Why bother talking in situations where you've no value

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Idle_Billy, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. Idle_Billy

    Idle_Billy Banned

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    Do you ever feel, when amongst a group of people, that if you sense your comments would be rubbished aside, or spoken over, that you wouldn't bother trying to say your "this is what I think" bit? I don't like these situations, because often I know that what I've to say is far more interesting and relevant... but it took me a while to learn not to bother... and that by doing so, you only dig a hole for yourself.

    Or what's worse still, is waiting for the moment to say it. However, sometimes you've got to stand up and force your voice in, but often in more situations, this mightn't really work. It's especially true with girls. In the past I'd often make out with a girl. Then we'd be chilling (I'd be half way to getting laid) and I'd try and say something that'd sound cool, which would end up sound badly timed or weird and then she'd just bail.

    I love those situations, where the less effort you make, the cooler you look.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    sort of wish i had better sense to keep my mouth and keyboard shut more often.

    but with the keyboard, my thoughts become part of a more or less permanent record,
    which is part of why i share them.

    in a room full of people who don't share any of my interests,
    i would wonder why i was there, and generally avoid doing so.

    this is kind of part of why i'm not on farcebook or twit'r.
  3. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I tend not to talk in conversations I've not much interest in or don't really know that well.
    Mallyboppa likes this.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    I Do......For No Other Reason Than I Like The Sound Of My Own Voice.....:smilecat:

    Cheers Glen.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    "oh shit she's goin on about the ancient aliens again"

    Orison likes this.
  6. Americunt

    Americunt Corporate Hack

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    Anxiety's a bitch, ain't it? I just make it a habit to avoid groups of people. I do pretty well with one or two at a time, but more than that and I start overthinking every thing, including the assumption that the other people give a shit about what I've said in the first place. Most likely it went in one ear and out the other, and they never gave it a second thought.
  7. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    scratcho likes this.
  8. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    When I was younger I'd do whatever it took to make my voice heard. But, yeah...

    Then I realized, no one cares. It's not about what you have to say--it's about how you say it. It's a pissing contest and I just don't have either the desire or the energy.
    Irminsul likes this.
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I'm really only openly myself around good people I know I can openly myself around. When they are around me I'll say whatever I want because nobody cares. People I don't know though.. Different story.

    I prefer to observe, listen and digest it all from a distance. As Oden says, only a fool barges into a conversation with a flickering tongue. That fools tongue will oft sing to its own demise.
  10. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I've never been much of a talker, and I only speak when I feel like I really have something unique or important to say. I tend to listen and ask questions.

    Not sure why people bother to talk when they have nothing to "say." To fill space, perhaps? To make them feel less anxious or awkward?
    StellarCoon likes this.
  11. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    99.9999% of the time, nobody has any value. talking is just something to do.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    It's A Bit Like That......Tis Just A Social Custom Between Peeps.....Then 5 Minutes Later Neither

    Party Can Remember What The Subject Of The Conversation Was.....:smilecat:

    Cheers Glen.
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I'm more of an observer than a talker
    And what i've learned through years of observing is the majority of people don't really care about a two way conversation, they're mostly just waiting for the other person to shut up so they can talk
    Americunt likes this.
  14. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    actually its not about yourself, any of us, as an individual, at all. if its worth saying, its about the kind of world we all have to live in.
    (or something to do with technical accuracy) for that to be heard, does depend somewhat on how its said and where.

    there's also, a slight wobble in the thread title. the value of a person, and the value of their perception in a given context are two very different things. there's no such thing as being of no value, only a given thought in a given context not being.
  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    You basically just told her what she just said lol.
  16. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    But it's a whole thing...and I'm too tired. People either care about what I'm saying or they don't. I'm not going to make them care by being self-absorbed and dragging out a soapbox.

    Nothing I have to say to anyone is that important
    Americunt likes this.
  17. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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    I'm pretty lazy, so it helps keep me from doing shit I don't really need to do.
  18. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    not enough to be worth for any of us to beat our heads against walls, certainly.

    that's the wisdom i always admire of tribal elders, to simply not say anything when no one wants to listen.

    its hard though.

    to watch people screw themselves, especially when they're screwing ourselves, who didn't volunteer for it, also, by doing so.

    how to hold silence,

    when, if people could only pry their eyes open, even a little bit,

    it can make the difference of not loosing everything.

    not just for ourselves alone. but for everyone. including them selves.

    its not so easy to judge when is which.

    sometimes things do work themselves out better when we hold our peace.

    and sometimes when we don't.

    sometimes maybe we can role dice or toss a coin, which to do.

    the one thing i do argue against as any of us not being worth anything. everything that exists is worth something.

    its just what any one of us has to say, that doesn't always have so much to contribute.
  19. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i usually do it just to piss someone off

    just like some threads
    neoprene_queen likes this.
  20. Amethyst87F

    Amethyst87F JesF35

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    Well that's unfortunate that you've been having these problems with your socializations.

    I know I can sometimes be the type to do a lot of talking while in a group or one-on-one.

    I myself, have different people that seem good for different styles of speaking.

    If you think it a right move, you could bring up your side of things as you were able to do so here.

    Maybe find different people to talk to???

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