Morning glory cold-water extraction(REALLY EASY)

Discussion in 'Exotic Psychedelic Plants' started by Icktongo1, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. ancient powers

    ancient powers Member

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    it is hard to believe that water is the best way to do it. that is the only way i do it anymore. 16hbwrs or 400mgs (16gs)mgs. grind em in a coffee grinder, soak the seeds for 1hr in triple the volume of cold water in a jar. place in the fridge and shake or swirl every 15min except at the end of the hour. next just pour off liquid through a fine mesh strainer and leave the sediment behind. Drink extract cold and have oranges and fresh cold water ready to help neutralize the taste.

    replace water with vodka in the procedure and then evaporate on a glass baking dish in a dark cool place. This will take a few days. This will produce a concentrated extract that you can use to make a tincture with.

    To really seperate the sediment out of the extract. put filtered extract liquid in a ziplock baggie and hang up by one corner. allow sediment to settle overnite and seperate by cutting a small hole the bottom corner.

    Discard sediment and collect the liquid layer and evaporate with fan on a glass baking dish in a dark cool place. This is the most concentrated for you can get naturally. This would make for a cleaner tincture.

    The concentrated extract can then be purified by mixing concentrate in 8.5ph water and sodium carbonate or baking powder mixture and extracting with an equal amount of naphtha/ronsonol lighter fluid. shake for 5min and allow to seperate. siphon off the solvant with vinyl tubing. and extract with 1oz of 3.5 water tartaric acid mixture.

    seperate using baggie and return solvant to concentrate extract jar. The mixture is extracted 4x and the 4 tartrate solutions are evaporated with fan on glass baking dish to reveal the most purest for of lsa you gonna get at home.

    pure enough to synth lsd using the hydrazine theory
  2. DrKlunk

    DrKlunk weewoo island

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    Alright, Im doing this right now and letting it set for 10min at the moment, what color should it be?

    Brown looks good to me, here we go...
  3. MisterMudz

    MisterMudz Member

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    You don't even need to extract them, just crush them into dust and eat them in ice cream or apple sauce or something like that.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  5. DrKlunk

    DrKlunk weewoo island

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    I thought extracting eliminates the nausea? Does just cleaning them? Whats the point in grinding them?
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Grinding them eliminates the actions your stomach acids needs to do to break them down... unlike a sunflower seed,. the husk of the MG is really hard..
    water extractions are cool too, but you will never get all the alkaloid out.. pulverizing them into dust with a hammer inside a nylon stocking in about the best way.. add lemon juice to soften more, consume all.. 10/20 packs of burpee, there is no way your not tripping..

    Note this shouldnt be taken week after week going on months.. LSA isnt all that safe like LSD.. If you dont exercise and move around alot. LSA can cause blood clots..

    Tripping on these seeds once in a while will do you no harm.. I do most my LSA tripping in the spring when Im planting them, and fall after I collected them from the living plants end cycles.. i havent collected many yet, they are just finishing now..
  7. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    Hey Orison, any thoughts on the notion of removing the hulls from the seed? I've heard reports that that's where the bulk of nasties are. Not concerned on pesticides in this case as they're wild so if that was the source for the suggestion for pulling hulls then I aint sweatin' it. ;)
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    If you have ever harvested fresh seeds, you can see there is no husk.. The seed hardens , yes. But its part of the whole seed and not really a shell..
  9. FritzDaKatx2

    FritzDaKatx2 Vinegar Taster

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    Oh,,, well then,,, :D

    Now wheres that coffee grinder??

  10. StillTrippin

    StillTrippin Guest

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    Well I've heard that the cold water extraction is the safest and the overall best. Go to erowid , the top rated trips were all cold water extractions..

    Does anyone know if growing my morning glory in a pot outside is a bad idea. I've heard the uv rays and heat kills LSA , but the seeds grow in pods ?

    I was also wondering if anyone could tell me where to get some free seeds .. I really wanna start growing this stuff and helpin my friends out. It the middle of winter and I can't get any seeds but I have a set up for this in my house. Maybe someone could send acouple of there pods my way ?? Ahaha idk

    Get back at me guys :)
  11. LeviathanXII

    LeviathanXII Member

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    Seeing as you say its winter for you, seems unlikely to get free seeds. You could buy some at a store and grow them and then have bundles of untreated seeds to help your friends out with. Or wait till its not so cold and plants are coming alive and see if they are growing in your area.
  12. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    note: I grow many morning glory plants. I want to mention those getting light during the night did not seed..

    So if you are planting them, make sure they get total darkness at night. No bleeding light from porches, street lamps ect..

    Plants I had in a different area that get total darkness at night SEED 100% .. They are self pollinating , but make sure you have some BEES..
  13. JohnnyTruant

    JohnnyTruant Member

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    Hey guys, sorry to bump a dead thread, but this seemed to be the best place to reply. Using this method of extraction, how much water would one have to drink to make one dose? Also, can the water be stored for later use? If so, for how long?

    I am new to the MG's and am actually just going to plant my first few tomorrow morning. Any idea how many I'll need to plant to get enough for multiple doses?
  14. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    plant a few packs of seeds along a fence, they need something to grow on and up.. They are climbers, youll have 1000's of seed from a few pack if you lay them right.. give them plenty of water m dont let the flowers wilt..
  15. JohnnyTruant

    JohnnyTruant Member

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    Thanks. And what about the extracted LSA? How much is a dose and can it be stored?
  16. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I couldnt really give you dosing info because I will smash pulverizer them into powder, and consume with tea. usually I start with 10grams, 16-20gram if I want a little extra..
  17. JohnnyTruant

    JohnnyTruant Member

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    That sounds pretty simple too. You just pour the powder into the tea and drink?
  18. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Water is kinda yukky.. I like tea and lemon.. most the time I can smash 10 grams to powder it will fill a table spoon. Its really simple yes, .. you might not like the come up cause its a little cramping, stomach upset, som people puke. but after that its all good... Smoke cannabis really kicks lsa in for me.. LSA my 3rd favorite psyche.. lots of people dont like it..
  19. JohnnyTruant

    JohnnyTruant Member

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    Awesome thanks for all the info. Just planted my first MG's this morning, but I'm probably gonna grab a few packs of burpees to try out. Trying to decide what else to grow for my garden. I'm thinking Kratom and Peruvian Torch. Any suggestions?

    EDIT: Also, are you talking Iced Tea or Hot Tea? I'd hate to destroy the lsa in a hot tea by accident.
  20. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    room temperature tea..
    i cant help you with other plants. other than cannabis.. :D

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