So Im buying two Xanax bars tommorow to take during school. I want to know what drugs can be mixed smoothly with these (only taking one during school.) I was considering buying acid but not sure how it would react with me . Help?
don't take bars with acid. bars will just dull the effects of the acid. don't take acid at school, cuz I doubt you'll be able to hold your shit together. there's a high potential for a bad trip in that kind of environment. use your imagination and think about the cops coming to your class and dragging you to the principals office to question you, all with a head full of acid, that would be pretty scary, especially when ur trippin ballsack.
Thanks man! I was really debating what I should do. And idk man decent acid in the Windy City is hard to get your hands on. There's not really pure Lsd, so I'm assuming the acid you tried is much stronger what's out here. But thanks man
I would definitely not waste it in school if it's hard to come by. you'll have a much better time tripping in a safe plac where there's no chance of getting "caught" or in trouble.
xanax will almost totally eliminate all effects of lsd. if you have never done lsd, you have to do it by itself, so you can really appreciate and feel what its effects. i keep xanax for emergencies, like if someone is having a bad trip and wants to get off the acid. its also good for falling asleep after doing any kind of uppers.
xanax is a waste of your brain, and of LSD. school is a waste of LSD, and more importantly, taking it in a situation where you can't handle your shit could cause serious problems for you, not just in terms of trouble, but in your head. If you're asking this question, you should not take either of these drugs, but especially not LSD.
Can you imagine being on acid in a classroom and you think in your head. Teachers, leave those kids alone. tear down the walls!
Read the sticky at the top of this forum, there's a good chance what you're buying as "acid" is not LSD. This makes it even less appealing to take in school, as there's a risk of hospitalization or worse. Even real acid you shouldn't take in school though, its worth planning a whole day around, its quite a show
Oh yeah. I remember a kid from high school who thought it would be cool to trip on the last day of school. He was in English class and decided to scribble on a wall with a marker. He was caught and expelled. He was a senior. Four years of high school thrown away in a single day. I wouldn't even do the Xanax in school. 3:30 comes soon enough, then you can have all the fun you want.
Yea I didn't take the acid but I took a yellow bar Right before first period started and it was quite pleasent. I had fun. People we're telling me I was acting different. I'm usually a chill guy but I guess i was being pretty much the opposite . I was going up to random girls and telling them I thought they were beautiful. I took the other half during lunch and my friends said I was being crazy. I kept slapping this girls ass and she asked if she can have a Xanax. I told her only if she gave me a kiss. (Mind you were both in a relationship.) all in all it was really fun. Wouldn't do it again tho they were kindve expensive and wasn't really worth the money but if offered hell yea.