In reference to the Washington Post article on what the U.S. military is confronting in the Syria-Iraq ideality of human nature and it's major defence over Knowledge: let it be said America is fighting for the science that creates pollution in the middle east, just to add meaningfully in sensible and manageable degrees. There is the science that understands money for the benefit of mankind, and it's en-curing environmental and dreams of good evolution. It is nowhere making sense in this article of fossils and fossil fuels.:love:
it isn't science, it is the misuse of knowledge motivated by greed. science is simply a process that is the best means we have, of discovering how reality actually works. anything else that is called science is simply a complete misunderstanding and misconception of what science is. the process of pursuing knowledge has no control over how that knowledge is used. culture, ideology, politics and belief all influence that. knowledge itself and the pursuit of it, does not. america IS guilty (and perhaps not alone in doing so) of inflicting its culture of greed, sometimes by force, sometimes by less violent means, on the rest of the planet and of the results of doing so. but again this politics and greed, for which the pursuit of knowledge owns no guilt. (america itself, what we call america today, was begun by the warring empires of europe at that time, inflicting their cultures of greed, along with the detritus of their unwanted populas, upon the western hemisphere and its inhabitants.) blame though, isn't really the point. but rather that we can stop doing so and that it is up to us to stop doing so. (and seeing where i am, and that i hadn't realized that when i started saying this, well at any rate, "we" in the u.s. and our sphere of influence primarily. its not an issue of religion, nor of religion vs science, but rather the religion of islam has every right to take pride in having re-introduced science to a religiously fanatical midevil europe, which in turn made the renasaunce and the end of the middle ages possible. the hatered of the extremests of one religion toward the reality of science, is no different then that of those of another)
Great, I'm going great just making my messages in my head to myself. These extremists are fundamentalists. That means their commitment to the laws of Moses is one of direct judgement, and the science must be at fault for the failure of the World living by the divine laws demanded in fellow family discretion. You know, there are things like the energy development dealings in the eastern Mediterranean between Begin's Israel and eventually Mobarek's Egypt. So human Law to extreme Muslims is never adequate from the perspective of understanding the good Ideal Life for anyone and the message of human conscience is for liars from the pulpit of the Catholic establishment. Other than that there is the message from the pentagon rivalling with the message from the good religious places of congregation for the knowledge of Religion which is for the improvement of mankind. The constitution of the U.S., on the other hand, isn't worth the paper it is written on, just because the greater part of Islam with it's anti-judgment attitude really in their hearts believes in that "abstract thing of democratic rule". <de trop doesn't work anywhere but for the commercial establishment in bourgeois dealing>.