...that animals are considered so beneath us, but we'd eat their shit if we could make it tasty, yet we'd never consume a woman's breast milk wholesale? I mean, shouldn't it be disgusting that we drink something a cow lactates? It's weird the juxtaposition there, that that doesn't make us ill, but making cheese from a woman's breast milk would. I suppose it's because we think they have no personalities, so they're just like machines that produce food. They aren't machines, though.
i never really put any thought into, but it is kind of weird now that you mention it. personally, i would have no problem drinking woman milk assuming it was treated the same way as other milk (can't speak for the taste, but no moral dilemma anyway). but you're right, society does not seem to agree with that.
On rare I occasions I can't eat, because I realize that it's just some dullard's opinion that all of these things that are secreted by an animal are edible. I usually have the hardest time eating when I'm stoned, When I'm stoned I can't eat meat. I couldn't even eat sour cream.
I drink non dairy milk but I do eat cheese these days.. If I think much about it, the idea of what it is is unappealing. I didn't eat cheese for like four years though, and I didn't miss it. But my fingernails got thin and broke easily so I guess I wasn't replacing the calcium or something well enough. I'm surprised you ever eat meat, Andy. You talk like a vegetarian and I forget that you're not.
I agree with you, and thankfully plant based milk is easily accessibly these days. There is a reason that the majority of people become at least partially lactose intolerant during their life--humans are not designed to consume milk after infancy. It IS weird.
It'll be easier for me to get meat out of my diet when I move to a new place and actually have a kitchen to cook in. All I know for sure is that I'm going to be eating a lot of mashed potatoes. A lot. I love potatoes!
These comments remind me of the day that our son sat down for Sunday lunch with us and announced. "Wow we are all about to eat a dead bird". Most of the chicken ended up in the bin. He decided to become a vegetarian after ruining our lunch and has now not eaten meat for more than 10 years. On another point. I have heard of cases in the remote villages on the west coast of Ireland where human milk is used for the morning cuppa, due to milk deliveries not being able to get through in bad weather. After feeding 14 babies, milk becomes quite plentiful. It nearly happened to me once, when Jane was expressing milk to feed our daughter while she was at work. I realized just in time that I had taken the wrong jug out of the fridge. LOL
I am big on potatoes too but mashed is my least fav way. In fact, I don't like them that way at all. No structure anymore. It's like porridge. Baked, cooked, fried, etc. All good. I do stamp my cooked potatoes on my plate, some gravy over it (not from a goddamn package. Horrible gravy...), im set.
I think this has more to do with acting practically/pragmatic on reality and experience, and not on what might seem less disturbing, disgusting or weird (esp these days now we have that luxury). Reality and experience learned us that its better to milk certain animals than our women for cheese or daily consumption for adults.
lol I hate other people's mashed potatoes. It seems like no one makes them to taste good, They must use water instead of milk or something. I also leave them a little bit chunky.
Could be a few reasons. Historically humans do not have the choice to eat only plants. We have to eat what we can when we can. So there is no time for ethics. We live in a "natural" way and hunt. Religions usualy see humans as God's chosen and the world is for us to exploit. Animals don't have a soul. I remember my sister getting really upset when she was told our dog did not go to heaven by a friend's church. The concept of god's love is only for humans it's not as special if what we eat has it to. These two things are the main arguments I hear against my vegan diet. That I am denying my human nature or that god wants me to eat a cow. I do think it's interesting that 99.99% of humans would hate to eat another human. So deep down you do have a limit. There is flesh that is wrong. Many also think human breast milk tastes bad since they know where it comes from. Cow's milk to me has a strange tastes since I know too. So much of meat eating comes down to personal opinion. If you think it's wrong the taste will change.
When I'm stoned, I don't know, I think reality hits me. If a burger is in front of me, it's just like eating a dead corpse. And then I think of the way all this meat exists en masse: in millions of supermarkets, restaurants... And it just makes me sick. All this death and what are essentially dead bodies, and everyone just forking corpses into their mouths and thinking nothing of it. It's quite revolting. Human nature has an animalistic side that is meant to be denied, in my opinion. If we don't deny our base instincts, then why not just strip naked and go live in the trees and fling feces at one another? We have the capacity to override our biology, and in most instances we should deny ourselves immediate gratification.
I say the same thing when people say meat is natural. Shitting wherever you feel like is also natural yet we use bathrooms and a lion does not. It's a low bar to say we are an animal. We are but we also are not. Humans have higher thinking and we understand cause and effect. We understand death. Most animals never understand they will die until they are 30 minutes from it. Eating meat is bad for your body spiritually and health wise. We know now that meat is not healthy in the doses we eat it in. And personally I found out very quickly how you feel if you don't eat meat. Since I don't take dead flesh into me my "karma" "soul" whatever you call it is clear and fresh. Vegan is not a new age thing. It's been around since Greek times. So maybe one of the first socities where humans had a choice and and did not need to hunt and gather following the woolly mammoths.
so I looked on google to try and find breast-milk-cheese and found this... Why we don’t make cheese from mummy’s breast-milk
I read recently that the production of almond milk is actually horrible for the environment. 80% of almonds are grown in California which of course is in a drought, so farmers dig down into aquifers and use massive amounts of water which, in addition to contributing to the water shortage, also threatens the stability of existing infrastructure. And almonds are treated very heavily with pesticides which is probably contributing to colony collapse