Why do the Amish have to live as people did in the 19th century? Where does it say that in the Bible? Or, okay. You want to live Biblically. The ancient Hebrews lived in the Bronze Age. So did the ancient Egyptians. Their chisels kept breaking as they carved the Pyramids. But it can be done. If your plowshares keep breaking, have some more handy. Just don't get a plague. But again, why the 19th century?
Amish don't "have to" live as people did in the nineteenth century. Obviously, the Bible doesn't say anything at all about the nineteenth century, and the Amish don't think there is anything special about that era. The picture is more complicated than that, because there are some forty different Amish subgroups, some "old order", some "new order", and none with a blanket prohibition against all modern technology. There are several reasons why the Amish tend to resist aspects of modern technology: (1) to preserve community against influences from outsiders. The Amish are Anabaptists who came to this country in the eighteenth century to escape persecution from outsiders. Like the ancient Jews, they circled the wagons and preserved their distinctive way of life that set them apart from their persecutors. (2) to abide by the Ordnung, the body of customary oral norms about how things are done. Any deviation from tradition requires consensus of the local community. "Hold the traditions we have passed on to you." (2 Thes. 2:15). (3) to avoid worldliness. John 2:15-17; Romans 12:2 (4) to build character by hard work and simple living. (Colossians 3:23; 1 Thess.4:1; proverbs 30: 7-9. Since different communities of Amish have somewhat different takes on these, there can be patterns that strike outsiders as paradoxical. Modern technology is often allowed in dairy operations and business, but not in the home. Where electricity is used, the grid is avoided! Solar panels and diesel generators are tolerated. (The grid creates too much dependency on the outside world.) Calculators and word processors tend to be acceptable, but not (gasp) the internet or television. Cell phones are allowed if necessary for business, but flip phones tend to be preferred to smart phones. Motorized vehicles which can increase mobility and exposure to urban life are mostly forbidden, although borrowing these for emergencies like hospital runs can be allowed. Hope that clears it up. https://www.npr.org/sections/alltec...unity-not-anti-technology-just-more-thoughful Amish Electricity, Living Off-Grid [Culture & Beliefs]
I think there is some wisdom in Amish practices. I would like to relate a similar incident here. My nephew works in the Coast Guard and is stationed in a coastal city. Few years back, the town got heavily flooded due to excess rain cutting off all communications and power. Interestingly, my nephew told me that it was one of the most happiest times of his life. The reason being that the loss of power and communications forced people off their mobiles and laptops, and forced them to interact with each other for survival purposes and pooling of necessary resources. This enabled my nephew to make a lot of friends and acquaintances, and have interesting experiences. He was actually sorry when the flooding episode came to an end and things went back to 'normal', and people started going back to their laptops and mobile chats.
One of my retired neighbors has a job driving an Amish dude around to make bids on construction projects. I think he gets about $15.00 an hour. The Amish around here are big on construction but as they don't drive they get people to drive vans full of them to the construction site, usually a barn pole building, or house. This guy wants a new truck, so I guess my neighbor will drive him around to find a new $60,000+ vehicle he can't drive. The Amish usually don't own cars but some make an exception for business. Note the gasoline powered washing machine in this video.
A relatable and insightful saying I came across today... “We are communing with the moon and the stars, But alas, we have not reached the heart of our neighbor.” ~ Darshan Singh (spiritual master)