Cause it gets you high!!! cause it gets you high!!!!!!! compliments of Mr. Nice Guy!!!!! - Sir Smoke o' lot
keeps me calm, not hyper. makes me laugh a lot. and realize life is too short to sweat the small stuff
Why not? I look at it this way, I can either be high when I do something or I can be sober. Most of the time it's more fun to do the said thing when you're high.
There are many reasons people smoke weed. I would agree that getting high is a big one. Some people don't like to say that because DARE has told us that getting high is wrong. I smoke to get high, I smoke for religious reasons, I smoke to enhance walks outdoors, I smoke with friends... etc. One of the reasons I started smoking -- besides curiosity -- is that I was drinking A LOT. Enough that I was probably well on the road to being an alcoholic. I had a good friend stop me after one heavy night and we talked. I mentioned how sick I was going to be in the morning and he said that was why he smoked weed. After two months of research (did I mention I am a recovering geek) I decided it had to be better than what I was doing to my liver. So, I started smoking to help me cut down on my drinking. It actually worked great. I went from a daily drinker to a weekly smoker. For some reason that worked for me. I wouldn't encourage someone to smoke if they haven't. I would welcome any person who came to their own decision to smoke though. It is just something people have to decide on their own.
Pretty much what everyone above has said. It's good for chilling out, makes you a more relaxed person (at least for me), and it's arguably the least unhealthy method of getting intoxicated.
Why smoke? Look at my username..... If you want more reasons find the other threads that have the same question. I didn't mean that to be offencive, but you would probably find more reasons. Is it spelled offencive or offensive? peace.