I have dated many women and slept with my fair share....but something WONDERFUL happened to me!!! I met someone who for a change DEFENDED ME....rather than I being the one defending the woman or people in general. My JOBS are all about defending people mostly defending them from DEATH and although I have been thanked many times....no one except my Team members ever came rushing to my side to defend me...and doing it in a way that they did care what happened to them as the first and only thought in their head was PROTECT HIM!!! I am not religious but if there does exist a GOD....I thank that GOD for allowing me to experience someone attempting to SAVE ME....as I find something and a person capable of such self sacrifice to be a person worthy of the GODS....and a person who deserves all my attention. You know who you are. LOVE. TooReal
You are wondrous. I only wish you the best things that life can give. I will worry about you in the MI. I already do. I love you, my friend.
Well...I cannot help but worry about you and rest assured this latest issue will be squashed like a bug. I wish I didn't have to go...but I am very good at what I do....but I still wish I didn't have to go. TooReal
In the past I've told new boyfriends "not to 'defend my honor'. -- I think I meant that I wouldn't want them to get into a physical fight over anything that got said that was bad about me. It can be nice though when I vent/complain to my boyfriend about another person if he agrees/sympathizes with me.