Why Republcians are the party of racism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by unfocusedanakin, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Simple: they speak in a racist way and have the support of groups like the KKK and Alt-right.

    Why do these people not join the Demarcates? If we think like a Republican Dems are racist. Lincoln was not a Democrat and this party lies all the time saying racism is real. So why is a racist not interested in this? This is the party that said a black man should stay a slave. They did not that say exactly that but I am speaking like Fox news here. Lincoln gave a free pass forever,

    Why does he not want to trick a weak minded person? Where this falls apart is these "lies" often encourage the minority to think racism is real and to stand up to it. They encourage things like welfare so they don't really fit a racist agenda. If these things happen being white is not a job qualification and everyone is told they need to respect each other.

    It makes no sense to claim Demarcates are racist when confronted when the modern party lines and evidence. You can't expect MAGA to think this though. They are in a cult.

    For whatever reason your racial views make you go right or left now and you picked that after some thought. So what's true? Racists like white rights or white people say "hey let's all tell that ****** he is a victim. We know he's a ****** but won't it just piss off the not racist white people to fuck with the black guys like that". It makes no sense and it's all some people have to deny their own racial views.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2019
    stormountainman likes this.
  2. I've known enough republicans to know that, nine times out of ten, they're racist. They're racist because, in their words, they hate niggers.
    stormountainman likes this.
  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    They are old school racist to me. A time when racism was not called racism. This is why they get so upset over the label. In 1955 if was "just how things worked" to separate the races. To call someone a ****** was rude but again what you call those people. In the 60's they said since the law states separate but equal it's a fair law. Again it's right for folk to stick to their own. MLK is a trouble maker telling all these young men they are victims. No they are not they were born decades after slavery!

    Now they say BLM has no argument since slavery is over.

    Why is it wrong for me to stick up for MY race? They want to argue that science even says it's normal to form a flock like they do. Yeah, junk science.

    The whole Lincoln freed the slaves argument is also a weak understanding of the time period. He had other priorities besides racial harmony. Each party was very racist at the time. They honestly don't get or accept that. They need it to be true.
    stormountainman likes this.
  4. mcme

    mcme lurker

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  5. The whole Lincoln thing is just them wanting their cake and to eat it, too. They'll do anything to make a liberal look uninformed, even pretend to love black people. Really black people just make them squirm. Actually, anybody who is different than them makes them squirm. I don't know if it's just because they're so reserved with their emotions or what that causes it. They hate to appear vulnerable.
  6. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    The Republican Party gave up any claim to the mantle of Lincoln when LBJ's Civil Rights Laws turned the South against Democrats in the 60s and Nixon's "Southern Strategy" used racial dogwhistles to lure it to the Republicans. Before that, "Solid South" meant a region that voted reflexively Democrat because of memories of Lincoln. But in the 70s, the "party of Lincoln" became the party of ex-Southern Democrats.
    Why did Democrats lose the white South?
    How the GOP Went South
    How times change!
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
  7. Bicaptain My Captain

    Bicaptain My Captain Members

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    Thanks for the links. It saved me a lot of searching. Democrats and Repugnants. er, Republicans "switched sides." Not many people seem to know that.
    stormountainman likes this.
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    If half of a country's citizens are racist shouldn't that be adequately represented in politics? :D
    Driftrue likes this.
  9. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I assure you the silent majority in the United states is adequately represented.

    They don’t often speak with a loud voice like the proud boys or Identity Evropa who hide behind the anonymity of white faces illuminated by tiki torches, but there are millions of disenfranchised
    working class white people out there who feel short-changed by society. They’re angry and they see Trump as their knight in shining armor.
    stormountainman likes this.
  10. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I remember when Charles Colson and Jerry Falwell convinced Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew to make the Republican Party a home for Racist Rich White men. Spiro Agnew immediately started attacking the Liberal Media just like Trump does these days. The Republicans renewed the KKK call for America First, America Love it or Leave it, Kill a Commie for Mommy, and Make America Great Again. That last caption was a code for a reinvention of the Southern Confederacy and its designs for colored people in a white nation controlled by white men.

    The KKK and the Republicans want: Guns in the hands of white men to kill and control Indians, Mexicans, and Blacks
    Low taxes or no taxes on the wealth of white men
    No immigration
    Concentration of wealth in the hands of white men
    Real Estate properties and business properties in the hands of white men
    Control of state and federal government in the hands of white men
    Control of police and courts in the hands of white men
    No government interference in business
    No government services for poor and colored people
    Exclusion of minorities from elections
    No education for Black children
    No school lunch for Black children
    No minimum wage
    No government subsidized housing for poor and Black people
    Mandatory standing and recital of pledge for school children
    No equal rights for Women or Black people
    KKK members can ride along with Sheriff Deputies around the county so they can beat the shit out of coloreds.
  11. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    There are no political parties, the KKK and Neo-Nazis are not political organizations, voting for whoever advertises the most is not a two party system. Our glorious leader was a democrat who was elected against the will of his own republican party leaders, who are all KKK themselves, because it no longer matters what the fuck anyone says or does. PT Barnum is running the three ring circus and freak show, has not paid taxes in twenty years, and used some of the money he saved to cut the mass media a deal on their rent. The south is gonna rise again! And, of course, live to regret it like everything else and blame it on the rest of the world.

    Ringling Bros, Barnum, and Bailey will not be refunding any tickets. The pharmaceutical companies are rushing to find a cure for watching Fox News tending to shorten your lifespan. The World Health Organization WHO is working on a map of the US, according to mortality rates and mental health in the particular state and locality, for any tourists interested. I suggest checking with your stock market broker and real estate agent.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
  12. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    We elected a black Muslim. For that we will suffer. I've figured out many of his voters think he's an idiot. But it amuses them to see how upset Obama voters get. They see the chaos as somewhat in control with a motive. Obama voters don't and it shows how stupid they are.

    I remember this since I remember a Fox news segment on how they felt so sad and bullied in America now. The host said his viewers are being pushed away from their families and it's unfair. Why do all these Obama voters have to pick on them so much. There was a fair election they don't agree with but aren't we all American. He felt sad that the democratic process was lost to jokes.

    I wonder how that applies to Trump suggestions that there should be no free press (unless you freely like him) and the whole "leave with your liberal tears" if you don't like it vibe. No one thought Obama or Clinton was a god. They liked him but there was not this white knight messiah thing we have with Trump. They were men and even the most "biases left" shows like the late shows joked about them when they fucked up.
  13. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Everybody knows white boys can't jump, but they know how to Duck lower than anyone.
  14. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    There is a new audio recording found by Tim Naftali. It is of a conversation between Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Reagan can be heard saying Black/Africans are monkeys who are still uncomfortable wearing shoes. The tape supports the theory of Republicans being racist bigots.
  15. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm sure you can find it in the Smithsonian.
  16. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Reagan talking to Nixon, who laughs::
    stormountainman likes this.
  17. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Another thing that Republicans and the KKK both want is ordinary working people to refrain from lawsuits or the use of the courts. They don't want a working man who is hurt on the job to seek money in a worker compensation court. I know a Black man who was working on a construction operation when a machine cut his right arm off. The other men and the ambulance workers took his severed arm to the hospital to be reattached but the doctors were not able to do so. My friend has had to go through life with one arm only, and a meager social security disability benefit. The employer and the Republican party did not want him to have a worker compensation settlement.
    MeAgain likes this.
  18. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The courts are fine if you have money. Even a DUI is going to cost $40 to 50K if you want a real trial. 10K just for your lawyer to show up a few times and ask the court if they have your blood test and plea deal for you. A more serious crime like murder healthy six figures. You need to make the investment or do time. Republicans like the courts to favor their wealthy supporters.
    stormountainman likes this.
  19. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    And that nice republican lawmaker wants to increase the fee to file your lawsuit, to make it harder, just like the old pole tax.
    Bicaptain My Captain likes this.
  20. So do democrats. They're just as elite when it comes to the law.

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