Why is there a God that wants to punish us?

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Grandeur, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Grandeur

    Grandeur Members

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    We can't even commit suicide and be in peace because there is a God to punish us.
  2. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Whoa !!! - we don't talk the 'S' word here and there is NO supreme being whatsoever !!!
  3. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    Vlad that is YOUR belief. Just because you state something unequivocally does not mean that its correct or that everyone else subscribes to that viewpoint. If Grandeur believes in God let him have his belief.
  4. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    Grandeur - I hope you are not contemplating ending it all - if you are please get yourself some help before you do anything rash. Suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem that can be solved or overcome.

    In an attempt to answer your question some religions teach that all life is sacred - hence the teaching that suicide is wrong. Those same religions will also teach that God is merciful and will help those that ask for it.
  5. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Now Grandy. What is all this again?
    What has upset you this time?
    Alonso376 and mysticblu21 like this.
  6. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    The OP is an example of the logical fallacy of petitio principii or question begging. Who says there is a God that wants to punish us? Even the "hell fire and damnation" preachers generally don't say that God wants to punish us, but will say it is just that He does if we sin and refuse His grace. Suicide may be the unforgivable sin, since it precludes repentance during life. It's a sin, because it violates the Sixth commandment: thou shalt not kill. Progressive theologians doubt that God is punitive.They argue that a person who commits suicide is in a state of despair and not in his or her right mind, therefore not responsible. And atheists deny that there is a God, punitive or otherwise.
  7. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    As per the Prajapita Brahmakumaris, it is not God who punishes us but our own negative karmas created through ignorance or misapplication or vices. Vices are again but past character flaws created through ignorance or misapplication.

    As the biblical saying goes, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

    This is also similar to the law of cause and effect or causality in physics.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  8. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Prove that there is, because if one exists S/He/IT has got to be the most malevolent, evil bastard going !!!
    Mountain Valley Wolf likes this.
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    actually, whatever exists or doesn't, is under no obligation to what any human says about it. and its only other humans i've ever heard or seen claim to know anything about it.
    there's absolutely nothing to stop there from being a billion gods, who are nothing at all like anything anyone imagines them to be.
    no book or word has anything to do with it. the unknown is unknown. its not likely to be empty.
    it is more likely there is more then we've ever imagined, the all we know or ever will.
    so don't worry about what anyone claims to know about it.
    just try not to screw up the world you and everyone else has to live in,
    because as long as you live, you have to live in it too.

    and whatever awaits beyond this life, the aware but not physical part of yourself, will be what you have made it in this one,
    and it is as that self you are making now, that you will experience whatever there is to do so.

    but again, not even that is known. no matter how many books people write, or words they say about it,
    all are smoke, blown out of human asses, that no god or god-like being, owes it to anything, to resemble.

    you can think what you like, but i prefer to think of gods, as fuzzy, friendly, invisible, mostly formless, or of mutable form,and mostly harmless,
    even if they could crush whole worlds by rolling over in their sleep. i just don't buy the claims of any human, even if they're carved in stone,
    to have the slightest idea, what they are talking about.
    Running Horse and mysticblu21 like this.
  10. Dax

    Dax Members

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    Take a walk thru the so called Old Testament ... the biblical god killed/murdered a gazillion people for no reason at all so why would he (if he existed) give a flying fuck about anyone alive today?
  11. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    Actually, Vlad, you made the unsubstantiated claim that there isn't any God, and YOU are the one who should prove your conclusion. Upon what evidence, aside from your own hubris, do you make this unsubstantiated claim?
  12. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    If a super power existed, S/He/It has to be the malevolent bastard going. As another contributor to this thread pointed out:

    "the biblical god killed/murdered a gazillion people for no reason at all so why would he (if he existed) give a flying fuck about anyone alive today?"
  13. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I saw those unsubstantiated comments already. No proof. Saying something over and over again doesn't make it true. Enjoy your own delusion.
    Corrosionofconformity likes this.
  14. WrongVerb

    WrongVerb Members

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    I'm as dyed in the wool atheist as there is, but in this case it's not unreasonable to ask you to back up your claim. I, myself, would never state there is no god. I would unequivocally state, however, that no god has ever been demonstrated to be anything other than something made up by human beings. Further, I would also state that belief in any deity is driven by human cognitive biases like confirmation bias ("Jimmy was sick; his parents prayed over him; now he's better) and arguments from Ignorance ("I can't imagine how the universe came into existence, so it must have been god").

    But, tomorrow a real god could appear and we all would have to adjust our thinking accordingly. It's better to say we live without such beliefs.
  15. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    The problem is all you people believe in God as this biblical entity instead of facing the reality and truth of what those biblical scriptures were actually talking about.

    Dig deeper. Do your research and you will become aware of our true origins and history. It's a sad, depressive origin and history, no doubt. To understand is not enlightening at all, but you might be able to sit back and reflect upon yourself with the new information you process and even learn something about yourself, why the way you are and why you do the things you do.

    It's got nothing to do with the fantasy of biblical scriptures which have only managed to control humanity since its creation. But it is not real. It is an illusion to the truth.

    Dig deeper and much farther back in time, much farther back than literature like the bible. Take it all the way back to our known "taught" beginnings and learn.
    Sexwise, themnax and mysticblu21 like this.
  17. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    I believe in Gandalf.
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  18. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    God's real name is Boris....... Shhhhhh........Don't let on that I told you a government secret......:yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum::yum:
  19. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You can shove that where the sun don't shine !!! :rage::rage::rage:
    Varmint and wilsjane like this.
  20. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    What happened to the OP did he get punished or what????

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