that all those who have acquired wealth have done so illegally? If so they can and should be prosecuted, fined, imprisoned, and punished in what ever ways the laws define to be appropriate. Perhaps you would support a law that made it illegal to acquire more than some pre-determined amount of wealth?

    "The Democrats are the party of the poor and middle class and the Republicans are the party of the rich."
    The Democrats are the party of those who see themselves on the receiving end of government intervention. The taxpaying class of citizens who bear the responsibility for government programs, without renumeration, are the opposition. Many of the rich are Democrats as they most often find ways to benefit from Socialist programs, or the laws under which they are applied.

    Propaganda is not a one sided issue, but until we decide that we will or will not demand the Federal government uphold and obey the Constitution, and allow issues to be discussed based on the facts as they relate to the citizenry as a whole, opposing philosophies will result in propagandizing all discussion.

    I'm not religious, but I believe that equality is acquired by all ONLY after death.
  20. Number6

    Number6 Member

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    That is possible true, there is an old saying, one can move from being a liberal to a conservative in 20 years without changing a single idea.

    Where the majority of the people in the country are.

    It has never really been that way. Politicians have effect American life for a very very long time, unless of course you are suggesting we push our government back to the way it was in 1789 when the Constitution was ratified.

    Like many people you see the government as a nefarious organization bent on enslaving you. Social programs are not designed to support people for life times or across generations. In fact according to a Stanford University study, the average welfare recipients are on the rolls less than 2 years. These people are doing exactly what you describe, becoming productive responsible citizens. The "Welfare Queen" who drives a Cadillac and wears designer jeans is a myth.

    None, nor are social programs designed to do so. They are designed to assist people who fallen on bad times get back on their feet. See previous response.

    Actually no he didn't. Government can have a positive effect on people lives and it does. I don't know about you, but I like the highway system, I also like national parks. I also like have a social safety net in case I get laid off my job and don't find employment right away.

    So let me ask you this, how are you not being renumerated for your tax money ? Is there not a military ? Public highways ? National parks ? Justice system ? Public education (from which everyone benefits, yes even you.). Chances are good you receive far more in return from the government than you actually pay for in taxes. This is especially true of you live in one of those taker states that receive more government funding than is paid in by its population.

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