How sad. I sometimes think there is a use for organized religion at least for some people.
Reminds me of a blog I've been reading recently: A woman who weighs 400 pounds blogs about her life as an obese person. She, and a growing army of other people, seem to believe that being fat isn't inherently unhealthy, and that trying to lose weight is unhealthy. I don't really understand the reasoning that they put forth, but it seems to be a dangerous attitude. This man, case in point.
Interesting that his mother also died of pneumonia. Don't they give out those pneumonia shots in the UK? One shot will prevent pneumonia for 10 years! Highly recommended if you've had pneumonia before. I bet he left the hospital early not cause of homesickness, but because he was being gawked at by staff and visitors!
Morbid obesity predisposes a person to pneumonia, and increases the risk of complication. Most healthy, non-elderly people do not die from pneumonia.
Well if he had become religious, he might have thought that this was god's way and he could have received some comfort from being part of a religious community and not turned into a foodoholic.
He didn't talk about fanatics (shows were your mind primarily is with the subject of religion) But yes, talking about fat people and religion: Buddha had quite the stomach as well. Surely Bilby didn't imply fat people should join any eastern religion! Hey, I noticed certain atheists with glasses. You know what that means?