I'm just curious if this ever happened to you to send the wrong message to the wrong person in a chat like e.g. WhatsApp or Telegram. It happened to me just recently that I wanted to send my gf that I'm really hot and that I start counting the time till I'll meet her again. But after some hours I realized I haven't sent the message to my gf, but just to another friend. It was quite embarrassing to justify while she had her fun with me :bigcry: :bomb: So, what's your story? What did you send? How did the other react? Could you reverse the thing or did it worsen the situation? Just text or pics as well? Embarrassing details, plz :crowngrin:
I've done it on my phone with the text messaging. I just banged away on the keyboard and then hit send, but it was to the wrong person. It's happened more than once, actually and I remember maybe ten years ago I sent a really dirty message to my girlfriend and it ended up sending to the wrong person.. But I turned the Nokia off and, well I hope that cancelled it as I realized my mistake just in time. I never heard anything about it, so I may have lucked out. Still to this day, I have a complex where if I'm talking about someone, I have a fear they can Bluetooth my phone and find out what in saying. or, that they'll somehow recover the message not addressed to them.
Oh yeah. Sent my mom a text saying, "Damn baby, I was so pleased with our night." and then went into super sexual details. Momma was not happy. Recently texted my companion my shopping list on accident, which included anti-fungal cream (for my horse, not me lolol) and tampons.
i've always been kind of paranoid about this, so i usually end up checking who i'm texting with several times before hitting send.
Ive never bothered with dirty texts, but if I did my samsung would stuff it up for me. They'd go to the right person, but the texts would be about my big Clock
This kind of thing happens to me several times a year or more while texting. My attention span sucks(why I constantly have to edit my posts). I try to be careful, but I have a lot of lapses. Autocorrect screws me over big time too. My only story close to being worth telling about texting the wrong person is too lame to type out.