Zogby Poll Shows Half of New Yorkers Believe Government Had Foreknowledge of 9/11

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Pressed_Rat, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Released: August 30, 2004

    Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed” To Act; 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York’s Attorney General, New Zogby International Poll Reveals

    On the eve of a Republican National Convention invoking 9/11 symbols, sound bytes and imagery, half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act," according to the poll conducted by Zogby International. The poll of New York residents was conducted from Tuesday August 24 through Thursday August 26, 2004. Overall results have a margin of sampling error of +/-3.5.

    The poll is the first of its kind conducted in America that surveys attitudes regarding US government complicity in the 9/11 tragedy. Despite the acute legal and political implications of this accusation, nearly 30% of registered Republicans and over 38% of those who described themselves as "very conservative" supported the claim.

    The charge found very high support among adults under 30 (62.8%), African-Americans (62.5%), Hispanics (60.1%), Asians (59.4%), and "Born Again" Evangelical Christians (47.9%).

    Less than two in five (36%) believe that the 9/11 Commission had "answered all the important questions about what actually happened on September 11th," and two in three (66%) New Yorkers (and 56.2% overall) called for another full investigation of the "still unanswered questions" by Congress or Elliot Spitzer, New York's Attorney General. Self-identified "very liberal" New Yorkers supported a new inquiry by a margin of three to one, but so did half (53%) of "very conservative" citizens across the state. The call for a deeper probe was especially strong from Hispanics (75.6%), African-Americans (75.3%) citizens with income from $15-25K (74.3%), women (62%) and Evangelicals (59.9%).

    W. David Kubiak, executive director of 911truth.org, the group that commissioned the poll, expressed genuine surprise that New Yorkers' belief in the administration's complicity is as high or higher than that seen overseas. "We're familiar with high levels of 9/11 skepticism abroad where there has been open debate of the evidence for US government complicity. On May 26th the Toronto Star reported a national poll showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced US leaders had 'prior knowledge' of the attacks yet declined to act. There was no US coverage of this startling poll or the facts supporting the Canadians' conclusions, and there has been virtually no debate on the victim families' scores of still unanswered questions. I think these numbers show that most New Yorkers are now fed up with the silence, and that politicians trying to exploit 9/11 do so at their peril. The 9/11 case is not closed and New York's questions are not going away."

    Nicholas Levis of NY911truth.org, an advisor on the poll, agrees, "The 9/11 Commission gave us a plenty of 'recommendations', but far more plentiful were the discrepancies, gaps and omissions in their supposedly 'final' report. How can proposals based on such deficient findings ever make us safe? We think these poll numbers are basically saying, 'Wait just a minute. What about the scores of still outstanding questions? What about the unexplained collapses of WTC 7, our air defenses, official accountability, the chain of command on 9/11, the anthrax, insider trading & FBI field probes? There's so much more to this story that we need to know about.' When such a huge majority of New Yorkers want a new investigation, it will be interesting to see how quickly Attorney General Spitzer and our legislators respond."

    SCOPE: The poll covered five areas of related interest: 1) Iraq - do New Yorkers think that our leaders "deliberately misled" us before the war (51.2% do); 2) the 9/11 Commission - did it answer all the "important questions" (only 36% said yes); 3) the inexplicable and largely unreported collapse of the third WTC skyscraper on 9/11 - what was its number (28% of NYC area residents knew); 4) the question on complicity; and 5) how many wanted a new 9/11 probe. All inquiries about questions, responses and demographics should be directed to Zogby International.

    SPONSOR: 911truth.org is a coalition of researchers, journalists and victim family members working to expose and resolve the hundreds of critical questions still swirling around 9/11, especially the nearly 400 questions that the Family Steering Committee filed with the 9/11Commission which they fought to create. Initially welcomed by the commissioners as a "road map" for their inquiry, these queries cut to the heart of 9/11 crimes and accountability. Specifically, they raised the central issues of motive, means and cui bono (who profited?). But the Commission ignored the majority of these questions, opting only to explore system failures, miscommunications and incompetence. The victim families' most incisive issues remain unaddressed to this day. The Zogby International poll was also cosponsored by Walden Three (walden3.org) and 9/11 Citizens Watch (911citizenswatch.org), a watchdog group which has monitored the Commission since its inception and will release its findings, "The 9/11 Omission Report," in several weeks.

    On September 9th and 11th, 911Truth.org will cosponsor two large successive inquiries in New York, a preliminary 9/11 Citizens Commission hearing and "Confronting the Evidence: 9/11 and the Search for Truth," a research-focused evidentiary forum. These inquiries will examine many of the 9/11 Commission-shunned questions and discuss preparation of a probable cause complaint demanding a grand jury and criminal investigation from the New York Attorney General. Possible charges range from criminal negligence and gross dereliction of duty to foreknowledge, complicity and subsequent obstruction of justice. For details and developments, see www.911truth.org. For press info, contact Kyle Hence 212-243-7787 kylehence@earthlink.net

    Zogby International conducted interviews of 808 adults chosen at random in New York State. All calls were made from Zogby International headquarters in Utica, N.Y., from 8/24/04 through 8/26/04. The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points. Slight weights were added to region, party, age, race, religion, and gender to more accurately reflect the population. Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.
  2. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    I agree that it was certainly possible, whenever there is a crime you have to look at who would profit from its occurance.
  3. Shane99X

    Shane99X Senior Member

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    You just can't fool New Yorkers.:H
  4. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    What ive repeatedly indicated in numerous threads Seamonster, only to be assailed by those who wish to live in denial and adhere to the myths of our "good guy" government.

    Seems the "tinfoil hat" mentality is more prevalent than the dismissive head in the sand types wish to concede. Nice to see people are actually using their brains to see through the laughable coverstory.
  5. RoBoWaLkEr

    RoBoWaLkEr Member

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    I wonder if there will ever come a time when enough evidence that they knew about/allowed/planned the attacks will come out to expose all who were involved, and reverse the damage it's done. (REPEAL THE PATRIOT ACT).
  6. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    If another Daniel Ellsberg within the CIA would have the decency and integrity to expose the truth as he did with the Pentagon Papers concerning the endless lies that launched and sustained our involvement in Vietnam, it would be a foregone conclusion.

    Time will tell. I only hope to live long enough to see every last member of this administration as well as, very likely, key officials within the Pentagon and NORAD put on trial for the traitors to the nation they are.
  7. jonny2mad

    jonny2mad Senior Member

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    do groups like hezbollah al-queda hamas ect ect ect ect really exist or are they all americans

    couple of points if there is a hidden american hand behind the war on terror why would they do something that would encourage islamic terror groups.
    I mean the whole point of being a power elite is having power if you show how easy it is to attack america isnt this going to encourage further attacks

    and if you look at islamic terrorism its pretty differcult to get agents into as its often family based and the people involved in it are differcult to break and its very spread out.
    so even if the power elite had control of al-queda there are loads of other groups that could be inspired by a big attack like sept 11

    the other point is that the people in islamic terrorist groups are not stupid and they have links with the anti war movement and it basically serves their interest to have people think that attacks like sept 11 were caused by a corrupt american government

    I dont know how things are in america but here in europe marxists at quite a high level seem to have joined forces with islamic fundermentalists as they see islam as the best way to attack the west and capitalism

    you have a record of attacks worldwide attacks on planes, people using bus and car bombs to suicide attack buildings, you have previous attacks on new york the most likely thing to me is that this was a attack by al-queda
  8. dhs

    dhs Senior Member

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    You know considering that we're still waiting for someone to come clean regarding the Kennedy assination, it's fairly obvious that if this is indeed true, we won't see the truth come out in our lifetime.

    Which begs the question - what is truth anymore in this world???????
  9. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that establishing an ethos of perpetual militancy which seeks to put other nations under constant threat for the acts of "shadowy and nebulous individuals or groups" means continual hyper spending on the US MIC to their neverending profit at tax payer expense.

    In the world of big money, you don't believe that corporations which fuel our repeated expeditionary interventionist policies would go to any lengths to ensure that the non-descript "terrorist" threat is constantly held up before the public as a means of forcing slavish acceptance of MIC pre-eminence?

    I suggest you go back and read 1984 all over again.
  10. jonny2mad

    jonny2mad Senior Member

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    shadowy and nebulous individuals or groups"

    look what I suggest you do is stop reading 1984 which is a nice novel and go out and talk to some supporters of these groups they are real people
    and they have a very real agenda

    I really dont think any western government or big arms dealers are running these people I dont think they are that clever and I dont think they need to be

    you have jihad being waged throughout the world not just against america it has a religious motivation talk to muslims especially young male ones
  11. jonny2mad

    jonny2mad Senior Member

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  12. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Yep that's right...

    Look at the Carlyle Group, a defense contracting company that makes Billions off war, this group is owned By The Bush Family and The Bin Laden Family. And the Bin laden Family HAS NOT Abandoned Osama, he is still part of the family. The CIA and Osama Bin laden work together to make terror attacks in America and Other parts of the world to furthur their Agenda of a WorldWide Police State. After These Terrorist attacks are fulfilled, the Global Elite uses them as an excuse to pass laws and acts like the Patriot Act, furthur controlling us and putting us into a slave like state. Now, after the 9/11 attack, the Carlyle Group (Owned By The Bushes and Bin Ladens) Funds and Builds the weaponry and Military Bases in the wars That are started using 9/11 as an excuse (Afghanistan, Iraq, Soon Iran) and they make billions. This is all a coverup and a conspiracy and people who don't believe it are blind. the FBI Weren't allowed to arrest Taliban and Al Queda Leaders before 9/11, Bush said they could be arrested if they tried. This is an act of treason and a conspiracy within the global elite to put us in a slave like state, and make the Bushes and Bin ladens Billions of dollars, and they try to distract us from this with the "Democratic and Republican" crap, two parties who both have serious flaws, so the country spends all it's time fighting against eachother instead of fighting against the real power, the Global Elite. There is proof of this EVERYWHERE, and if you want I am perfectly willing to give you links from credible sources claiming that all of this is true.
  13. Bacchus

    Bacchus Member

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    How many people, do you think, that you tell this to believe you?
  14. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    I don't care who believes me and who doesn't believe me. I KNOW what I believe and nobody else's opinion can change that. They can turn a blind eye to what i have to say, or they can do their own investigating and atleast give what i have to say a chance and not just blindly ignore it.

    Peace and Love,
  15. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    You are given arabic names on a tv screen whether by US officials or their foreign (often dictatorial) allies and presume "ah, of course they are wanted or being rounded up so they must be members of Al Qaeda or some facsimile thereof". This is precisely the ethos that was intended and precisely the sort of sheepish unquestioning response that permits the far more likely acts of rounding up mere political opponents (what better excuse than naming them "terrorists") who have nothing whatsoever to do with any bombings or kidnappings.

    Does the corporate news which now regularly feeds you these names and photos bother to actually investigate to verify that the named individuals have ever committed such acts or have any history of trying to simply depose otherwise brutal dictatorial allies?

    Ready acceptance of the mainstream media messages without any concrete proof ever being shown is shameful. If more people woke up and bothered scrutinising the decades of CIA/Mossad contrived attacks and events justifying military aggression, perhaps then they might not so readily believe what is presently being ladeled out under the banner of "fighting terrorists".
  16. LaughinWillow

    LaughinWillow Member

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    You are defending the history of Russian genocide in Chechnya? What are you TALKING about here? Do you have any idea what Russia has DONE to the Chechnyan people? Christ. Religion is most certainly NOT the major cause of the conflict in that country - brutal oppression and murder of thousands is.
  17. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    All the same, taking innocent children hostage is despicable and wrong, regardless of what the Russians did first.
  18. jonny2mad

    jonny2mad Senior Member

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    You are defending the history of Russian genocide in Chechnya? What are you TALKING about here? Do you have any idea what Russia has DONE to the Chechnyan people? Christ. Religion is most certainly NOT the major cause of the conflict in that country - brutal oppression and murder of thousands is.

    you have a nasty history on both sides going back hundreds of years, and if you talk to the chechens fighting you will find that religion IS the major cause of conflict in that country

    I dont know about your media but here in britain they refer to these people as chechen seperatists, the same as they refer to hezbollah or al-aqsa martyrs brigade or palestinian islamic jihad as palestinian militant groups.

    They do this as words like jihadi or islamic terrorist upset people
    but what they are is jihadis they have a primary religious motivation

    and after they get independance for chechens which basically means another islamic state they will try to take another piece of russia and another and another
    the same process goes on worldwide
  19. LaughinWillow

    LaughinWillow Member

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    The majority of human rights groups on this planet have been reporting for YEARS on the genocidal abuses going on in Chechnya. I suppose the disappearances, torture, massacres of innocent civilians, forced relocations, etc etc etc have NOTHING to do with the anger of the Chechnyan "rebels." Defending Russia on this issue is beyond the pale. Absolutely ridiculous. It's like defending China's right to murder Tibetans. Just plain ludicrous. But acceptable, so long as the abusive nations call those who rebel "terrorists."

    They probably hate Russia because they hate freedom. :rolleyes:
  20. Bacchus

    Bacchus Member

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    You are being defensive, I also agree with probably everything you just said, I just want to know what kind of a reaction you get.

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