I hope you realize that you guys did not take LSD, most likely nBome. Vomiting is a sure sign it's not LSD. The only time I have ever seen/heard of someone vomiting on LSD is from a big dose, bigger than two blotters. and this; fucking pisses me off!!! :toetap05: Some fucking friends you are!! Fuck, you would rather risk your friend dieing because your too much of a fucking pussy to tell the fucking truth about what he took!!! People like you make me sick! I'm glad you decided not to do it anymore because it's fucking moronic dumb shits like you that make more problems for everyone because your fucking STUPID!!!!
Yeah I mean, I don't know much about acid but... even I know that that doesn't sound like acid! See here's the problem... the stuff is illegal. So who on Earth knows what that guy around the corner is selling? We're taking a risk any time we buy from "some random drug dealer" because it's not regulated. This is why many people want to legalize all drugs, and so on. Two also sounds like a lot particularly if you don't fully know what you're taking, but as say I don't know the world about LSD. I'm sure NoxiousGas is closer to the mark there than me
heya don't take what he said too hard... this is a big forum and you'll get all different kinds of replies. I understand what you mean that the situation wouldn't have been simple even if you had been standing there with the cops sober while he tripped / nearly died, let alone while you're still on something.
yeah that sounds pretty awful I wonder what it was. Shame about the legality and that, otherwise I would say grab another one and get it tested! I dunno if there's any way to do that without getting in any trouble, I really have no idea. But it would be good to know what it was I think.
if you took the same PILLs. how come younz weren't treated and released. you leave that part out, or do the police and medics always do sloppy work in your area. why would they leave you untreated only to return later for your side effects. had you all taken the same things...
This is what happens when the most beautiful drugs are illegal. They become dangerous, and people can falsely advertise that it's the "same beautiful drugs of the 60s". I hate to tell you this but the DEA is winning the war on drugs, especially the psychedelic ones. This is how the government's dream of a "psychedelic free world" are achieving and it's sad. If you have an objection, I'll listen.
So your friend mixed NBOME, which on its own can kill you, with some mystery pills, and had a typical NBOME reaction. How is this the fault of acid? None of you were on it, and it has nothing to do with this story. You'd be lucky to experience an LSD trip. I encourage your conviction to stay away from your "local acid" (which isn't acid, stop calling it that), and I encourage you to take it one step further and communicate very clearly to the person who sold you these just how unhappy you all are to have been tricked into buying poison and almost losing a life. Unless these lessons are taught, these people will continue to get rich selling poison to kids like you who are all too content to say "Eh, whatever, acid is acid". Well, no it isn't, not when it almost kills you. Do something about it.
Originally Posted by Corrisma Yeah, i never said it was LSD. Hence the very loose term 'acid'. Around here we don't really get to decide the quality of the drugs we get. And we were fucking tripping dude. We didn't know what the fuck to say. Sirens, flashing lights, general confusion. Not to mention our best friend dying. I think they do the same thing for seizures no matter what happened, which is probable because they were able to bring him back. When you're in that exact situation you come back and talk to me, but thanks for making me feel fucking terrible man, i appreciate it a lot. Don't mention it, glad I could help. :sunny: Welcome to Hip Forums, everyone isn't as harsh an asshole as I am, but I hope you learned something and if you stick around I'm sure you will learn more. ps. while not being in your exact situation. I have been tripping balls, talking to police and able to handle it and if a friends life were in danger I would tell the truth because they don't always treat things the same. If they thought he took a barbiturate they would treat him differently then if he took amphetamines, you understand?
They won the battle of the sixties. But there has been no battles since. Just psychedelic guerilla warfare. They have proven time and time again that they can't win that kind of war. The overall war on drugs has been lost from their perspective. Badly i might add. Its a fact. Shame for accepting defeat so wrongly and early. Don't be so eager to taste the koolaid. They can't win a war like that. Especially when you include prescription meds.