I have a short video on youtube, which is less than 2 minutes and they speak English, without written subtitles. However, I can hardly understand spoken English because it does not have English subtitles. Could anyone help? Just type out what they say, you don't need to add any subtitles or timestamps. Please PM me if you are willing to help
I dunno. This is like, a person claiming their deaf say "hey did you hear that?" How can you type pretty perfect English but not be able to understand it verbally?
I have that problem a lot when listening to those foreigners speaking English, like you know, the English. Especially certain dialects. And don't get me started on the Irish and Scots. We're watching old All creatures Great and Small videos and some of those characters definitely aren't speaking English
I've never known a translator to work that good. Usually you can translate and translate and the end result is something not even close to what you even wanted lol. Like Chinese whispers.
Yeah but stranger things have happened. I was talking to a German girl one time who I was very friendly with. I translated for her that I would have sex with her. She replied "your translater said I would gender you"