My manx Oscar cat has not been himself all week...does not eat much...not as interested in food as he was....light seems dim in his eyes,....he spent the entire day yesterday hiding by himself upstairs in a bedroom...he has never done that before.... so he has an early morning appointment with the vet this morning, and I cannot find him anywhere in the house.....He is in here somewhere...he never went out yesterday..... If it is not one thing , it is another here with these animals.... I almost lost my pug Champ again last evening..... so I am pacing looking for my cat now and wondering if I am about to lose two more animals soon forever..... My nerves have had it....
I am afraid to really look under beds and things, as i fear he will be dead....but I have to brace myself and do it here.....wish i had a shot of rum right about now, going on only coffee.
found Oscar, and he is alive and a little perkier, and no, I don't need a chill break, but thank you, anyway.
Oscar also has stomatis that is chronic, like Minxy, so his gums were inflamed worse than Minxy's ever were. he had a high fever. that is why he was not eating. he was given a few shots that will last a couple of weeks, so he is himself now i have 2 cats with no teeth and chronic stomatitis....Wonderful........There is no cure, so it has been stressful here. What do i have to do ? Get them shots every time the stomatitis acts up? What else can i do? It sucks. i realize you may not care, but I care, and i share information and follw ups no matter how boring it may be.
One day one of you may have a cat with these symptoms and know another thing it could be and to look for. All info is useful.
My late lady friend fed her little guy by hand when his teeth went south. Big chore, but she had time to do it.
Here is a link about the disease. I was going to copy and paste the whole thing here, but there are too many photos and not very pleasing ones...... so if can see what stomatitis is here.....
Oscar became ill again, so i thought the shots wore off. they were supposed to last 2 weeks at least, so he went back to the vet yesterday. he was dehydrated for one thing, and they took urine from him. i told them to check his kidneys and urine....Lucky died with things I am seeing again now with Oscar here. Lucky was a cat I lved dearly. duh.....They have too many patients there these days to think of everything, so i have to do their thinking for them, I guess. I may be looking for a new vet after into hoilistics.......... Good bye to this one after 12 years. anyway, they took Osacr out of sight to get urine out of him.....and he came home yesterday and was supposed to be called with a slew of results from many tests given to him to check for many things. He pee'd heavy blood urine last night and this morning on newspaper, so he was taken back to vet a little while ago by Stan...he was not peeing blood before. WTH. Did these people stab him somewhere in the bladder taking urine from him...incompetence?...or is this a a coincidence and Oscar is dieing? I don't know yet. I will keep you updated, but I am scared for him.
Stan called crying....Oscar's bladder is full of blood.....his diabetes is back. His temperature is high. Of course, my regular vet has been off all week and is not there and she is really the best one, but the substitute doctor does not know what is wrong.....she says she has never seen anything like this Stan asks me what to do....Take him to another vet hospital not far away for tests and things with more professionals there now or bring him home....I say do not bring him home. I do not know what to do for him....and they need to find out what is causing all of this,. I am in tears. i knew oscar was going to die when I made this thread. i just knew it is I am watching my old pug die slowly that's that, I guess.....
an ultra sound expert is going tomy vet to take tests to find out now, so oscar will stay there for now...another call just came.
Yeah, they do, Scratcho,. they are real family members like children. Anyone with pets knows that. I have had oscar 12 years.....i love him so much.
Thank ghod for kaitlyn.....the one helper there, who is my friend...and is becomming a vet herself...who is there making all of the calls...getting the ultra sound expert there today, etc. I trust her with Oscar now.....and she is not a vet yet....and she loves Oscar. thank you for that much, powers that be.
They are taking more tests.......and will call tomorrow again. i did some more research on my own and spoke to their office. Ultra sound was done...big blood clot in Oscar's bladder. I have to wonder why when yesterday when urine was taken out of his bladder no blood was detected then....24 hours ago?......Oscar will be kept there for more tests to try to find out the root of the blood count is low.....cancer is a possibility....etc,. i did some more research on my own, and spoke to someoe else with another perspective....brown recluse spider in our basement? could be....and cats can get lyme's much for you telling me they cannot, my vet. My faith in you is diminishing i called the vet office back to mention spiders, lyme's, etc.......detective work is ongoing here..... no poisons here for cats to get rat poisons.....I am thinking of everything...Our water is good...if not, parakeets would go first.....I am really putting my detective hat on. Lucky had kidney failure at the end, which can be caused by lyme' i called my vet office and spoke with substitute doctor.....and said cats CAN GET LYME'S TOO! am taking a break from crying and worrying for now. Nothing I can do right now, anyway.....I will be called tomorrow for further updates about Oscar. what kind of typing is that? I am upset, obviously.
Sorry to hear this. Hoping for for the best. At least you trust someone at the vet. That is so important. Right after we moved and didn't have a vet yet our 9 year old got a blood clot. We picked the wrong vet. Thinking of you and Oscar.