Same 32F here today and been around if not lower than that already this winter and I'm still barefoot.
I am. Went on a hike a few weeks ago when there was a little bit of snow on the ground. Doing a little Christmas shopping. Temps in the twenties and thirties here but my feet aren’t cold.
Here we float above 17 C° with night lows never below 6 C° . It has been raining almost constantly since weeks but it is warm and... very muddy
sometimes i put on shoes and sometimes i don't. i still don't understand this all or nothing approach.
We had a somewhat unusual warm-ish rain storm this weekend, so was able to enjoy a long BF hike. Started wearing sandals, sometimes with socks, when the temps are colder. A more hard-core barefooter could easily go BF year around here though.
I agree. It isn't an endurance contest. I like it hot, warm or cool...but not cold. In the American Midwest, we've been getting windchill temps of 0 degrees. No.
I was out on a walk couple of nights ago, temps maybe +2 Cel (=35.6 Fah), so the snow had begun to melt. The road leading to my house had wet ice on the surface. I removed my Crocs and barefooted on the melting ice on my way home. Slippery. Also, a while earlier I did pull-ups in the nearby playground. The kids' monkey bars I typically use for this purpose were surrounded by a large puddle of meltwater that night. I just waded right in to reach the bars.
I don't think I have braved being barefoot in the snow (although I have been barefoot while there was snow on the ground around me). I have and the opposite experience as well though. This summer I was barefoot on pavement that was probably over 110* F
Ahhh that looks like fun! My kids love going out in mud. Their favorite is when we go out to the farm every couple of months and they can play in the mud/cow manure mixture, which sounds gross but is really soft, cool and actually not that bad.
Nothing like squishing mud between your toes. Never tried a mud/manure mixture, but it sounds like fun!
Know that cow pat and mud feeling under my bare soles too, it is very pleasant underfoot especially on a nice spring afternoon.
I went to Lowe’s it was 21(f) I was in there fo 10 minutes and when I came out the ground was covered in snow I left barefoot prints in the snow as I walked back to my car. It felt awesome