Hi, Not sure who reads these, just stumbled on these forums. From Canada, should apologize now because I’m bound to eventually. Any tips anyone might have to navigate this place, feel free to share. I have never read a post on this forum before, so I would be the definition of noob. Also I don’t really emoticon or use the “lol” because whenever I’ve tried I feel like I die a little inside. No judgement on those who do, you’re probably way cooler than me. That’s all. Oh wait, can you GIF on here? Learned about GIF’s a couple years ago and they’re the coolest. I’m not 12 years old, I’m in my 30’s and was doing far less productive things when everyone else seemed to learn how to navigate the internet. I feel like I’m talking to myself. This is awkward… P.S. I don’t think I’ve figured out this GIF thing. Oh bother. Edit: Maybe THIS - http://imgur.com/L36OGbn Edit part deux: Drat
I Have To Say Over The Years Canadians Have Proven To Be A Problem On This Site, But Everybody Should Be Given The Opportunity To Show That They Can Be Responsible Members Of Society........Don't Blow It....... And Welcome To Hip Forums..... Cheers Glen.
Thanks Glen! I assure you I want no problems. Seen the way some people behave hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, it’s gross. Canadians have been a problem specifically? Probably just American’s pretending to be Canadians like they do when they travel (winking emoticon). Is the whole “gif” thing available here? I tried and failed miserably. I’m not great at matrix.
Just Joking.....Canadians Are Much Loved Members Here.... ....Gif Does Work Here But Maybe Another Member Who Is More Internet Savvy Than Me Can Gif You Some Advice...... Cheers Glen.
you can post gifs just like any other picture on here; just click the image button (the one that vaguely resembles a polaroid) and paste the image URL in it. i'm curious what would make you decide to join if you've never even read a post here?
First of all, thank you. Secondly, I came here because I asked a question in the Google-box, and it looked to be a topic in this forum. So I joined.