why are you a vegetarian

Discussion in 'Animal Advocates Support' started by behindthesun93, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. stazzy04

    stazzy04 Member

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    Body products are getting better about putting whether or not they are vegan on them. Just when you're looking, hang around the natural products area and if you look at the labels some of them will say either 100% vegan or no animal products or what not. I was just looking at my Origins facewash this mornings and underneath the ingredients it says "No animal products" and then "Products are tested on a panel of volunteers".

    I completely agree with you though. Although its the food I'm having issues with, not the other stuff. And I think my fiance would go insane if I became vegan because he LOVES cheese and vegan cheese is just not an option to him because he's pretty set in his ways. He's tried the soy meat, but refuses the cheese. Lol. And he loves his milk...

    Good luck with the vegan thing though! :)

  2. worldupsidedown

    worldupsidedown Member

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    basically for every reason you have heard of
  3. veroness

    veroness There's only one :)

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    I went to go add motor oil to my car and noticed on the back it says being in contact with motor oil can cause cancer from a study that was cinducted with animals. the animals skin developed cancer due to the contact with motor oil. That makes me sad that all those animals developed cancer just so the company can warn us about it. Why not take the mechanics from like 30 years ago and see if they have cancer instead of forcing animals to breed to be used as lab animals :(
  4. imFREE

    imFREE Banned

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    i am for a number of reasons...

    for one its more environmentally friendly to grow plants than it is to raise meat.

    for two i believe in animal rights...... we are animals too i know but we are supposed to be smarter than other animals so why not use our knowledge to make the world better for people and animals?

    for three its healthier..... low cholesteral and low body fat is good it feels great to know that i have low cholesteral levels and that my heart isnt clogged with saturated fats

    but i also think that its important to respect meat-eaters views. What we feel is right is different from what they feel is right.... we need to be at peace with them even if they are different..... isnt that what its all about man?
  5. BhaktaAndy

    BhaktaAndy Member

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    well I've always felt that it wasn't right that humans eat meat

    so between that and my faith, which also opposes eating meat, I've stopped eating it

    I actually went vegan at the same time, because I consider the egg and dairy industry to be animal slavery
  6. bearfeet

    bearfeet Member

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    Because at 12 i watched some factory farming videos and eating meat after knowing how it became meat would be nothing short of evil in my opinion. Humans are no better than other animals...
  7. Deranged

    Deranged Senor Member

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    mostly because i love to think about how they cram those little cucumbers in tight quarters and torture them with preservatives while they're still alive. mmm...veggie blood.
  8. FreshDacre

    FreshDacre Senior Member

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    I love steak and cheeseburgers wayy too much to ever think about considering it.
  9. Johnny Lennon

    Johnny Lennon Member

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    I'm not quite a vegetarian (I still eat some meat every once in a while), but I seriously cut down on it because raising animals for meat hurts the enviroment, and I feel sorry for those animals who are raised only to die.
  10. moondaddy

    moondaddy Member

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    All kinds of reason but primarily health. If I wasn't a veg I'd be in the hospital, the nuthouse or the grave by now.
  11. LauraMay

    LauraMay Rainbow Humper

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    I probably would.

    Being a vegetarian is convenient for me at the moment, being a vegan is not.

    I wouldn't go fishing, but I would probably eat a fish that my dad or someone had caught. I actually don't think eating fish is really that bad. I hate the impact it does have, but out of all the animals I would eat, fish would be the first. I like the idea of them swimming around and having a life before being killed for our hunger and taste buds.

    No. I don't like turkey. :tongue:
  12. Apples+Oranjes

    Apples+Oranjes Bekkasaur

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    More reasons add to my list everyday...but...
    Mainly, I went vegetarian because of my compassion for animals. To me, there is absolutely no humane way to kill an animal. I think... a lot of people think it's "humane" simply if it does not cause them a lot of pain and suffering, but I define humane on another level...

    I don't think it's humane at all, to take the life of another creature, simply for my own pleasure and selfishness, which is what it boils down to when I have other sources of nutrition readily available to me... along with other sources of clothing, and other items.

    And I also find something very skewed and very wrong about the way animals are literally harvested. No other animal on this earth can just harvest other creatures for their own taking. And I think it's fucked that we think it's okay to do that. Breed them, only to kill them. As if they are not living in the first place. That's how I see it.

    If everyone hunted their own meat... my outlook would be a bit different. Still, unless it's absolutely necessary to go hunt for your food.. I see it as cruel and pointless.

    Factory farming is obviously fucked. I think even a lot of people that DO eat meat, are disgusted by the factory farming industry...

    But, even small, organic farms... I just am not into the idea of animals being harvested for us.

    I can easily find other sources of nutrition. Soymilk, for one thing, has quite a heap of things that I need in a day, alone.

    I am vegan, because I feel that purchasing and consuming other animal products (dairy, eggs, etc) is still supporting the industry... it's still supporting the harvesting of animals... and personally, I don't see where it even makes sense to drink the milk of another species...

    Health, being a reason, is actually a recently added factor. I wasn't really a health nut when I began the whole thing 6 or 7 years ago... but I guess with age, I realized how ridiculous it is to NOT be concerned about your health, and well... aside from the fact that meat, dairy, etc. isn't very heart-healthy in the first place, then unless you're buying organic (which I'm always wary about in the first place; I just don't even trust shit anymore) you're also taking in all the hormones that were given to the animals...all the bullshit. Bad for health...

    and mainstream junk food products that are vegetarian but not vegan, still contain hydrogenated oils left and right and whole bunch of other crap that god knows where it came from and what it does to your insides...

    I actually try to eat mostly whole foods, raw fruits and vegetables. And as for carb products like breads, cereals, etc. I only buy if they are certified vegan and organic (despite the wariness... I still aim for organic)

    ANYWAY... sorry for getting a bit off topic there,

    there are a plethora of other reasons, but I'll leave it at that.
    I just feel better about myself this way... and I like that it makes me much more conscious about what I put into my body... which is underrated these days it seems...

    So in regards to your closing questions... I would not eat meat if it was "humanely" killed, because I don't think that killing is ever humane. BUT... it can be justified in situations of survival. I question whether or not I would kill an animal if I had to to survive, but I truly don't know. Part of me thinks I would...and another part of me thinks I could never bring myself to do it, even if I had to... I honestly would have to be in that situation to know the answer to that.

    Why vegetarians aren't vegan... I don't know. I was vegetarian, then vegan, then veggie again for awhile, and back to vegan, and I went back to being a vegan, because I felt awfully hypocritical otherwise... supporting the harvesting of animals by buying and consuming the other products... and well, when I learned about ingredients added to foods, and other products (soaps, etc.) that I hadn't paid attention to as a simple vegetarian... I felt even more hypocritical. I don't think a lot of vegetarians realize that probably most of their self-care products aren't really technically "vegetarian" because a lot of those hard-to-pronounce ingredients actually come from animals..from fats and fibers from animals.

    I guess that depends on the reason why the person went vegetarian, and how much they have learned thus far. And I say thus far, because as a veggie/vegan you will CONSTANTLY be learning about your cause... the amount of information to take in and consider is almost infinite..

    Eat a fish, or a turkey... I don't hunt or fish... why the hell would I as a vegan? Or even just as a vegetarian? Wouldn't really make me a veg, in my opinion...

    I take it very seriously. I think anyone who decides to make this sort of decision, especially if it is for the purpose of animals not being harmed, SHOULD take it seriously...
  13. Saule

    Saule Member

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    I just became a vegetarian about a month ago. It's been a very easy transition, which I expected. I didn't especially enjoy meat to begin with, and this switch has definitely improved my eating habits. My body feels... entirely improved, and I feel it was a really smart decision.

    Plus, I feel less horrible about those poor animals trapped in battery cages and factory farms.
  14. meat0is0murder

    meat0is0murder Member

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    i have been a vegetarin for around four and a half years.
    i was only 12 when i stoppped eating meat.
    and mainly i did it because the though of consuming something that was once breathing freaked me out.
    as time went buy i started reading about the meat industry and how cruely the animals are treated.
    i in no way want to be a part in the hellacious murder of those poor creatures.
    its honestly ridiculous the amount of torture they are put through....
    and another reason i live a vegetarian lifestyle is that i believe it is overall healthier.
    i get aot of shit from people for doing it, mainly because they honestly dont understand the cruelity that goes on.
    i have been a vegan before,and i pla on switching over to a full vegan diet when i live on my own.
  15. C.D

    C.D Member

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    I've been a vegetarian for 4 years now. Basically it started out as my refusal to be complacent in animals suffering. I saw the peta "Meet Your Meat" video and I was instantly a vegetarian. But as I've traveled the veggie path, my reasons have become more thorough. Environmental reasons, health reasons, etc. It's just the more compassionate path for myself, animals, and the world. I'm interested in going vegan, but I first need to become a much better cook (which I'm working on.) Shouldn't be too hard, since I really enjoy cooking.
  16. FlyingTIGER

    FlyingTIGER Member

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    I don't eat meat because they treat animals like shit... Plus, I used to have chickens, doves, rabbits, etc. for pets and my neighbor had two cows. I also do not eat eggs that aren't local, and drink soy milk.
    I'm also vegetarian for spiritual purposes, since I think it's bad karma to eat something that is so helpless to the hand of a human.

    "For the most part, we carnivores do not eat other carnivores. We prefer to eat our vegetarian friends." ~Robert Brault

  17. Thy Lizard King

    Thy Lizard King Member

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    Argh, I know it's horrible to eat meat because of the treatment of animals, but I have no problems with eating meat when it comes to my health. Eating meat has no bad consequences for my health for now at least. I have been raised up to eat meat and I have to say I rather enjoy eating it...I wish I were a vegetarian, but right now that isn't an option for me.
  18. FreshDacre

    FreshDacre Senior Member

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    Anything is an option. If you want to be a vegetarian, than you would be one. You obviously don't really want to be one.
  19. bearfeet

    bearfeet Member

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    because factory farmed animals are treated in ways i wouldnt wish upon hitler. i wouldnt mind hunting for survival. There is nothing wrong with death...there is something very wrong with paying for the needless suffering of another.
  20. PlaceboAddikt

    PlaceboAddikt Paranoia!

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    I don't eat meat for a few reasons. I can't stand to eat something that was once alive and cute. The living conditions don't help, but I still wouldn't eat an animal that had lived an awesome life. I'm not a vegan because I haven't really been committed enough to stick to it, and i'm not sure i totally believe in it. If you don't milk a cow, it will get sick. What's anyone gonna do with that milk? It's wasteful to let it go to waste like that.

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