I have a very good reason why I think libertarianism is very very stupid. Until the magical day in the future when we have a utopian society where everyone is nice to each other, people will be way too greedy, selfish, and evil to trust with fewer laws and regulations.
Friendly Enemies Libertarianism has become synonymous, With "My way, or the fucking highway!" Whilst, of course, espousing democracy, And voting for whoever advertises the most. With those kinds of friends, who needs enemies? If I want Three Stooges slapstick, I can watch re-runs.
"Libertarianism (from Latin: libertas, meaning "freedom") is a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle.[1] Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment.[2][3][4] Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power, but they diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing political and economic systems." Just in case you didnt check what the word means before you started this thread Because basically the thread title is "Why I disagree that liberty should come first"
My feeling is that there should be more regulation on corporate America. HRC had a good point when she said she wanted to tax capital flight. That would allow companies the freedom to move their business to whatever country they want to operate in as long as they pay the exit tax. Like a toll road.
That's nice and all but if you actually listen to what most libertarians believe, they're very strong corporatists who believe we should strip away any regulations that restrict a corporation's bottom line So bye bye worker protections, environmental protections, etc. And the thing is we've already tried a lack of environmental and worker protections. that's what we had before the regulations we have now were introduced .We know that shit doesnt work, we know industry will pollute the hell out of the environment and take advantage of their workers if given the chance, thats why regulations exist in the first place
But libertarianism was founded long before that was the world. There are two type of libertarians. Those who think the rules of an agrarian 1803 apply in the modern world, and those with brains.
Yeah, thats true, there are reasonable libertarians out there. A lot of them seem hopelessly idealistic to me though...either that or they know what a world without regulations would be like and just don't care
I actually voted in the Republican primary in 2012 just so I could vote for him I dont agree with him on a lot but he's still 10x better than most politicians
I don’t ever see the US breaking away from the two party system, any time soon. :/ I think we need something completely new.
Me neither. I thought 2016 might be the year where those seeds were sewn, but after listening to everyone under the sun complain about how much they hated both Trump and Clinton, 3rd party candidates got virtually none of the vote. It's easier to go with the status quo than to challenge it, even when the status quo is working against you. I lost a lot of faith in our country this past election.
Spread the word. The amount of people on here who see use in going third party has rapidly increased! (tripled! As in: there are now 3 people seeing the use jk! And never forget that some big changes start small)