Everyone is a guru....

Discussion in 'Gurus' started by bird_migration, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    .... but not every guru is everyone.

    Or are we?
  2. TheLizardQueen

    TheLizardQueen horny for knowledge

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    God damn it, I'll be thinking about that all day now.
  3. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    It is a thinkworthy statement indeed. Feel free to post your conclusion and/or unfinished personal thought about the statement.
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i would say actualy, yes we are.

    you know i heard once the origen of that word was just someone who knew how to get from where they were to some other place they might sometimes like to be. so that anytime someone asks you for directions, like how to get to the nearest 7-11, and you give them directions how to get there, you are being their 'guru'.

    of course i suppose that example might be a reducio ad infinitum
    but i think it makes a good point about making too big of a deal about somethings, like i'm doing saying so many words about this.

  5. shaman sun

    shaman sun Member

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    Everyone is their own guru, as everything is a teacher; from the smallest tree to the tallest mountain, from the greatest mind to the simplest fellow. The question is, do we know how to look? Can you see that?
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    learning how to look. learning to look at what is there and not what we want to assume or immagine or someone else has told us to expect or immagine.

    my father, who was a very imperfect human being, as we are all in many ways imperfect, told me, long before even kindergarten, and the fewer years you have the longer each one experientialy is, that the most important thing in life was learning how to actualy look, that everything else, in some way depends on it.

    i don't believe thought, that another human being can teach us as much about how to look as does the diversity of nature itself.

    sometimes another person can be useful to see what we ourselves might overlook. that is not because of superior powers of seeing but because again diversity, that we each see things in our own unique way, but also thanks to diversity to give us each other to see in those different ways.

    so not only are we all gurus but also we can sometimes bennifit from each other's percaptions and their differences from our own.

    the danger in that, what defeats the value of that, is when too many people try or pretend, to see too many things too much the same way.

  7. supertramp

    supertramp Member

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    Nature is every mans guru....if it can't "teach you" then no man... including yourself can!
  8. Fallout55

    Fallout55 Banned

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    Yes we are.

    We are all everyone.
  9. sentient

    sentient Senior Member

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    every shit is a shit but not every shit is all shit
  10. OnlyOne

    OnlyOne Banned

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    guud shit an bad shit that iz duh answer an question, here iz teh answer:
    Long Hair guud
    eat veggyz, guud.
  11. Fallout55

    Fallout55 Banned

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    Every human is a human and every individual human is every human.

    Cultural defusion
    Death and returning to nature then rebirth from the nutriants of the dead

    We are all parts of one brain every struggle we have amongts each other is the choices that this brain makes. We all combine to form one.

    Its all cycles, I am you and you are me.

    If we fight to prove/deny this then the brain is deciding to see its self for what it really is or if it wants to continue hiding form its shadow.
  12. OnlyOne

    OnlyOne Banned

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    Our brainz are alwayz tryin to oozz out our skcullz an be free, like osmosis, an buterfluez. it=they turn into HAITlockz, flowin away from the hell of your, our , my head.
  13. old tiger

    old tiger Senior Member

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    A cloud..is a cloud..but what's a cloud..without the skies??
    guru...means master..teacher??true gurus..never ask...
    whether they are guru's or not..they are..or they are not..
    a simple sanyasi or sadhu..carrying a tulsi mala...is not a guru..
    real guru's live in caves??not on an internet pages??
  14. i0-techno

    i0-techno The Magnificent Dope

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    If you have ambitions of being a guru, it is probably because you already are a guru.

    The second I found yoga in a little book at the impulse buy counter of Safeway I knew my calling, inspiration filled me to the brim. Life has changed and ambitions never die.

    Guru is just another word that people hear and attach their history to it and perceive it to be theirs, like a guy saying that gurus aren't on internet pages, they are in caves, well my mind is a cave and my thoughts and actions exit out of those caves all day every day and somehow they some times end up on a computer screen. Not trying to prove right or wrong but that yin an yang are in every aspect of life. Weigh and distribute whatever it is you have to and you will see this can be as real a fact as any fact can be real, which is to the beholder of such a thought. LOL
  15. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    if you don't have ambitions of being a guru you probably are too.
    there's too big a universe for any one to know it all,
    but there's too much diversity in it for anyone not to know
    SOME thing someone else doesn't.
  16. Divine_Love

    Divine_Love Guest

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    Every body is connected to unconditional love, but unconditional love is not let in by everyone :peace:
  17. varoneezy

    varoneezy Member

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    Everyone is not a guru. The mentally retarded and the mentally ill or just a few examples.
  18. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I asked of all that is, who is my teacher.

    I had an ecstatic dream, a man said there is someone I would like you to meet.
    He began introducing me to people who were coming through the door, face after face.

    Then I knew that I was to learn from you.
  19. Siddha Buddha

    Siddha Buddha Member

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    Guru is a function not a person. Guru is the Self Realizing function of God living through all. No one becomes a Guru, the Guru function is non-personal, and Transcendent of individuality.
  20. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Ahh. Changing definitions does not add to clarity. Learning common definitions


    gu·ru [g r]
    (plural gu·rus)
    1. Hindu or Sikh religious teacher: in Hinduism and Sikhism, a religious leader or teacher
    2. leader of religious group: a spiritual leader or intellectual guide for a religious group or movement, especially one considered not to be mainstream
    3. influential expert: somebody who has a reputation as an expert leader, teacher, or practitioner in a particular field
    a meeting of the world's software gurus
    a style guru

    4. revered teacher and counselor: a person's revered guide, mentor, or adviser in spiritual or intellectual matters

    [Early 17th century. < Sanskrit , "elder, teacher"]

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