Wicca And Satanism.

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Jimbee68, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    In the 80's fundamentalist Christians in the US used to say Wicca and Satanism were all the same thing. No they weren't. But then Anton Szandor LaVey came out and said he thought they were. I still don't know what he was talking about.

    Wicca is ethical and spiritual. Modern Satanism is selfish and anti-spirtual. LaVey was entitled to his own beliefs, and what he wants to do in private is his own concern. But he was very wrong on that, and wrong to say it.
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Wicca has nothing to do with Satanism.

    Modern Conservatism and Fundamentalist Christendom, on the other hand...
    "Satanism is just Ayn Rand's philosophy with ritual and ceremony added."
    Anton LaVey
  3. Vessavana

    Vessavana Members

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    Satanism in Christianity is just used differently to self-identification as such.

    In Christianity everything opposing "God", or in actuality the doctrines of the specific church, sometimes including other Christian churches can be labeled as Satanic from the POV of their doctrine where everything opposing God can be framed as being "satanic influence". After all the very term comes from "opponent", so everything opposed to (our interpretation of) God is Satanic.

    Self identifying Satanism is a very modern phenomenon. No one opposed to Christianity and the Church, no traditional occult or similar groups would have considered themselves satanic.

    Modern usage of the word is in essence "reclaiming" it in the same way in which some other social groups did it ( think "N word"). They choose to do it in order to troll the Church, essentially. But the Christian usage for their enemies much predates any self-identification use.
  4. Whirlwind83

    Whirlwind83 Members

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    They're two different things. To my limited experience, Satanists are usually welcome in pagan circles. From my limited understanding, Satanism is more often a socio-philosophical school of thought with some magic components, and sometimes gets involved in activism then it is a religion. But some Satanists are theistic. Though I'm unsure who they worship?

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