Newly single, so I can experiment with goofy stuff without getting laughed at (in person at least). I tried black polish one time, hated and removed it immediately. Now I'm a bit more open-minded and am kind of liking these blue tones. Next weekend I have a volunteer event where I'll be dealing with the public all day in a large retail store. Most of the other volunteers are women. I always wear flip-flops. Gotta decide by then if I want to wear polish or not. (I'll do a neater application, and with a single color, if I decide to wear it). Wondering if the lady volunteers will think I'm gay. I hope not because now that I'm unattached, I wouldn't mind dating one or two of them. I'll probably chicken out by then, but who knows. I WILL go out in public like this to run errands, etc. and maybe do a barefoot hike, but that's easier as I'll be anonymous. Any other guys on here wear polish?
Nope......Iv'e Worn 5 Toe Rings For Over 11 Years And Never Had A Negative Comment....... Quite The Opposite Actually.......But I Certainly Won't Be Painting My Nails...... Cheers Glen.
i'm not a big fan of nail polish. even on women, i don't really think it adds anything. if i see it on a guy, i don't think he's gay, but i do kind of think he might be a douche. of course, women like douchey guys so it might not hurt your chances. and no, i'm not saying you're a douche, that's just what i tend to think when i see a guy wearing nail polish.
I'm not for nail polish either, if a guy chooses to, I have no problem with it. An interesting thing, I feel it's nearly impossible to distinguish between male and female feet when the toenails are polished.
Thanks for the replies. It'll probably just be something I do around home or when I'm in public anonymously. Not going to mess with it while volunteering this weekend.
I prefer red and pink. I’ll get a lot of stares and funny looks when I do it in public wearing flip flops. I really only do it if I’m somewhere that I’m virtually certain I won’t see someone I know. Which is not that often unfortunately.
I like the medium blue with blue jeans. Went to Walmart like that, wearing flip flops, dunno if anyone noticed. I actually applied green polish for St. Patrick's Day, intentending to wear it while volunteering on Saturday, but I chickened out when I got there and put on socks.
Will i wear toe rings and i have painted my toes twice and i got a lot of negative comments about my toes being painted the toe rings they liked but the polish has to go . And it was from friends and people i just meet. And the last time it was a blue polish and some of the people i know like it but the rest said no your toes look better with out the polish so i never painted my toes again but i still wear my toes rings. I would think about doing it before you paint your toes and go out in public. The blue polish looks good on you.
I'm a little curious, did the negative comments come from any women? I have received. positive comments from a toe ring.
Hmm. Maybe I'll try a ring. Certainly less noticable than polish. What style ring do men wear? Plain band? I saw one on Amazon that has barefoot prints on it, cute, but maybe more for kids.
I'm a guy, and being a rocker I like wearing dark(typically black) nail polish on my fingers. I think I've only put nail polish on my toes once or twice, but I guess it's fashionable. The moral of the story here is, do what you want.
I polish my toe nails with the sandpaper they sell at Walmart usually used to put a shine on auto paint. I don't remember what I originally bought it for but I did not like the ridges on my toe nails so I started with the 1000 and smoothed the ridges then I skipped to the 2000 and smoothed some more then the 2500. After the 2500 they look good but then use the back of the sandpaper just the paper and buff a little and the nails shine like a new car. It just looks like I have really healthy shiny nails.
I tried wearing polish for a while and liked it, especially blue polish with blue jeans. But decided it was too much effort. Found a ring I like and ended up with no polish, one ring and thin leather surfer-type ankle bracelet on left foot. Happy with it, looks good, easy and doesn't draw any attention.
I have painted my toe nails a dark red it looked good on my toes i even had 4 lady's tell me that it looks really good on my toes. And i was a little worried that people would tell me it looks bad . i even had a few guy's tell me it looks good on me and that when their wives do there toe rings that color it doesn't look good on them. They even told me that my toes are beautiful for a guy . I said thanks i never seen them before and this happened at Wal-Mart and Lowe's it felt great but after two weeks i removed the polish and didn't polish them. And i haven't polish them sense. I might try this blue nail polish that sparkle but i don't know if it will look good on my bare feet. But if anybody does try to polish there toe nails be confident in your self and pick a color that will look good on your toe nails. Everybody keep barefooting.
I'm probably going to paint my toenails tomorrow for the first time, a nice light blue that I've borrowed from my sister. May even wear my pair of barefoot sandals for the first time in years. We're going to a friends party, I wont be the only one with bare feet, the host and her partner always go barefoot at home and last year the majority of guests came in flip flops then kicked them off. Its a pretty open minded set of people so I don't expect a negative reaction. Not too sure about the walk there and back through the town centre though.