hearing voices while stoned

Discussion in 'Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Dreamoftheiris, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Dreamoftheiris

    Dreamoftheiris Member

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    This just recently started happening and I would like to know if anyone here experiences auditory hallucinations, particulary hearing voices, while high. I know it's not a psychotic episode because I don't have delusional beliefs or feel like I'm being persucuted or anything like that. I have no history of mental illness in my family and feel that I do have a very strong mind. My theory is, and it may seem bogus to most people, that I get very sensitive to spiritual and psychic energies when I'm stoned. I once had a forced out of body experience while high and often hear buzzing noises while meditating stoned (a spirtual sign). These "voices" might very well be spirits, as they don't appear to be malevolent and honestly I can't make out a single word. It seems very faint and distant, but definietly not coming from a physical source. So you guys think I'm crazy and should stop smoking or just go with it? I'm definetly taking a break right now. BTW I do practice yoga and meditation and it seemed to happen after I started getting into it. Oh yeah, in case you didn't get it, it only happens while I'm stoned.
  2. XsgtLucyPepperx

    XsgtLucyPepperx Member

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    YES! I was just wondering today if I'm crazy because I always hear voices or think I see things when I'm stoned. I never actually thought of it that way (psychic) but it makes PERFECT sense. I'm very much into spirits and even my family/friends believe I'm sensitive to it all. I had a convo last night with a friends about how I'm super sensitive to everything while stoned so why not to spirits? Very cool analysis. lol, ur not alone, I bet we aren't crazy. ;)
  3. Dreamoftheiris

    Dreamoftheiris Member

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    Do you have a history of mental illness in your family? I'm only asking because I don't want to jump to conclusions. I'm scared to death of schizophrenia and honestly would rather have cancer then be insane. This makes me feel better, but not good enough to start smoking again :(
  4. smot_poker420

    smot_poker420 Member

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    I sometime kinda think I hear someone say something in the background I can't understand when I'm stoned o and when I'm smoking sometimes I hear it and get paranoid.
  5. Turpo64

    Turpo64 Member

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    ya i hear shit all the time and see stuff off the corner of my eye usually only late at nite in my house
  6. GeTcHaThIzZfAcE

    GeTcHaThIzZfAcE Member

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    hmmm. hearing shit while stoned. never done that. i get paranoid sometimes and will think i hear a car pulling up or something.
  7. sw0o0sh

    sw0o0sh Banned

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    Fuck I get delusional beliefs myself
  8. Dreamoftheiris

    Dreamoftheiris Member

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    Jesus you guys are young as shit. This isn't delusional, well I dunno it seems to be accepted by a large amount of people so I don't think that counts as delusional.
  9. LoserMan

    LoserMan Member

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    Well thats happened to me only once, i smoked and was about to go to sleep I remember hearing my name being called.. i opened my eyes all freaked out heh. i think it was me just being high and going into the whole dream world. or it could be SATAN! bwuaha
  10. medicalbud

    medicalbud Member

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    I have had some great ass weed from Calif Vancouver and Hawaii but never ever heard voices.
    Not even back in the day when I was smoking top grade 8ths every 6 days. Not even with best hash in clubs theses days.
  11. Shamanic Steve

    Shamanic Steve Member

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    I am full of delusional beliefs. Don't hear voices though, if that ever happens. I'm off the green.
  12. Dreamoftheiris

    Dreamoftheiris Member

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    You know, it only happened once and then I stopped. Maybe it's Ok now :)
  13. YogiZeon

    YogiZeon Member

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    Yo dream,

    Yeah, just the other day I was sittin in my friends living room. I thought I heard him call my name really loud like yelling it from outside. I ran outside, and I looked pretty dumb when he was just sittin there with his dog. But, I definitely heard my name and I responded.

    P.S. Ever done acid?
  14. jusdino4it

    jusdino4it DR. Lifetime Supporter

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    I think i hear footsteps and shit. But thats different i guess. Also, i dont see things outta nothing, but ill stare into a tree and forcus my eyes out, i see like a lown mower, then a hand and shit in the leaves. And it will keep changing almost like a kalidascope.
  15. Dreamoftheiris

    Dreamoftheiris Member

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    Yeah, I've done acid. But I don't think that's what's caused this because I smoked weed just fine after I did acid. This just started happening like a month ago, but like I said it only happened once, so I don't think it was anything to worry about.
  16. YogiZeon

    YogiZeon Member

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    ya. could've just been a synapse firing, causing an audible recreation of what someone said whilst you took acid. I smoke a lot of pot and from time to time it makes me feel similar to lsd. I also smoked a lot pretty much each time I tripped with the exception of one or two.
  17. ClonaTHC

    ClonaTHC Member

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    I have never heard voices on weed, and nobody else should either, unless you're absolutely bombed and don't know what the fuck is going on. Also, I should mention that hearing voices is a symptom of psychosis, which can be brought on by heavy pot use. If things like that happen when not stoned, you should quit and see a doctor.

    Another thing people should be aware of, psychosis does NOT have to be genetic, and it doesn't start all of sudden fully psychotic, it started very slowly and may take years to develop. Hearing voices sometimes could be a sign that it's coming. That doesn't mean you have it. But if it happens NOT STONED, see a doctor. These things can be handled usually.
  18. YogiZeon

    YogiZeon Member

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    I personally have not heard of psychosis due to heavy pot use. Clona where did you hear/read this? Thanks, this is new information to me.
  19. Dreamoftheiris

    Dreamoftheiris Member

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    Yeah, thanks Clona, I already knew that.
  20. xevan

    xevan Member

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    yah when im stoned, like ripped
    its basically a light trip for me
    I see cool patterns, flashes of colors, this run across my vision, and I hear a few things here and there but msotly its just me basically dreaming while im awake. Like I was sober for 2 months and then bam I got a 1/2 and smoke about 5 grams that day and I was up from 12-4am thinking I was asleep and then all of a sudden snapping out of it sitting down w/ all the lights on... intense.

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