The only reason I would post there is to lend advice to them. Can only lesbian women give advice to other lesbian women? That is the way it seems, the way they control that board.
It States The Forum Is For Lesbians ONLY, Why Does It Exclude Men Of All Sexual Leanings BUT MAKES NO MENTION OF STRAIGHT WOMEN......?????? Cheers Glen.
I will have no problem staying outta there. i am straight and would not want to confuse anyone, Glen.
In any relationship there’s a masculine and a feminine (regardless of sexual orientation) and it appears in the lesbian forum it’s a bull market Hotwater
Moderators Repeatedly Say They Can't Get A Response From Him So What Chance Have I Got....????? Cheers Glen.
I'm A Lesbian Trapped In A Gay Man's Body, And Let's See Anybody Prove Otherwise....!!!!!!!!! Cheers Glen.