I have to work at my part-time job this weekend and I tend to have brutal busy times but also brutal down-time. Who wants to hang online so I can look like I'm working when there's no work to do and entertain me this weekend?
I gotta work Saturday all day 830-8pm, then packing all day Sunday and then moving all day Monday into our new place. So not much internetz for me this weekend.
i don't hang because i find doing so boring. i do end up wasting hours and hours ranting and jerking my knees at some of the dumb things people seem to pretend like they actually believe. only because they're throwing the future of humanity, let alone the kind of world we could pursue and actually find gratification living in, down the toilet by doing so. i don't mean to sound unfriendly or wish anyone unhappiness by saying that. rather it is just the opposite. do i take everything too seriously? i take honesty being condemned for the sake of supposed humor, or the fanaticism of any belief, ideology or anything else seriously. and i don't believe i'm mistaken as to just how serious a problem doing so has really become. it is not my choice if i seem to focus on the negative. it is not my wish to do so. i'm not the one who's condemning everything remotely positive.
Dont let your dingle dangle, dangle in the dirt. Pick up your dingle dangle and tie it to your shirt.
LOL. Funny! I didn't bring my computer on Saturday. It was totally brutal, my boss brought up religion and I felt attacked by my coworkers. I was desperate for someone to commiserate with and I just sat there feeling all this tension and discomfort with very little to do. When I got off work I went and hung out with a friend and drank a beer. The next day I brought my computer but only had a chance to use it before my boss came in, I was super busy. I also realized since we work so close together and she needed to use my laptop this bright purple website wasn't going to be appropriate. I can do whatever I want in my downtime but she'd ask me about it and I'd rather not explain this website to most people I know irl. There was tension most of that day too, but I just stepped in and did her job, gave her as much space as possible and by the time we were done for the day, we had a conversation and ended the day with a hug. There's all the information about my weekend you didn't want to know!