Why are self-confident women written off as bitches by most men?

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by anonymousgurl21, May 24, 2006.

  1. Inquiring-Mind

    Inquiring-Mind Senior Member

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    There is nothing wrong with being recluse, many great philosophers, poets, scholars and intellectuals were recluse. We consider having many human relationships happiness when many people are happy alone. We consider having a lot of friends happiness when many prefer very few friends or none and are very happy.
  2. the anarchist

    the anarchist Member

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    Back to the topic: are self-confident women called "bitches" merely because of their inner strength?

    I gave one example of a multimillionaire woman who is anything but a bitch, and is well-respected by her colleagues and community.

    Another example is my mother, who earns well above most men and is clearly successful by any standard -- with her hard work she now owns a house in the U.S. and a condominium in another country on the beach. She is one of the most confident people I know. No one in his or her right mind would call her a "bitch." I also know successful female colleagues of hers who also are very nice and respected.

    Yet, she has come home telling stories of difficulties in her workplace, and her difficulties seem to arise equally from men and women. From my limited experience, when a woman is considered a bitch, there's likely a good reason. I believe a woman can be strong and yet be well thought of by her colleagues and community.

    It's also possible that some women must pay a price because they live contrary to social expectations and stereotypes. Maybe some men do feel threatened by successful, powerful women. I can't relate to these men, but maybe they exist. Maybe I lack the experience to have witnessed something many people have seen. I leave this as a possibility. But, to reiterate, a woman can be both self-confident and highly admired by both men and women in our society.
  3. KyndVeggie4Peace

    KyndVeggie4Peace -[ in.bloom ]-

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    self confident women intimidate me. I mean, hooray for them for being strong and independent ... There are plenty of guys out there who find that attractive ... I wouldn't say they are bitches though. I dunno ... I didn't read the whole thread. just thought i would add. :)
  4. Green

    Green Iconoclastic

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    I like dominant women. I couldn't explain why.

    Note: But only if they are hot.
  5. anonymousgurl21

    anonymousgurl21 Member

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    you get an insightful from me for that one. a pure and honest statement. so unlike the majority of what i have heard so far. i wish there were more like you in this world.

  6. anonymousgurl21

    anonymousgurl21 Member

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    amen to that! i wonder how many here at HFs have read may sarton's "journal of a solitude."? a truly brilliant and honest book. it is a bit odd that most people think that people that are solitary are "insane" or have some sort of "loose screw." many creative types "need" solitude in order to be creative. but i am merely wasting my breath here. i've already decided it is last call.

    much peace and love to you,

  7. Jedi

    Jedi Self Banned

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    I think i know why you are intimidated, but forgive me there is a lot of speculation in this. From my personal experience, I have seen women who are truly self confident and they tend to treat others men or women with respect and seem more "normal" compared to the extremely "girlish" girls. Then again, there are other women who think that "self confidence" means they need to put other's around them down. Somehow they are so insecure that they have to cling to something "special" that defines their confidence and will get 'bitchy' and unleash an entire emotional drama on the innocent individual who supposedly stands in their way when they are defining their "specialness". I am not saying that asking other's to cherish them is wrong, ofcourse all women need to be cherished/respected, like all men need to be cherished/respected, but some take this to the extreme, hurt and intimidate others due to their own insecurities and get labeled as bitches and scum.
  8. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    sure, there is nothing "wrong" with it like there is nothing wrong with washing your hands every five minutes. However, it is likely because of mental issues: i.e. neurosis and OCD.
  9. dudenamedrob

    dudenamedrob peace lily

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    wow..........this is a busy thread.........if only you could get this type of response for more pressing issues like NWO, freemasons, discussions about the Templar Knights.........
    pretty much anything brother Pressed Rat posts.
  10. dudenamedrob

    dudenamedrob peace lily

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    anonymousgurl- if nothing else this proves that people are at least not apathetic to the plight of women :)
  11. Inquiring-Mind

    Inquiring-Mind Senior Member

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    Well, there is two kinds of solitude, enforced and voluntary. Enforced solitude is due to mental issues.

    Voluntary solitude is purely healthy.

    Solitude is a natural personality trait.
  12. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    Be that as it may. When you talk to people behind doors or shout down to them from the second level of a house...people will wonder.

    The professor calling her neurotic isn't misogynstic becuase of it. This isn't even a male/female issue. The OP has just twisted it into one...
  13. the anarchist

    the anarchist Member

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    Here's a thought: maybe there is a bunch of fighting over nothing.

    We don't know whether this professor is sexist because we were not there when he made the comments that offended the poster. We don't know the context and background of the discussion. Most of us, I gather, are not experts on these talented women who were supposedly neurotic or mentally unstable.

    A woman who is perceived as a bitch to one person may be perceived as an angel or decent by another. We may even define "bitch" differently. We may have different concepts in mind while arguing this topic.

    The problem is that it's all theoretical and there are no examples we can all personally relate to.

    A new thought also came to mind just now: the title of this thread is sexist. It charges "most men" with putting women down, with oppressing them. It charges most men with discriminating against women. It is a moral attack on most men.

    I am often berated in this forum when I generalize about certain groups -- whether women, hippies, or some other protected minority. Yet in our society it's perfectly acceptable to generalize against men (the "patriarchy"). Therefore, if men are held to a higher standard of behavior than women, those holding men to this higher standard are necessarily viewing men as superior, perhaps unconsciously. Power implies superiority in one form or another; it does not come in a vacuum.

    Remember: if we want to do away with sexual distinctions, and make men and women equal, we have to treat both sexes equally, and do unto one sex as we would have the other sex do unto us. One injustice does not make another injustice right. We do not fix problems by perpetuating them.
  14. HonorSeed

    HonorSeed Senior Member

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    how do you recognize a bish, she may just need an enema or has to sleep longer......
    she may be telepathically controlled by a dick down to her very movements.....
    which makes her a possessed bish by dick.
    It's a real bish eat dick world out there, ya know....
    how do ya know it ain't the bish in some guys that controls the little girl in you to make you just like the bish that controls the dicks that controls you who is a wanna be bish so you can conform to the crazy people in the majority who live their lives in the mock heaven of a bish eat dick world?
    Your minds are in the mosh pit of mental ambiguity now, I return control over your self-confidence back to you. Don't leave your toys laying around in the streets of despair I gave you for Christmas or you won't have them very long.
    At least dogs when they like you wag their tails, bishes wag their tails too, but what can you expect from a mindless little girl in a womans body who is possessed by a dick mind. Does Stepford wives ring a bell???????? Sure looked self-confident to me, and robots don't need enemas, just oiling. hahahhaha
  15. HonorSeed

    HonorSeed Senior Member

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    what the guys and gals here don't like me pointing out they are both so telepathically connected by sexual drive they have NO self-confidence??? What they have is common consciousness confidence. Better false hope than no hope at all for you people. So when did the mental disease start? Probably near the time of birth when you learned feelings telepathically from your dad and mom or whoever loved you.
    Then your intellect became imbued with knowledge and you slowly lost your wisdom and innocence about age 5. You can regain your wisdom and innocence by doing art, and some of you think it is a crazy person that is self-confident to do art. You are outta your ever living lovely gourds, get real. Or you'll end up being like a donkey going after the carrot hung out on front of its' face your whole life. You'll be striving for self-confidence when you should be striving to do art to gain self-confidence. Art is the only thing I recognize so far as being an expression of the strength of power within the self. Art is an individuals expression of all telepathic reception of imagination and it is unique to the person expressing it in the form of works by which you are recognized.
    It is like a dream which is the expression of the telepathic reception of peoples problems. How you handle your lives and dreams is a choice in a free country, this country, the USA. So get busy doing art or spoil in the shadows of your defeat.

    peace and love to all
    Honor Seed
  16. steffan

    steffan puffin

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    how rasict is that? was that your collage you where reflecting on or a movie you saw?
    as a once blond with a family of many blond woman i take offence to that twisted politicaly correct statement.
    on that tv show, "test america, where they they took 50 people from various stereo types and profesions the only ones to beet the blond woman was the scientist, and they didnt so much win because they are smarter but because they are accutomed to thinking anilitcaly.
    and sympathy? well suffering is relitive to the sufferer, a fat man will feel the pain of hunger more than someone who is accustumed to being hungrey.and every creature deserves sympathy.
    as far as disadvantages for woman goes, thats an imposible corelation to make. I hear alot of odd things, like the pay diference, i can see how those could be so easily conducted with bias.
    i have some experience studieing people, and men have a natural tendency to protect and accomidate woman, its the nature of the beast, and that gives woman an advantage in many cases. I also see how things go in the workplace, and i know that when hiring or promoting someone, comerradery plays a big role in your dicition, as well as the moral of the workplace. and i can see how frustating that must be for woman, they simply can not undrestand the VERY complex sociel interaction between men, it takes us a life time to get it ourselves. and the woman try only look foolish, (i have never seen a woman get away with pretending to be a man for very long. particularly in a group of men)

    and as far as that iq thing brought up earlier in this thread. the first time i ever heard about the test being biased was in omni in the early 80's, and it was those who scored the highest who pointed out the flaw in the test.
    after much deliberation it was decided that it did not test how well you think, it test the way you think, and the contributing research scientist admitted that many breakthroughs would not have acurred with the contribution of a womans more practical mind. natures cool like that :)
  17. the anarchist

    the anarchist Member

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    That was my college. And that was other college campuses I strolled around on to check out the scene. Every campus has those superficial middle-class girls jabbering on cell phones.

    That's funny. A blonde relative of mine laughs at my imitations of these girls. She thinks what I say about them is absolutely true.
  18. the anarchist

    the anarchist Member

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    Hey, I didn't mean to offend blondes. I think Scandinavian countries are very efficient. But I don't think college girls are an oppressed class; and if anyone believes that, they need things to be put in perspective.

    Your daughter reminds me of my sis, except my sis is a bit blonder than her. You do show strong Nordic traits though.

    Right. Men and women have different natures. That's one reason why there will never be the equality some people want to exist. By evolution we were wired in different, yet complementary, ways. How boring it would be if men and women were the same?

    I could really get into this topic and get really hated by some of the feminists here. I suspect I am already disliked. Goes with the territory, I guess. Interestingly many of my ideas have come from a female writer whom I have cited. She is the best writer I have ever seen. Her analytical and verbal skills surpass mine and those of almost every man I know. Yet her intelligence allows her to be more objective than most, and she recognizes that men have intellectual talents women do not have.

    I have noticed that men and women debate differently. Women take things very personal. You can feel enmity oozing from their posts even when it is not explicit. Some can't perceive that differences of opinion can take place in good faith. That is why the Declaration of Independence was written by a man, why the Constitution was conceived by men, why most of the highest ranking philosophers (all of them, actually) are men. And that's why most women will ignore someone with such amazing talents as Ilana Mercer.
  19. HonorSeed

    HonorSeed Senior Member

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    I want my MTV........
  20. HonorSeed

    HonorSeed Senior Member

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    whos you daddy is he rich like me? tell it to me slowly......it's the time of the season for lovvvvvvvvvvinnnnnnggg.

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