Why Do You Think A Lack Of Meat Upsets People So Much?

Discussion in 'Vegetarian' started by unfocusedanakin, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    can you provide links to this info so I can read it.
  2. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    what a ludicrous and asinine comparison.

    no, humans are not designed to eat other humans;

    you are interjecting too much emotion and human morality into a benign topic, IMHO
    am I the only one that can compartmentalize this shit and arrive at a rational answer based on fact and not my personal emotional response???

    please do educate yourself before jumping to ludicrous assumptions and asinine examples.

    diet is not a moral issue to most people
    starvation on the other hand is

    ps, i still love you, just being my Noxious self.. ;)
  3. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    This topic is interesting to me because there is a lady that recently friended in on fb through my interest (and sharing and commenting) on several animal sites - Lost & Found sits, Rescue sites, etc.

    Anyway, she had this long post I read literally 5 mintues ago where she said that she is vegan and named about 6 or 7 other things she was, thought or liked...then said that if you chose to eat cows/pigs (she didn't mention fish and chicken) - which if you're going to go whole hog nuts about it, why not include ALL meat. Fish and chicken ARE meat...they dang sure taste like and are cooked like meat.

    Anyway, to finish what she started - she says that if you choose to eat cows/pigs she would still help you with what you needed for your animals and rescues; but, she would also recognized what a double talking ass and douche you are. She also threw in being hypocritical if you helped/loved animals and ate red meat.

    It is like she refuses to believe that any red-meated or white meated animal should be eaten if you have pets. good grief...there really are some crazy animal people.

    lol - I haven't unfriended her, but I really want to. Only I have finally gathered enough sense in my years that since we not r/l friends it doesn't matter what she thinks...our connection is with the animals, and I haven't shown a picture of me eating meat. If I do, I guess I'll just get put in the douche, double-talking, hypocritical group. I can live with it.

    I see that we are in the vegetarian form, and I simply had to tell what I read the vegan woman write...this thread also somewhat surprises me, and know what??? I KNOW I will continue to be surprised until the day I pass the Great Divide.

    I thought vegetarians and vegans were supposed to be all accepting of others...the way to get others to change is not by griping or doing what that assinine woman did. People will only change when they see someone else doing something (different than them) that totally works for them...and then hoping that someone would take note and live like that.

    Oh - and as far as "science" goes - we, as humans, only need water and protein (found in abundance in meat) to survive. I guess you could eat LOTS and LOTS of beans to make up for a little piece of meat. I've read on some sites that one could live on water, potatoes and oatmeal...but I'm not putting it to the test.
  4. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    What does she feed her animals? I am assuming, I suppose, she rescues cats and dogs? Or does she rescue cows and pigs?

    I don't think it is anyone's business what I eat and I don't care what others choose to eat.
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  5. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I'd point out that if you only ate meat and water, you'd end up deficient in many vitamins which are essential for life. If you were to deprive a person completely of a given vitamin they would eventually die. I don't think just oatmeal and potatoes would provide the vitamins either.

    A balanced diet - meat free or not - is what we really need. Rich in micro-nutrients.
  6. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Noxious, I did state that my example was an extreme one, but it is far from asinine. I certainly did "educate myself" before posting. Just because I did not post a variety of questionable sources for my statements, does not mean my statements are not valid. But here is at least one reputable source:


    https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/living/1467880/nine-places-across-the-world-where-cannibalism-is-still-alive-and-well/amp/. That link is less scientific and more just informational.

    I did think it was interesting that many of your links listed contracting Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a prion-borne illness that is similar to mad cow disease, which humans contract from EATING INFECTED BEEF, as a major danger to cannibalism. So if dangerous prion diseases are a large reason to avoid eating human meat, maybe the same can be inferred for the meat of other animals.

    Anyhow, just because you continue to insist so fervently that this is not a moral issue, does not make it any less of a moral issue.
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I would really argue your point that diet is not a moral issue for most people, Nox. Diet is a moral issue for millions of people around the world for a variety of reasons.

    Hindus don't eat beef for spiritual and moral purposes. Islamic amd Jewish law forbids pork. There are approximately 75 million vegetarians in the world by choice (meaning their diet isnt restricted due to poverty or location) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_by_country and while I know people become vegetarians for a variety of reasons, it is safe to assume for at least for a portion of those 75 million people morality comes into play.

    I assume you dont eat dog or cat, why? They're perfectly suitable for human consumption but your moral compass of course tells you they are pets to be loved, not food.

    Horse meat is another example.

    There is a growing number of people who avoid factory raised meat because the way animals are treated in factory farms is morally reprehensible

    Etc, etc.

    I actually think the way I see some of my coworkers stuff their faces with sugar after being diagnosed with diabetes and other diseases related to obesity is morally reprehensible. I would even argue that choosing to participate in a standard, gluttonous American diet versus eating a lighter, healthier diet is a moral choice.
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    the first link really doesn't apply to your first post on the topic as it stresses that in extreme circumstance most critters will resort to cannibalism.
    Your first post hypoth9isised concerning someone eating human meat as a regular part of their diet.
    The links I provided are concerning that very thing, human meat as a regular part of a person's diet, AND the prion disease is NOT contracted from eating diseased "meat", but rather from having human meat as a regular part of their diet.
    So the analogy to mad cow disease really isn't valid.
  9. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    religious restrictions are not the same as applying morality to the topic of diet.
    Many/most of the laws in Judaism and Islam concerning diet had to do with hygiene and health risks of the time more so than any moralistic attitudes.

    I don't disagree with you concerning the reprehensible manner in which some factory farming operations are run, but there are a lot of people in the world and logistics are a bitch.
    Not everyone has access to the same sources that you may have.
    The single mom in a large inner city most likely does not have access to grass fed, free range livestock products nor can many people actually afford them.
    Is she morally reprehensible because she is feeding her kids in the best manner she can?

    and yup, some farming practices can be viewed as morally reprehensible, I also feel the same way, but logistics are a bitch.
    with a projected population of almost 10 billion in the next 35 years, the logistics of feeding all those people are going to become a REAL BITCH.

    maybe soylent green?

    your remark concerning coworkers, again they are not morally reprehensible, just stupid.

    as stated earlier, personally I don't care what diet a person adopts, but please do not try to impose your personal morality upon me because I choose a different diet, whether it includes meat or not.
    that is my only real issue with all this silliness
  10. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    ^considering the hygienic and health risks are no longer an issue I would still say modern day Jews and Muslims avoid pork strictly for moral reasons in order to obey the law of their religion

    And I wasn't in any way suggesting low income people who can only afford cheap meat from factory farms are morally reprehensible. The practice itself is. People infortunately are often restricted in their diet due to their income level

    I agree with your last paragraph but I think it works both ways which is why this thread was created in the first place. Sure, vegetarians and vegans who look down on meat eaters are annoying but I've honestly come across more meat eaters in my life who feel the need to make fun of vegans and vegetarians for whatever reason.
  11. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    you are confusing moralistic with legalistic ;)
    they don't avoid it based on personal moral reasons, but rather the strict legalism of their respective religions.
  12. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    No, I'm not confusing this, I do see the nuance but didnt feel like getting into it

    Because I think ultimately morality and religious law are intertwined for people who follow a strict religion. From my own observations one's moral compass is derived directly from the teachings of one's religion for the devoutly religious. Whereas I think for the nonreligious morality is seen as something more personal.
  13. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    No, as if i had a link, I would have shared it here. This is in a magazine article I read a few years ago. I don't even know what the magazine was anymore....probably one of the ones my brother brought here.....He gets several.
    I have heard this before though, and to me, it feels true. I saw a pig factory farm show once.....and the pigs were scared to death,.....line up....and seeing what was happening...making loud screaming noises and things. Do you even know the atrocities that happen with factory farming? Do you not think that all living beings are sentient beings with feelings?

    I was depressed for days after seeing that, and I cannot watch things like that anymore......I get sad newsletters every day in my emails from animal organizations about such atrocities happening....I cannot even stand to read them anymore.....
    Do you realize some people just feel that much and it is nothing moral about it...? I don';t think my morals are better than yours or anyone';s..it is not about that at all......AT ALL! I FEEL TOO MUCH FOR OTHER LIFE!
  14. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    you really need to learn to compartmentalize issues for your own personal sanity and peace.

    as far as living beings, we are all the constant, ever changing, ever evolving, ever manifesting expression of what a lot of folks call God, and as such every living creature is a mirror for me.
    I recognize the same spark in them that is in me, but that does not mean I am not able to also consider these topics from a different perspective.
    I'm gonna guess my perspective differs from many people's.
  15. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Comparmentalize is my word....lol... Now, you are using it.... :D
    I need to be who I am...You need to be who you are....I am not telling you what you need to do, am I?
  16. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I'm reading a book of poetry, compiled the year I was born.
    I'm marking pages for my lover, yet this brought me to the thread:

    A Person Who Eats Meat

    A person who eats meat
    wants to get his teeth into something
    a person who does not eat meat
    wants to get his teeth into something else
    If these thoughts interest you for even a moment
    You are lost

    Leonard Cohen, New Poems, 1968, Viking Press
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  17. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    Studies have shown women who lack meat in their lives have increased levels of stress, are more susceptible to throwing hissy-fits, and demonstrate an overall increase in bitchery.
  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    We're talking about consumption meat Ygg!
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  19. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    These are not peer reviewed, are they? ;)
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  20. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    At one point, both of my parents raised livestock. I've been on beef farms, veal farms and dairy farms. I raised chickens as a little girl.

    In my experience, I can say your statement is incredibly false.

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