Today I had to deliver an item to a very attractive young woman's home in her 20's that I had advertised free. She had a low cut top on & a very slim body & nice small breasts. She had smaller looking breasts than my wife's. She was not alone at home & t never got to help her take the item inside where she needed it. I want you to try & guess what was this item was & why it was free ?
I think its amazing that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN you come across wears low cut tops. I'm guessing the item was a bag of pubic hair??? Am I right????
Low cut tops must be a thing in New Zealand. I'm guessing the free item was some every day item that was used for anal play.
Maybe an eggplant. It could have been a whole fruits and veggie basket full of things he has used up the butt.
There are only a few things we know about nz male. They are the following: 1. He loves to shove things up his ass 2. He's slightly obsessed with pubic hair 3. Every woman he comes in contact with wears low cut shirts and short skirts that expose their pubic hair. 4. His wife only lets him have missionary sex and never initiates. Anything else we know???
You missed the thread about him wanting to get a hotel room to pleasure himself. We all trolled it too hard, and it got deleted though.
No, just some of them have had tops with low neck lines. This woman has a partner. No not a bag of pubic hair.
On warm days they wear low cut tops - its Summer here at the moment. Yes your partly right -the item is used everyday but not for sexual uses. Well maybe part of it is used for storing things in it for anal use.