Hey, i'm new to these forums and have been looking for some hippie friends! I see them everywhere in Norman but I have no idea how and where to connect with them. Even at my favorite hip coffee shop, Gray Owl, all the hip people there seem aloof and unapproachable. Message me if you'd like to text!
Im over by HWY 9 AND Noble in Norman not to far from OU but im a psychedelic lover for life and its hard to find the same in this state. If anyone wants to enjoy a good time with DMT and/or 4-aco-dmt,or DOC, DOM,2C-T-7 then...or if anyone wants to gather up 300$ for 1/2 sheet of Lucy then... Im broke, need a job since lil river zoo closed. was working there but Mickey, the guy trying to by the place could barely pay us and then he closed it down a few weeeks later. Anyways, i wish people would turn more into the world of psychedelics and spread the love in a professional, mature, safe way. But all the people i've come across would rather get drunk and all that. Actually, whats funny (not really) is that i tried to turn two people that drank too much on to psychs and a few months later one of them fell asleep at the wheel and totalled his truck because he was drunk and the other got into a bar fight and ended up in the hospital with a head injury. Anyways, its hard to find people with common sense and open mind in oklahoma. Escpecially females. I want a relationship with a female psych lover but im socially awkward and hard to approach. If anybody is like me in the norman,okc area then we should gather up and have Grateful Dead parties like they used to in San Fran. LOVE IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. I go to Crosspointe church on HWY9 in norman BTW.
There isn't anybody in this region dedicated to love? I know there is... Norman,okc,moore and surrounding areas need to speak up now so the network of caring,loving, and piece of mind can be formed from the collective in this area. No one shares my idea of fun? Have you tried anything different? Have you tried to push the bounduries(sp) and go and experience things not to many people get to. Don't sell yourself short. Because life is short. Peoples idea of fun today is what? I dont understand exactly. The psychology of it is fascinating yet dissappointing because no one takes risk anymore. Open up the mind and see things from different and fresh perspectives and help those that need it. Make life worth something unexpected and you'll be surprised. Gotta take yourself out of your comfort zone and let go to see things in fresh, new ways that should be but isn't. Turn injustice into justice by acting upon something. Dont let people get away with what people used to be hanged and other vulgar things for or else people wont learn what the real deal is. But if you dont care then thats my point. You should care more then just about your life. You be the judge. Most people are doing fine it seems. But it all could be better from all the decades we've seen and mistakes people make in those certain time periods. What going to come from OUR era? Personally for me its about communicating with people and helping and understanding why its harder to communicate with some people then with others because life would be nothing without communication evolution and pushing forward the new way of thinking for the new world is inevitable and certain materials can help, speed up, be more efficient then the natural way. In history, the natural way usually doesnt lead to much good and it takes a long time to get results. I personally would like to see something different tried. Everyone is afraid to try new and different things. Why? I've been like that, we all have but it doesnt seem to scare me though cause i know if something new is tried in most cases results will be positive and lessons will be learned.Whether negativity or positivity strikes, pushing through and learning from it all is the best reward. Either choose to stay the same as the same is the same or push forward and evolve and grow to something new and different with a whole lot more of knowledge. I wanna do something different but i've come to the conclusion it takes more then one person to make a difference in the real world of today. Not always true but in most circumstances it is. Anyways ive got a lot to learn, aswell as you no matter how old you are you dont stop learning. Its hard to learn by yourself though. The intelligent, smarter collective needs to help each other in the future. It sounds easy but in practice people just dont know. Try it. Practice it. Do whatever you gotta do just choose your believes very carefully. Beliefs are dangourus and can be wrong a lot of the time causing war, confusion, broken relatioships, etc, over nothing but misinformation. Tool tought it to me and although we all have to believe in something choose them carefully with an open skeptic mind and then at the end make your conclusion. Dont be so quick to believe this or think that cause there is a lot of Bullshit out there everyday fooling you.
Im glad she's so good at hiding though. Thats a good thing. I have access to 1/2 sheets and full sheets but no doe to invest at the moment. With summer coming up somethings gotta be done though. Group buy perhaps? very risky though for every party involved. Maybe soon ten strips will become available...