It's not God's Holy Spirit like JWs say. I know the HS hovered over Mary when she was carrying Jesus. That's it?? Who is this person?
My God comes in three flavors. The Father, creator, Lord of all. The Son, who was with the Father at creation. The King of Angles, the Blessed One. The Messiah. The Redeemer who was made incarnate to suffer as a man and die without sin to redeem all mankind from sin. The Holy Spirit who is with us at all times in this world, listening to our prayers and delivering Gods grace by the power of the Redeemer.
I get the God and Jesus part, especially the Jesus part because he's really chill so he's got my vote. I just don't get who the HS and this doesn't seem concrete as an explanation....thx tho.
If you expect to communicate with your God you want to be hearing back. God seldom addresses men directly. In order to know the HS you have to have TOTAL faith in the Father and the Son.
Sorry....I just can't believe this for one second. I think the holy spirit...if such a thing exists....must be either everything...and I mean every single thing or nothing at all. The whole trinity idea is just some man-made nonsense.
Holy spirit, called comforter, teaches all things. In practice it is your inner teacher. It comforts by restoring perspective.
Jung and synchronicity? It's a possibility that the notion of the trinity is not applied correctly to it's original contextual circumstance. The father, the son, and the holy ghost are only symbols.. abstractions of reality. The english language could be considered man-made nonsense for someone raised, in say, deepest darkest Africa. Perfectly legitimate response, but not entirely true.
I'm not Christian, but I think the holy spirit represents the divine essence that is part of everyone. In the Judeo-Christian view, God creates the universe apart from himself, so there is God (who is divine) and everyone else (who are ordinary). That's why Jesus is so important and necessary, because he is like the divine "iink" or bridge back to God. In Eastern spirituality, the Goddess "transforms" herself into the universe and all creation. So everyone and everything thing is an incarnation or form of the God/Goddess, and is sacred in that sense. So a figure like Jesus is not important or even necessary, because the divine connection is already there. (in a way, nothing exists outside of the god/goddess) That's what I think the holy spirit represents.
@hillbilliyhippiechik: "The Word, then, was with God at the beginning, and through him all things came to be; no single thing was created without him." Jn. 1:2-3
"The Word" btw was "Yahweh" which more or less translates as "I Am" ... or "an awareness of conscious existence" ... often considered synonymous with God in Eastern spirituality. (which again relates to a divine essence or connection)
God in the temple which is the body. The spirit who has intercourse with the Spirit within themselves will give birth to Christ or the Mind of Christ. Those who don't and only see God outside themselves will experience the Abomination which causes Desolation in their temple. The antichrist denies that Jesus is come in the flesh which is what most Christian churches teach.