Isolation Tank / Sensory Deprivation Tanks

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by INSANEPOOKIE, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. Ganymed

    Ganymed Member

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    But when it goes only slighly wrong, it can be a oneway ticket for a trip that will never end. :( With people those e.g. overdosed brugmansia (it can take over an hour to take effect, thus it is very hard to dose) there are many cases know those ended in the nuthouse. It's a sad thing that would not happen when people learn to use drugfree methods instead.

    As a kid I built a simple stroboscope from an eperimentation kit and sat with it in the wardrobe for about half an hour (the zinc-carbon battery didn't last longer); basically this was my first mind machine.

    Again, has anybody more info about trance suits?

    Trance suit info wanted! (better than tank, which one is best?)
  2. the_most_sadistic

    the_most_sadistic Member

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    well i wouldnt say there much of a recreational use for brugmansia and datura like plants, the only way these plant should be used is with an experienced shaman to guide you through the journey. there not really psychedelic drugs though as their actually classed as a "Deliriant". Im more talking about mushrooms and LSD and DMT which is a naturally occuring substance in your brain (the one that makes your dreams, and possibly is what cause your life to flash back before you die)

    a better alternative would be to open research to these chemicals again and experiment in a controlled dosage and setting which sadly will never happen.

    i suppose it is a great outlook to have though to see the world kind of psychedelicly without drugs, the drugs are just the shortcut to "enlightenment". i can honestly say i would be a far worse person with out the use of psychedelic drugs in my lifetime, they opened so many truths and ideas that existed in my brain that i could not reach before.
  3. Ganymed

    Ganymed Member

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    The problem is that all the good things (creativity etc.) those may be gained initially by infrequent drug use, will get completely lost when the use increases and thus brain damage takes over as the dominant effect. It is also proven that persons those can make psychedelic art under drug influence are generally capable to make the same kind of art without the drug. Most people just don't "dare" to paint things like that when sober despite they always can. (It's a bit like with show hypnosis, that often does not induce trance at all, but only takes away the guilt as a subconscious excuse for doing something stupid etc. on stage and thus enables persons to do so.)

    With hallucinogenics I agree that they should be only taken in a controlled environment with guardians, those prevent the user from jumping out of the window or killing himself etc. on the trip.
  4. Silverbackman

    Silverbackman Member

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    Ganymed, you really have no idea about the differences of psychedelics or delirients do you? Psychedelics amplify the subconscious mind. They do not produce hallucinations in the way delirients do. Psychedelic changes in perception include sensory alterations, not real fantasy hallucinations like with datura, brugmansia, ect.

    As to the topic of the thread. I have not personally been in an isolation tank, but I would imagine that I would enjoy it a lot more on shrooms than on acid. Acid just stimulates me like anything, I imagine I would be quite closter-phobic in one of those tanks, lol. Where as shrooms is more light on the body, so I imagine I wouldn't feel the need to move as much. On acid I just love to move around and dance. On shrooms I more likely to be captivated by the wonders of nature over the wonders of the non-living. Not much of a need to move around, hence making me relax in the isolation tank more.
  5. mascotmatt

    mascotmatt Members

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    Hi Ganymed-

    Have you ever come across any more info on that "Orgon-!Ra" trance suit since this thread from a few years back?


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